

中文摘要 本計畫協助地方政府推動畜牧資源化利用工作考核評分事宜,並辦理2場次管考會議,針對關鍵測站畜牧糞尿資源化推動情形,包含小型畜牧場及廢水管理計畫申請核准情形及考核項目得分情形進行檢討,掌握各項畜牧糞尿資源化目標達成情形並就重要議題與相關權責單位研商。此外,本計畫亦每月滾動式彙整分析地方政府加強畜牧業稽查管制之成果(含稽查數、採樣數、裁罰數、罰鍰金額)。 為提升畜牧糞尿大場代小場或集中處理之推動效益,本計畫協助辦理13場次督導工作,分別為桃園市1場、高雄市1場、嘉義縣1場、臺南市1場、彰化縣1場、雲林縣5場、屏東縣2場、花蓮縣1場,每場次邀集2位委員現勘及提出改善建議,並於督導後委員提出之建議及場家回覆進行13場次複查工作,落實資源化推動;針對目前已完工發電中11案場含厭氧發酵設備進行躉購費率研析,建議有厭氧消化設備之生質能躉購費率應逐年調升,以鼓勵業者發展沼氣發電。 為加速直轄市、縣市政府推動畜牧糞尿資源化及了解機關補助資訊,本計畫辦理8場次農牧媒合說明會,製作農牧媒合調查表,實際了解畜牧業者及農民參與意願,期能減輕農民對於施灌用量及施灌成效之疑慮;另辦理3場次研商會,包括1場台糖造林地施灌施灌規劃研商會議,邀請台糖公司及相關農業及林業單位共同參與,研議沼液沼渣澆灌造林地可行性;1場雲林蚓糞土場址及試驗場氨氮減排技術探討研商會議;1場畜牧業放流水搭排農業灌排可行性及沼液沼渣停灌程序研商座談會議,邀集相關農業單位及專家學者一同研議;10場次現勘或協商會議以汲取各單位執行經驗及運作方式,提高資源循環利用成效及提供最新技術和知識,展現畜牧資源化推動成效,並藉此擴大畜牧糞尿政策推動宣傳及持續提升資源化比例,減少畜牧廢水排入河川。 為落實資源化於地方發展,已於去年管考會議說明示範鄉競賽規則,並於今年底縣市提交考核時一併提交示範鄉競賽成果,作為考核加分項。針對資源化偏低之縣市,擇定6處示範推廣澆灌事宜,增加農民澆灌意願對策。 為探討畜牧資源化與水質關聯性分析,協助彙整指定9條河川之流域環境、水質現況、污染分布及排放清冊等,滾動檢討並提出資源化利用情形與推動建議。 為推廣畜牧資源化利用技術,本計畫完成2次彙整評析地方政府有關沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用案件實際施灌量、後續地下水水質與土壤品質監測結果。擇定往發生土壤重金屬及地下水後續檢測嚴重超標案例(土壤及地下水各2例),分析可能原因及環境現況,並研提改善措施。以及110年及111年實際施灌量前2名縣市,評析實際施灌位置、量和地下水與土壤監測成果(含個案後續檢測及區域性地下水水質監測資料)之關聯性。並辦理至少20處施灌訪查,藉由實地訪查施灌者瞭解實際施灌成效及使用心得,調查內容包含施灌紀錄填寫情形,施灌作業是否與申請書吻合等。 另本部110年設置單段式厭氧處理設施試驗場及有設置單段式厭氧處理設施之既設畜牧場進行效能分析試驗,至少包括廢水處理效能、污染削減效益、沼氣產生量、底泥銅鋅變化、出流水及底泥全磷酐及全氧化鉀含量資料。並針對中、小型養豬場改善其畜牧廢水處理程序,調校短程硝化-厭氧氨氧化技術參數,限制畜牧廢水中的亞硝酸鹽與硝酸鹽的機轉關係,直接讓亞硝酸鹽再與原廢水中的氨氮反應成為氮氣逸散至大氣中,大幅減少溫室氣體CO2、N2O等排放。
中文關鍵字 沼液沼渣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1080 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/25 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 許盈志
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 王瑞鋐 執行單位 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年精進畜牧糞尿資源利用推動計畫成果報告定稿.pdf 27MB

The promotion management project for the treatment and utilization of livestock manure resources 2023.

英文摘要 This project assists two evaluation meetings arose in the company of relevant authorities to review the progress of key monitoring stations as follows: (1) utilization of animal manure resource (2) reduction of the pollution (3) current status of the wastewater management plan and (4) its assessment scores. In addition, as the strengthening inspection is implemented toward animal husbandry, the outcome including the amount of fine and the number of inspections, samples as well as infractions will be scrutinized thoroughly via monthly rolling adjustments. In order to improve the efficient disposal of the livestock manure though either the cooperation amid farms or centralized waste treatment, thirteen steering sessions took place in following places, inclusive of one in Taoyuan City, one in Kaohsiung City, one in Chiayi County, one in Tainan City, one in Changhua County, five in Yunlin County, two in Pingtung County, and one in Hualien County. Each session invited two committee members to conduct site surveys and give feedback to assist the re-examination work of which the cycle accounted for up to thirteen times. According to the analysis of the single purchase rate of the 11 cases containing anaerobic fermentation equipment in the completed power generation, and it is recommended that the purchase rate of biomass energy with anaerobic digestion equipment should be increased year by year to encourage the industry to develop biogas power generation. On the other hand, the project has handled eight agricultural and animal husbandry briefings; it has conducted an agricultural and animal husbandry survey to understand targets’ willingness and to lessen their concerns for the amount of irrigation and its efficiency. Besides, several meetings involving enterprises and livestock farms also were held, three seminars and ten consultation meetings included. The purpose of the meetings is (1) Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC) Land Irrigation Planning Research and Consultation Meeting, inviting TSC and relevant agricultural and forestry units to participate in the discussion of the feasibility of biogas slurry and biogas residue irrigation and afforestation land, (2) Yunlin vermicompost site and test site ammonia nitrogen emission reduction technology discussion and business meeting, and (3) Discussion on the feasibility of animal husbandry discharge and drainage of agricultural irrigation and drainage and the procedures for stopping irrigation of biogas slurry and biogas residue. By doing so, for one thing, relevant policies, known as appropriate recycle of livestock manure, can reach more publicity; for another, more resources can be used efficiently and less discharge of livestock waste into rivers. Case studies referring to biogas slurry and residue as fertilizer have been completed, and two analytical evaluations related to actual irrigation and quality of underground water as well as soil have been examined all together. Plus, six townships sites to promote irrigation matters to increase farmers' willingness to water. This project is to collect and organize the statistics from nine assigned rivers; the data consist of the basin environment, water quality, distribution of pollution, the emission list, and analyses between animal husbandry resources and water quality. Through continuous examination and discussion, current utilization and possible suggestions are represented. Evaluate the operational effectiveness of the small modular anaerobic fermentation tank in Yunlin Livestock Farm, which has been subsidized by the Department for 110 years set up a single-stage anaerobic treatment facility test site to conduct performance, including at least wastewater treatment efficiency, pollution reduction benefits, biogas production, copper and zinc changes in sediment, effluent water and sediment totality Phosphoric anhydride and total potassium oxide content data, and provide suggestions for the optimal operation mode respectively, and prepare operation and maintenance manuals to facilitate future application and promotion of livestock farms. For small and medium-sized pig farms, improve their livestock wastewater treatment procedures, adjust short-cut nitrification-anaerobic ammonium oxidation technical parameters, limit the mechanistic relationship between nitrite and nitrate in livestock wastewater, and directly allow nitrite to react with the original material. The ammonia nitrogen in the wastewater reacts into nitrogen and escapes into the atmosphere, greatly reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and N2O; extracting specific proteins and cellulose digestive enzymes in agricultural waste as feed additives to activate the digestive system of pigs and change pig feces and urine microorganisms Bacterial phase, moderately adjust the parameters of the livestock wastewater aeration unit to achieve the occurrence of anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the wastewater, reduce the ammonia nitrogen concentration of the livestock wastewater, and simultaneously reduce the conductivity and COD concentration. As the addition time increases, the livestock wastewater has a downward trend.
英文關鍵字 Biogas Slurry And Biogas Residue