

中文摘要 一、金門溫室氣體減量執行方案推動與管考 目前以「金門縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案」執行現況進行相關管考作業,內容包含六大部門之能源部門、製造部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門及環境部門,共計推動22項推動策略及73項具體推動措施,統計至112年10月底止,各部門計建構減碳能力12,338公噸CO2e、固碳761公噸CO2e,減碳達成率35%,固碳達成率61%。此外,本計畫協助辦理「金門縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案(草案)」第2次研商會議、「金門縣公有場域新增或擴充電動車能源補充設施」研商會議及「金門縣氣候變遷因應推動會」112年度第1次會議;本計畫亦協助環保局於6月30日和11月30日至「低碳永續家園資訊網」填報金門縣低碳相關工作辦理情形及推動成效。 二、金門縣低碳永續家園輔導與認證 金門縣有6個鄉鎮,所轄村里為37處。統計至112年11月底,本縣已有37個行政村里參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中3個行政村里取得銀級認證、20個行政村里取得銅級認證、14個行政村里報名成功;3個鄉鎮市區取得銅級認證,2個鄉鎮市區報名參與認證;金門縣也已於108年02月18日取得銀級認證。在全台認證評等村里參與率中,金門縣村里參與率達100%,與花蓮縣、連江縣、嘉義市共同位居全國第一名,而村里銅級以上達62%,為全國第二。 本計畫辦理1場次低碳永續家園認證與評等制度說明會,並推動13處村里社區汰換老舊燈具為節能燈具,並作為示範點宣導綠能節電,合計年省電度數約21,062度,年減碳量約15公噸CO2e。輔導行動項目施作之目的為推動各級單位參與低碳永續家園認證評等,並爭取更好之評等等級,為持續推動低碳永續家園認證評等於金門縣扎根,本團隊協助4個村里申請銅級認證。至11月底,已輔導金湖鎮溪湖里、金沙鎮汶沙里、金寧鄉盤山村及烈嶼鄉林湖村參與銅級認證,其中金湖鎮溪湖里和金沙鎮汶沙里已於8月2日取得銅級認證,金寧鄉盤山村和烈嶼鄉林湖村已於10月6日取得銅級認證。此外,受補助過之單位亦須定期查核其維護運作情形,因此本計畫查核110年度環保局曾補助之9處社區10處受補助行動項目之成果維運情形,以及4處獲得銅級評等之鄉鎮村里層級之成果現地查核,確保社區持續推動低碳措施。 而為了提升民眾對氣候變遷減緩調適之能力,本計畫針對民眾辦理3場次氣候變遷調適宣導活動,期望讓金門低碳島理念在居民心目中生根,總計共180人次參與;另因應金門縣近年大力推廣老人供餐,本計畫辦理2場次節能廚房-低碳飲食實作研習會,以推廣低碳飲食,總計共31人次參與。 三、推廣建築綠化降溫作業 為了鼓勵各村里持續落實低碳永續工作,提昇社區爭取銅銀級認證之動能,本計畫以生態綠化、資源循環及低碳生活運作機能為主要面向,推廣建築綠化降溫作業,推動4處社區或學校設置牆面植生,合計種植面積約92平方公尺,預估年固碳量約37公斤CO2e。 四、推動因地制宜之低碳行動項目 為讓村里社區了解面對氣候變遷帶來的衝擊和危害,事先採取預防的措施,可減少氣候變遷造成的各方面影響,並深入了解低碳節能以及減緩調適之相關知識,以社區為本,透過結合在地需求規劃提升區域調適能力,辦理氣候變遷調適相關培力課程1場次課程,共有4個社區計22人次共襄盛舉,並於課後4處社區撰寫計畫書進行改造工作,預估年減碳量約2,661公斤CO2e,年固碳量約16公斤CO2e,藉推動綠能節電或區域降溫之相關行動項目,加強民眾對氣候變遷調適之理念,進而提升社會大眾的能源素養及認知。 五、輔導設置太陽光電發電系統 為推廣設置太陽光電系統,本計畫配合其他辦理活動,辦理4場次推廣設置太陽光電系統宣導會,針對公民電廠示範案例及金門縣建設處屋頂型太陽光電補助加以宣導,總計共98人次參與。 六、推動溫室氣體盤查登錄之查核作業 根據「112年度地方環保機關推動因應氣候變遷行動績效評比原則」規定,應執行排放源排放數據與相關設施資料之現場查核作業(含列管及非列管對象),其中非列管對象含製造部門及住商部門(含百貨公司、量販店、機關學校、觀光旅館、金融或商業辦公大樓,以單一場址為單位),金門縣現場查核需含列管及非列管對象,完成5家數(含)以上之查核得滿分。承上述,由於金門縣應申報溫室氣體業者僅為3家,故須查核2家非列管對象進行現場查核作業,依據績效評比原則規定,今(112)年度查核金酒公司2廠、昇恆昌金湖廣場及家樂福金門店共計4家,而為瞭解製造部門領有固定污染源許可證溫室氣體排放源之溫室氣體排放量,本計畫另輔導3家本縣固定污染源,並依規定期間提送「非列管排放源溫室氣體排放量現場查核表」,藉以完成系統名單維護及查核作業,112年度查核之7家非列管溫室氣體排放源排放量合計約為42,073公噸CO2e。 七、行政宣導作業及其他配合事項 (一)購置宣導品 為向外推廣節能減碳理念,讓環境教育落實在生活中,本團隊配合本計畫內多項會議活動辦理,結合活動內容與實用性,與環保局決議後購置大方保溫袋和環保洗衣球於活動期間發送,已於評等制度說明會1場次、氣候變遷調適宣導活動1場次及低碳飲食實作研習會2場次共計發放235份宣導品。 (二)經營社群網站及綠網部落格 本計畫協助環保局利用社群網站推廣地方低碳成果,希望藉由社群網站中「分享」功能與民眾雙向互動,增加民眾對節能減碳資訊之接收管道。在更新活動及新增資訊時,將相關活動及資訊發布至環保局建立的Facebook粉絲專頁上,利用Facebook綿密的網友關係,達到行銷的目的,截止至11月底,已更新101件節能減碳相關文章或新聞。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能減碳、溫室氣體減量


專案計畫編號 KEPB20221201 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4210 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/11 專案結束日期 2023/11/15 專案主持人 陳培園
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊詠言 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年金門縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末報告-上傳.pdf 19MB 112年金門縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末報告(定稿)

2023 Kinmen County Promoting the Construction of Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project.

英文摘要 1. Promotion and Management of Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan At present, this project was based on the implementation status of the "Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan (Phase II)" for related management and examination tasks. A total of 22 promotion strategies and 73 specific promotion measures were promoted. As the end of October 2023, the results of various departments have been combined to achieve carbon reduction of 12,338 metric tons of CO2e and carbon sequestration of 761 metric tons of CO2e, with a carbon reduction achievement rate of 35% and a carbon sequestration achievement rate of 61%. Also, this project assisted in organizing 3 meetings. 2. Counseling and Certification of Kinmen County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Kinmen County has a total of six townships and thirty-seven villages within its jurisdiction. By the end of November 2023, statistics showed there were thirty-seven villages in Kinmen County participating in the assessment of the Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland certification, three out of all achieved silver certificate, twenty out of all achieved bronze certificates, and fourteen out of all successfully registered. It is worth mentioning that Kinmen County has more than 62% of villages reached this goal and placed the second in the country. This project hold a briefing about the assessment and rating system of the Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland certification, and has promoted 13 villages and communities to replace old lamps with energy-saving lamps. The annual electricity saving is estimated to be about 21,062 kilowatt hours, and the annual carbon reduction is estimated to be about 15 metric tons of CO2e. In order to continue to promote the low-carbon sustainable homeland certification and evaluation to take root in Kinmen County, this project assisted 4 villages to apply for bronze certification. Xihu Village and Wensha Village obtained the bronze certification on August 2, and Panshan Village and Linhu Village obtained the bronze certification on October 6. Also, the subsidized unit must regularly check its maintenance and operation. Therefore, this project checked the results of the subsidized 10 action items of 9 community that the KMEPB subsidized in 2021, and 4 of the township or village that had received bronze ratings or silver ratings to promote low-carbon measures. In addition, three climate change adjustment and advocacy event and two energy-saving kitchen-low-carbon diet practice seminars were held, with a total of 211 participants. 3. Promote building greening and cooling operations In order to encourage villages to continue to implement low-carbon and sustainability work. In this project, 4 communities and schools have been counseled, and 4 green walls have been set up, with a total area of 92 square meters. It is estimated that 37 kilograms of CO2e can be sequestered a year. 4. Promote low-carbon action items adapted to local conditions Based on the community, by combining local needs to plan regional cooling and enhance regional adaptation capabilities, one session of training courses related to climate change adaptation was held, a total of 22 people from 4 communities participated together. Follow-up 4 community research and development plans for renovation work. It is estimated that there will be a reduction of 2,661 kilograms of CO2e and a sequestration of 16 kilograms of CO2e in a year. 5. Promote the installation of solar photovoltaic power generation system In order to promote the installation of solar photovoltaic systems, four solar photovoltaic publicity activities were held, with a total of 31 participants, to explain solar photovoltaic related information such as Community Renewable Energy Projects cases and rooftop solar photovoltaic subsidies from the Economic Affairs Department Kinmen County Government. 6. Promote the Verification of Greenhouse Gas Inventory Registration According to the "2023 Principles for Performance Evaluation of Local Environmental Protection Agencies to Promote Actions to Address Climate Change", on-site inspections of emission data from emission sources and related facility data (including listed and non-listed objects) should be carried out. Since there are only 3 greenhouse gas companies in Kinmen County that should declare greenhouse gases must be checked. Therefore, this year's project is to check "Kinmen Distillery (2 factories)", "Shenghengchang Jinhu Plaza", "Carrefour Kinmen Store" and 3 stationary air pollution sources in the county , a total of 7 non-listed objects. This project has checked 7 non-scheduled greenhouse gas emission sources with a total of 42,073 metric tons of CO2e.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Greenhouse Gas Reduction