

中文摘要 (一)推廣公廁環境整潔系列媒體行銷 拍攝宣導影片2部,主題分別為「居家環境整理小撇步、一起來當滅孓殺手」及「大慶捷運站及大慶夜市公廁宣導」,統計至12月31日止,觀看數達17,389人次。 於台中好環保臉書露出行銷圖卡7則,包括環境用藥、空地、煙蒂、優質如廁文化、遛狗不留便、公廁成果等主題,統計至12月31日止,觸及數達16,156人次。 於中華電視公司主流媒體刊登環境用藥及公廁認養成果電子報2則。 (二)推動優質公廁及智慧化管理 完成300座指定場所公廁巡檢作業及15處22座廁所設備提升,並辦理2場次公廁清掃學習活動及環境衛生相關宣導說明會與媒合8家民間單位認養169座公廁。持續維護智慧公廁,設置後未有環保局同仁及洽公民眾反映明顯異味及廁間無衛生紙情形。 (三)推動天災復原或環境整潔 髒亂點追蹤,空地列管206處,中央部會主辦工程工地列管16處,空屋列管7處,第三季及第四季追蹤均已完成巡查;辦理登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會1場次;辦理戒檳班講習6場次,到課率平均為49.8%,相較108年提升5%左右;結合臺中市動物保護防疫處活動,辦理遛狗不留便宣導2場次;辦理跨單位研商會議11場次。 (四)辦理112年環管署優質公廁推動計畫各執行工項 本計畫每週一提醒受補助單位填報執行進度表,每週二彙整給環境部,並辦理各項工程現勘督導訪視共計14場次,及辦理補助單位提送經費核銷資料初審作業等事宜。 (五)辦理112-113年環管署優質公廁推動計畫各執行工項 本計畫每週一提醒受補助單位填報執行進度表,每週二彙整給環境部,並辦理工程委託設計規劃內容檢視及審查會議共2場次。 (六)辦理計畫執行說明會 完成112年度及112-113年度環管署補助計畫執行說明會各1場次,其中112年度8個受補助單位參與,112-113年度3個受補助單位參與,現場針對環管署補助經費及規定、工程執行注意事項、公廁亮點範例及計畫管考等內容進行說明。 (七)輔導環保局清潔隊或駐外單位廁所改善 已完成7處清潔隊廁所改善作業,分別座落於北區、西屯區、北屯(東、西)、中西區、東南區、后里區及新社區等;改善內容包含設置免治馬桶座、扶手、友善措施(酒精噴瓶、置物架、警示鈴等)、綠美化及放置清掃紀錄表之壓克力展示板等公廁相關物品。 (八)設置列管公廁扶手 設置地點以市場為主,共有95座廁間,蹲式40間,坐式55間,已全數完成安裝,蹲式以倒T型扶手為主,坐式以L型扶手為主,安裝方式視現場情況調整。 (九)製作公廁分級標籤及QRcode告示牌 設置2,143間公廁QR code告示牌,內容包含公廁名稱、管理單位、通報電話及列管編號及QR code等整合資訊。
中文關鍵字 公廁、天災復原或環境整潔、公廁改善


專案計畫編號 N1120512047 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4949.694 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/06 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 苗宛陶
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林淑靜 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 N1120512047-公廁-2個計畫.pdf 16MB N1120512047-公廁-2個計畫

2023 Taichung City Project of Quality Public Toilet & Beautiful Environment Promotion

英文摘要 (1) Series media marketing for promoting clean environment in public toilet Two propaganda films were produced, which are in the theme of “Tips of clean household environment, we all are larvae terminators” and “Propaganda for public toilets at Daqing MRT Station & Daqing Night Market”, and received 17,389 views as of Dec. 31. Seven Facebook (台中好環保) graph cards are posted, including the themes of environmental agents, vacant land, cigarette butts, culture of quality toilet use, walk your dog without leaving poop and public toilet achievements, which received 16,156 accesses as of Dec. 31. Two electronic press releases were advertised on a main media of the Chinese Television System, which are the environmental agents and the achievement in public toilet adoption. (2) Promoting quality public toilets and smart management Inspection tour was taken at 300 public toilets in designated places, along with equipment upgrade completed at 22 toilets in 15 places; learning activity of public toilet cleaning and presentation of propaganda for environmental hygiene were given on two occasions; 8 private organizations were coordinated to adopt 169 public toilets. The maintenance of smart public toilet continues, resulting in zero report, by EPB coworkers or public general who came to the City Hall for official matters, on obvious odor or toilet paper running out. (3) Promoting recovery from natural disasters or environmental tidiness In the follow-up on filthy spots, patrol has been done at 206 controlled vacant land, 16 places in the list of control work sites by central agencies, and 7 places with controlled unoccupied houses for the 3rd and the 4th quarters. Presentation of training in elimination of dengue fever mosquito breeding source was given on 1 occasion; betel nut quitting seminar was provided on 6 occasions, receiving an average attendance rate at 49.8%, which was about 5% increase from 2019. Propaganda for walking dogs without leaving poops was given on two occasions in collaboration with Taichung City Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office; 11 cross-unit discussion meetings were held. (4)Conducting all tasks in the 2023 Environmental Management Administration High-Quality Public Restroom Implementation Plan This plan reminds subsidized units to complete an implementation progress table every Monday, then archives it for the Ministry of Environment every Tuesday. In addition, a site inspection and supervision visit to all construction sites was conducted, totaling 14 sites. The plan also handled subsidized units’ submission of financing write-off information for preliminary review and other matters. (5) Conducting all tasks in the 2023-2024 Environmental Management Administration High-Quality Public Restroom Implementation Plan This plan reminds subsidized units to complete an implementation progress table every Monday, then archives it for the Ministry of Environment every Tuesday. The plan also handled inspection of the commissioned construction design and planning, and conducted review meetings, totaling two sessions. (6) Conducting Plan Implementation Briefings Environmental Management Administration Subsidized Plan Implementation Briefings were held for both 2023 and 2023-2024, one session each. At these sessions, eight subsidized units participated in 2023, while three subsidized units participated from 2023 to 2024. The briefings included onsite explanation of Environmental Management Administration subsidization funds and regulations, points of note for construction implementation, highlight public restroom examples, control and review, and other contents. (7) Guidance to Environmental Protection Bureau sanitation squads and external units on restroom improvement Sanitation squad restroom enhancement operations have been completed in seven locations: North District, Xitun District, Beitun (East and West), West Central District, Southeast District, Houli District, and Xinshe District. The upgrade includes the installation of washlets, handrails, user-friendly facilities (alcohol spray bottles, shelves, alarm bells, etc.), greening and beautification, acrylic display boards for cleaning records, and other public restroom-related items. (8) Installing Handrails on Regulated Public Restrooms Installed primarily in markets; installed on 95 stalls, including 40 squat and 55 sitting toilets, all now fully installed. The squat toilets mostly have inverted T handrails; the sitting toilets mostly have L-shaped handrails. The type of installation varied by onsite circumstances. (9) Producing Public Restroom Grading Labels and QR code Signboards QR code signboards have been installed in 2,143 public restrooms. The signs include the name of the public restroom, the managing organization, a reporting phone number, the regulation listing number, the QR code, and other integrated information.
英文關鍵字 Public Toilets、Natural Disasters or Environmental Tidiness, public restroom improvement