

中文摘要 (一) 空氣品質現況 1. 臺南市近五年(108年~112年)空氣品質指標(AQI>100)逐月不良站日數大致呈逐年降低,以108年之AQI>100不良站日數336站日最高,110年之AQI>100不良站日數249站日次高,112年134站日(9.2%)為近年最低,其中細懸浮微粒86站日(5.89%)、臭氧(8hr)為46站日(3.15%)。依據資料顯示,本市近年AQI>100不良天數以1月份~2月份較多,主要為年初因穩定的氣候條件導致污染物擴散不良,加上乾旱導致揚塵增加,境外濃度恢復至疫情前水準,使細懸浮微粒濃度上升。 2. 112年臺南市空氣品質PM2.5自動測站年平均值濃度已降至18.2μg/m3,近五年改善達38%;PM2.5濃度整體不僅逐年改善,本計畫執行期間之高污染季節改善部分,112年10月~113年3月PM2.5平均濃度為23.76μg/m3,相較前一年度同期(111年10月~112年3月之PM2.5平均濃度24.67μg/m3),呈現改善趨勢,改善比率為3.7%,顯示於秋冬空氣品質不佳季節執行污染源應變工作具有一定成效。 (二) 空氣品質不良執行污染源應變減量作業 1. 強化應變查核效益,於初期建置應變查核對象名單,包括60大核定「各級空氣品質惡化防制計畫」公私場所、微型感測器潛勢熱區名單及「預防空氣品質惡化之空氣污染行為」本市管制對象名單掌握(包括瀝青混凝土13家;港區水泥原料裝卸1處、鍋爐業28家;揮發性有機液體儲槽13家),並建立污染源完整通報機制,於空品不良期間進行執行通報作業。 2. 建立應變查核機制,減緩空氣品質惡化情形,計畫初期規劃依本市工業區IoT系統告警頻率及依據當下天氣型態(風速、風向等)通報應變測站作為中心,擇定應變巡查區域及依照當日指標污染物(懸浮微粒、揮發性有機氣體)來擇定應變巡查名單。 3. 計畫執行期間針對空品不良達惡化預警初級等級以上共計83天次,並依據當日不良測站、指標污染物指定應變查核區域,本計畫共巡查264家次公私場所,分別為237家次工廠及27家次營建工地,工廠查核結果有34家查核時發現缺失,查核結果主要以紀錄表未確實填寫或內容缺失佔51.16%、防制設備損壞故障、污損佔18.60%,及防制設備超過許可規定值佔23.26%。營建工地查核結果共4處次查核有缺失,以車行路徑未清洗或厚度不足為主要缺失。現場提請業者限期改善,要求營建工地務必落實各項污染防制措施,並且橫向聯繫相關計畫做後續追蹤。臺南市此段期間共計減量TSP削減686.99公噸、PM10削減134.05公噸、PM2.5削減30.74公噸、氮氧化物削減400.34公斤。 4. 本計畫於空氣品質達初級預警時,針對20家公私場所提報之區域空氣品質惡化防制計畫書現場抽查,其多數工廠未執行相關應變計畫之演練作業,部分工廠之計畫書內未檢附製程流程圖或許可證之製程已異動但計畫書尚未辦理變更。 5. 配合參與雲嘉南相關會議及環境部空品不良季節空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組相關會議,共計參與9次應變小組會議及配合6次聯合稽查作業。 (三) 於空品不良期間執行重大污染源檢測與污染源追蹤及判定 1. 執行紅外線氣體顯像攝影機偵測高污染排放潛勢工廠洩漏13家次,其中2處公私場所有洩漏情形,皆完成改善且複查已無洩漏情事。 2. 執行公私場所設備元件揮發性有機氣體稽查檢測,針對近年抽測次數較少業者、難檢元件比率達10%以上之公私場所為檢測對象共計11家公私場所,完成8,000點次設備元件檢測,其中945點次為難以檢測元件(占12.5%),並搭配紅外線氣體顯像攝影機偵測14天次輔助設備元件稽查檢測;最終共1家公私場所計10點設備元件洩漏,其中1點次達法規標準之洩漏定義依法告發處分。 3. 執行異味污染源採樣檢測作業3次,異味檢測值均符合標準值。 4. 執行UAV空拍查核作業共10次,其中5次為配合南區及南部六縣市應變聯合稽查、1次為針對陳情熱區執行露天燃燒查核,查獲8處露天燃燒情形現場皆無行為人;另4次分別執行新營工業區及柳科工業區,搭載紅外線熱顯儀及微型感測器進行空拍監測,查獲7家異常污染源。 (四) 112年環境部績效展現追蹤 1. 協助環保局爭取112年度績效考核項目為「空品不良季節跨區域協力應變(1~3月及10~12月)」皆達滿分。 2. 「空品不良季節跨區域協力應變」:雲嘉南與高屏空品區合作管制相當密切,在空品不良季節每月皆會有主題性的聯合稽查,112年跨縣市合作共計20次。 (五) 強化各層面之空品惡化期間宣導工作 1. 即時監控空氣品質監測資料,並協助機關發布即時性之新聞資訊及啟動應變作為,共協助提交4則新聞稿;於環保局FB粉絲團等社群媒體,發布空污應變成果、空品嚴重惡化提醒等貼文資訊,共計發布96則。 2. 移工對於臺灣空品相關規範較不熟悉,可能造成相關空氣污染行為發生,設計印尼版、越南版及英文版三種語言之空品宣導文宣共計500份,內容包含空氣品質標準判斷、本市空品概況資訊如何取得、空品對應活動建議事項以及空氣污染行為罰則等內容。 3. 於空品不良季節時,透過臺南市重要路口租用12處大型電子看板託播提醒市民相關防護訊息、空氣品質惡化應變措施及環保局各項空氣污染管理政策宣導等相關訊息宣導,託播達619小時。 4. 於民國113年4月18日邀集本市21局處及37區公所召開1場「臺南市空氣品質惡化應變檢討跨局處會議」,針對臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施計畫內容檢討各局處與區公所應變權責內容,並且說明各局處及區公所執行落實度之抽查結果。 5. 於民國113年4月26日與臺南市政府教育局合作辦理1場「空氣品質惡化應變成果宣導會」,針對幼兒園防災業務相關領域教師,於防災教育研習營活動中透過應變成果宣導影片及相關應變措施的說明,推展本市各項應變成果,以提升本市教職人員空品不良之相關防護知識。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染事件、緊急應變、預防管理


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-112-AN-30602 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4950 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/01 專案結束日期 2024/05/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣妤 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度臺南市應變計畫定稿.pdf 27MB

2023 Tainan City Air Quality Deterioration Response Control and Protection Project

英文摘要 (Ⅰ) Implementation of Pollution Source Control and Reduction during Poor Air Quality 1.Enhanced Response Effectiveness: At the start of the project, a list of response audit targets was established, including 60 public and private places with approved "Air Quality Deterioration Prevention Plans", potential hot spots from micro-sensor data, and controlled targets for "Air Pollution Prevention Actions" in Tainan City (including 13 asphalt concrete plants, one port area cement handling site, 28 boiler industries, and 13 volatile organic liquid storage tanks). A complete reporting mechanism for pollution sources was established, with reporting operations executed during periods of poor air quality. 2.Response Inspection Mechanism: A response inspection mechanism was planned based on the frequency of IoT system alerts in industrial areas and current weather conditions (wind speed, direction), selecting inspection areas and response inspection lists according to the day's indicator pollutants (suspended particles, volatile organic gases). 3.Response Actions: During the project period, there were 83 days with air quality warnings at or above the preliminary alert level. Inspections were carried out at 264 public and private locations, including 237 factories and 27 construction sites. Of these, 34 factories were found to have deficiencies, mainly due to incomplete records (51.16%), damaged or malfunctioning control equipment (18.60%), and control equipment exceeding permit values (23.26%). Four construction sites had deficiencies, mainly due to unclean or insufficiently thick travel paths. Significant reductions were achieved: TSP (Total Suspended Particulates) reduced by 686.99 tons, PM10 reduced by 134.05 tons, PM2.5 reduced by 30.74 tons, and NOx reduced by 400.34 kg. 4.On-Site Inspections: During air quality preliminary warnings, on-site inspections of 20 public and private places' regional air quality deterioration prevention plans were conducted. Many factories had not practiced related response drills, and some factories' process flow charts or permits had not been updated. 5.Participation in Related Meetings: Participated in 9 response team meetings and 6 joint inspections with Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan and the Environmental Protection Administration's cross-regional cooperation response team during the poor air quality season. (Ⅲ)Major Pollution Source Detection and Tracking During Poor Air Quality 1.Infrared Gas Imaging Camera Inspections: Inspected 13 high-pollution potential factories for leaks, with improvements completed and no leaks found upon re-inspection at two locations. 2.VOC Inspections: Conducted VOC inspections at 11 locations, testing 8,000 equipment components, including 945 difficult-to-inspect components (12.5%). Detected leaks at 10 points, with one point meeting regulatory leak definitions, resulting in legal action. 3.Odor Pollution Source Sampling: Conducted three odor pollution source sampling operations, with all detection values meeting standard levels. 4.UAV Aerial Inspections: Conducted 10 UAV aerial inspections, including joint inspections with the southern six counties and targeted open burning inspections, detecting 8 open burning incidents with no perpetrators found on site. Additionally, inspected industrial areas, detecting 7 abnormal pollution sources. (Ⅳ) Environmental Protection Administration Performance Tracking in 2023 1.Assistance in Performance Assessment: Assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in securing a full score for the performance assessment item "Cross-Regional Cooperative Response during Poor Air Quality Season (January-March and October-December)". 2.Cross-Regional Cooperative Response: Participated in 20 joint inspections with Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan and Kaohsiung-Pingtung air quality areas during the poor air quality season.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution accident, Emergency response, Prevention management