中文摘要 | 紡織交易所與國際品牌承諾 2025 年回收聚酯纖維用量須提升至 45 %, 我國紡織產業欲成為國際品牌邁向永續合作夥伴,紡織材料資源循環 勢在必行,織品回收聚酯纖維商業化指日可待;然而,紡織循環材料 開發,從原料(含再生料)、生產、使用、最終處理全生命週期環境衝 擊資訊尚待掌握。因此,本計畫盤點分析國際紡織環境衝擊評估方法 學,建立盤查程序,進行國內紡織再生場域實廠評析;收集國際紡織 循環再生紡織品環境衝擊評估與科學減量案例,以評估導入國內紡織 產業可行性。計畫成果為依據 ISO 14040,建立盤查程序並溝通與收 集 5 家廠商環境資料,包含品牌供應鏈,完成聚酯纖維循環衣的全生 命週期計算,其結果為全球暖化 4.88kg CO2 eq、優養化 1.37×10-2kg PO4 - eq、非生物資源消耗-石化燃料 54.76MJ、水匱乏 8.05m3、化學 品 9.9Chemistry Unit;進一步分析,原料全球暖化環境衝擊為例, 廢紡織品再生原料雖比寶特瓶原料偏高,但相較原生聚酯粒則低;另 研析國際再生紡織品環境衝擊評估與科學減量案例,發現國內 SBTi 的紡織業者有 10 家,其中 9 家僅提出承諾,1 家設定近期目標,尚有 許多業者對科學基礎減量目標倡議不甚了解。未來,將透過環境資訊 評估,協助紡織業訂定科學減量目標,並採循環再生材料作為其減量 策略。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 紡織資源循環、科學減量目標、環境衝擊評估 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-112-XA07 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 4200 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2023/02/18 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 李若華 |
主辦單位 | 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 | 承辦人 | 溫淑媛 | 執行單位 | 財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-112-XA07_期末報告(定稿).pdf | 15MB |
Research and Development of Methodology for Comprehensive Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment and Analysis in Textile Resource Circularity.
英文摘要 | According to the Textile Exchange and international brands’ commitment to increase the amount of recycled polyester fiber by 45% in 2025, Taiwan's textile industry has played an important role in cooperating with b rands to move towards sustainability. As textile resource reutilization has become a mainstream trend, the commercialization of the recycled polyester fiber production will soon be realized. Meanwhile, it is important to disclose the environmental and soc ial footprints of the products and processes, as well as the data and information on the environmental impact of the full life cycle of textile resource, which remains unknown. Therefore, this project aims to analyze international methodologies for environmental impact assessment of textiles, and establish a procedure to 簡要版摘要 conduct an onsite assessment in textile recycling. This project also collects and analyzes international cases of environmental impact assessment as well as science based targets of carbon reduction, in order to evaluate the feasibility of introduction relevant approaches in Taiwan. As a result, we establish a procedure to conduct an onsite assessment in textile recycling according to ISO 14040;Communicate with 5 mills and collect the environmental data onsite, including Brand’s suppliers;The results of the environmental impact assessment of“Circular apparel”for the following categories are, Climate Change 4.88kg CO2 eq、Eutrophication 1.37×10-2 kg PO4 - eq、Abiotic Resource Depletion, Fossil Fuels 54.76MJ、Water Use 8.05m3、Chemistry 9.9Chemistry Unit. In terms of material, the result of environmental impact assessments for Climate Change in waste textile recyclable process is higher than bottle recycling, but less than the virgin material use. For the case study of environmental impact assessments and science based targets, the research founded 10 corporations in Taiwan approached to SBTi scheme, only one already set up the near-term science based targets , others have just made the commitment;A lot of corporations still do not know the SBTi scheme. In future, the research results of this pro ject could help textile sectors to set up the science based targets according environmental impact assessments and incorporate the use of recycled materials as its reduction strategy. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Circular Textile Resource, Enviromental Impact Assessment, Science Based Target |