

中文摘要 107年12月起環境部建置「空氣品質不良應變管理資訊系統」,完備線上化填報流桯,推動資料正規化,並介接各種空品環域資料,開發多項管理彙整工具,直到111年,配合「空氣品質嚴重惡化警告發布及緊急防制辦法」修正發布,修改調整系統通回報機制、通報內容、功能與展示介面。本期除了維護更新既有系統功能外,也輔助修法後相關應變工作,完善系統功能,使中央及地方環保機關得以迅速接軌法規新制,縮短因應新制所需過渡期,因此,本計畫持續擴充強化系統功能、精進應變展示資訊及蒐整空品環域資料,以完善整體應變管理工作,提升作業效率。此外,本期亦整合與改版建置應變相關系統,如:施工機具管理系統,推動施工機具標章申請與核發系統化與線上化,並進行資料彙整、統計與展示,強化資料應用性;空氣污染突發事故管理系統,提供突發事故通回報、事件管理及通聯管理等功能,以人性化介面與響應式網頁開發設計,提升相關作業效率及便利;考核績效展現系統,為使考評資訊應用日臻完善,持續推動考核工作線上化與資訊化,將文件轉化為資料,再將資料轉變成可用之資訊。綜上所述,期拓展應變資料運用效益及提升空氣品質管理之橫向整合。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、資訊整合、緊急應變與管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6900 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/02 專案結束日期 2024/03/01 專案主持人 孫于力
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 翁王昌 執行單位 環輿科技


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(定稿).pdf 27MB 期末報告定稿

Air Quality Management Information System Integration Development and Application Plan

英文摘要 From December 2018, the Ministry of Environment began implementing an information system to facilitate online reporting, integrate data from various units, and develop multiple management tools. Until the year 2022, adjustments were made to the notification mechanism and system display interface in order to comply with legislative amendments. This project not only maintains existing system functionalities but also assists in adapting to post-legislative changes, enabling both central and local environmental protection agencies to comply with the new regulations more swiftly, thus shortening the transition period. Therefore, this project continues to expand and enhance system functionalities, refine emergency response display information, and collect environmental data, aiming to improve overall emergency management work and enhance operational efficiency. Additionally, the project integrates and establishes other related systems:Construction Machinery Management System, Emergency Air Pollution Incident Management System, and Performance Evaluation System. Each system contributes to enhancing operational efficiency and data application in their respective areas.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, Information integration, contingency response and management