

中文摘要 目前國內各縣市針對露天燃燒及紙錢減量政策都有其不同的管制作法, 但主要目地不外乎加速改變舊傳統,以符合現代環保的方式取代,因此推動 政策的主要難度不在於稽查與取締,而在於民眾的習慣與認知。因此,本計 畫主要重點在於宣導民眾勿露天燃燒與推動紙錢減量。 在露天燃燒管制方面,由於露天燃燒的性質具有短時間、高污染、高危 險性及易遭陳情的特性,本計畫為提升轄內環境空氣品質,針對重點區域劃 分 4 處露天燃燒管制區,除進行巡查外,並配合於轄內第一期稻作收割期間 加強露天燃燒案件即時查處,及派遣流動廣播車加強宣導稻草資源再利用方 法。本年度推動工作重點包括辦理有機腐化菌推廣作業、採用煙霧辨識系統 及無人飛行載具(UAV)輔助露天燃燒巡查、發展稻草、茭白筍葉多元化再利 用方式、生物炭爐示範推廣作業等,於推動過程中並與專家學者、中區農業 改良場埔里分場等單位協調合作,共同為本縣環境保護盡一份心力。 在紙錢減量推動方面,主要工作重點包括持續推動紙錢集中燃燒、環保 寺廟輔導(含推廣環保禮炮車、紙錢集中清運、紙錢及香枝減量、設置環保金 爐、改用 LED 燈泡等)、辦理各項宣導活動等多元化減量工作推動方式。於 推動過程中並與各寺廟代表、外縣市環保局、民間清運業者、環保金爐業者、 電子看板跑馬燈管理者等單位共同合作,推動紙錢源頭減量。 餐飲業油煙與廢油水污染為造成環境污染與民眾陳情主要原因之一,依 據中區國稅局、商業登記、埔里稽徵所資料與歷年巡查結果,篩選建立本縣 餐飲業基本資料清冊,辦理稽巡查作業對象為遭陳業者、列管業者及新設業 者,以及召開法規說明會及邀請專家學者進行針對屢陳情業者及自主改善業 者進行輔導與建議。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒、環保寺廟、餐飲油煙


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7458 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/16 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 袁景嵩
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 莊欣妮 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度南投縣民生燃燒煙霧管制計畫正式報告.pdf 49MB

112th Annual Nantou County Open Burning and Restaurant Fume Control and Environmental Protection Sacrifice Promotion Plan

英文摘要 At present, various counties and cities in China have different control methods for open burning and paper money reduction policies. But the main purpose is nothing more than accelerating the change of old traditions and replacing them with environmentally friendly and modern ways to promote The main consumption of the policy is not inspection and ban, but the people's awareness and the result. The main focus of the painting is to educate people not to burn in the open to promote the reduction of paper money. In terms of open burning management, due to the characteristics of open burning properties such as short time, high pollution and high risk, Risky and susceptible to complaints, this plan aims to improve the ambient air quality within the jurisdiction and is planned for key areas. There are 4 open burning control areas. In addition to conducting inspections, they will also cooperate with the first rice harvest period within the jurisdiction. Strengthen the immediate investigation and handling of open burning cases, and promptly promote the use of straw resources by mobile broadcast vehicles. The focus of this year’s promotion work includes the implementation of organic spoilage bacteria promotion operations, tobacco tobacco system And unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted aerial burning inspection, development of straw, wild rice bamboo shoots and leaves faith to benefit again Adoption methods, biochar stove demonstration and promotion operations, etc., and jointly promote the process with experts and scholars, and Central District Agriculture Units such as the Puli Branch of the Improvement Plant coordinate and cooperate to jointly participate in environmental protection in the county and do their part. In terms of promoting the reduction of paper money, the main work focuses include continuing to promote the centralized burning of paper money and environmental protection. Temple counseling (including promotion of environmentally friendly salute vehicles, centralized collection and transportation of paper money, reduction of paper money and incense sticks, and setting up environmental protection funds Stoves, switching to LED light bulbs, etc.), implementing various publicity activities and other ways to firmly promote the reduction work. During the promotion process, we also worked with representatives of various temples, environmental protection bureaus of other counties and cities, private environmental protection workers, gold furnace operators, Electronic billboard ticker managers and other units work together to promote the reduction of paper money at its source. Fume and waste oil and water pollution from the catering industry are one of the main causes of environmental pollution and public complaints. Based on the Central District Taxation Bureau, commercial surveys, Puli audit data and inspection results over the years, the county was selected and established. Inventory of basic information on the catering industry, and the objects of audit operations are listed businesses, listed businesses and newly established businesses regulators, as well as formulating regulatory briefings and inviting experts and scholars to conduct targeted industries that repeatedly lodge complaints and independent improvement industries. Provide guidance and advice.
英文關鍵字 Open burning, environmentally friendly temples, restaurant fumes