

中文摘要 一、 水污染源查核作業: (一)列管水污染事業之分級管制及深度查核:合約數量為100家次,於計畫執行期間,己完成108場次之有效稽查,完成率為100.0 %。針對分級管制輔導屢次未改善皆已提報環保局承辦加強稽查管制作業。內容請詳本報告第4-1節。 (二)水樣檢驗工作:本計畫一共進行了87家次的採樣分析,採樣家次包括餐飲業、觀光旅館(飯店)25家次、畜牧業20家次、其他事業32家次,執行達成率為100.0%。 二、 水污染防治許可審查及建檔工作:水污染源各項許可申請案件審理作業,截至11月共284件,其中以已認可案件共有227件,補正中、同意試車或工程施作有57家。內容請詳本報告第4-2節。 三、 執行事業或污水下水道系統廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑暨異常診斷作業:共計7場次異常風險性對象查核作業及4場次事業單位廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業,目前7場次異常風險性對象查核及4家功能評鑑皆已完成查核,相關辦理方式詳第4-3節。 四、 確保水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施系統穩定操作:本計畫於每日8時30分進行監看,計畫執行期間,有發生網站顯示異常及網站數據未即時更新,發現後立即電話聯繫通知環保局承辦人員及各工廠負責人,經與確認後,皆已修復或改善,另外本縣14家已設置自動監測(視)設備單位,依照環境部規定表格(單)文件皆已完成查核,內容請詳本報告第4-4節。 五、 水污染防治費徵收協助作業:本計畫執行協助確認事業徵收水污費名單,經確認需繳交水污費家數,截至112年7月底尚有42家事業未申報或未繳費,皆有進行發文及電話連絡催繳,另外針對環保署交付水污費申報有疑義名單15家辦理水污費查核作業,已於8月底前完成查核並函報提供環保署做為追繳或退費參考資料,內容請詳本報告第4-5節 六、 推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用政策並加強畜牧場稽查管制:本計畫已篩選5家申請輔導對象,計畫期間針對5家畜牧業沼液沼渣、地下水以及施灌農地土壤進行採樣,並於10月底完成協助撰寫沼渣沼液供農地肥份使用計畫書及提送農業處審查,另針對已取得沼液沼渣核可之23家業者及符合放流水澆灌之8家業者辦理定期土壤及地下水追蹤採樣作業,同時針對尚未取得畜牧業資源化之業者辦理加強稽查採樣,並輔導業者應依照資源化期程盡速取得畜牧業資源化措施核准,如第4-6節內容所示。 七、 辦理宣導說明會2場次暨優良沼液沼渣施灌場域觀摩活動1場次:112年9月15日、112年10月12日完成2場次辦理水污染源宣導說明會相關宣導說明會,若有未參加之業者,以送達證書方式,寄送宣導說明會書面資料給業者,使宣導說明會之宣導率達100 %;另於112年8月3日已完成辦理一場次優良沼液沼渣施灌場域觀摩活動,內容請詳本報告第4-7節。 八、 進行埔里鎮礫間接觸淨化水質改善設施功能成效追蹤評估:本計畫於執行期間,執行育英橋示範場操作維護共計有12次,其中針對引水道進水口漂浮物淤積及礫間淨化區內之淤積物清除10次,進行周遭環境整理除草作業2次。 九、 依112年度工業區水污染防治管理計畫進行查核作業:有關曾有違規之事業、無定檢申報或申報資料不全之事業、納管事業排入量超過核准量者本計畫上半年皆有進行查核確認,並輔導相關改善措施。內容請詳本報告第4-9節。 十、 辦理行政院環境保護署「112年生活污水污染削減專案計畫」查核作業:計畫期間已完縣內7家公共污水下水道系統進行每季查核,另外10家社區污水下水道系統已於9月前全數完成污水處理設施受託操作定型化契約宣導與查核,內容請詳本報告第4-10。 十一、 協助及配合機關辦理水污染事件緊急應變相關工作:本計畫於執行期間,分別於112年3月24日及112年5月16日於南投縣體育場儲藏室,進行南投縣緊急應變資材分類、整理及管理工作,112年06月29日參與苗栗環保局辦理中區水體污染事件暨海洋污染應變教育訓練,以及於112年8月15日參加苗栗縣中區水體(河川及海洋)污染事件緊急應變演練。 十二、 辦理其他事業水污染管理相關業務:本計畫於執行期間,協助提送河川污染整治(含流域管理)願景、關鍵測站名單及考核配分,於112年3月協助撰寫修正及提送112年度「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」關鍵測站污染削減計畫,112年11月5日協助提送112年度考核成果報告。
中文關鍵字 水污染源查核作業、畜牧業資源化輔導


專案計畫編號 112-006-01 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5980 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/09 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳勝恭
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王筱歡 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 112期末報告.pdf 24MB

Nantuo County - 112 Nantuo County Water Pollution Source Inspection, Control and Animal Husbandry Recycling Guidance Project

英文摘要 1. In-depth inspection of water pollution sources: (1) Classified control and in-depth inspection of listed water pollution enterprises: The number of contracts is 100. During the implementation period of the plan, 108 effective inspections have been completed, with a completion rate of 100.0%. For repeated failure to improve in the hierarchical control guidance, the Environmental Protection Bureau has been reported to undertake the strengthening of audit control work. Please refer to Section 4-1 of this report for details. (2) Water sample inspection work: This plan conducted a total of 87 sampling and analysis operations. The sampled households included 25 households in the catering industry, tourist hotels (restaurants), 20 households in the animal husbandry industry, and 32 households in other businesses. The achievement rate is 100.0%. 2. Water pollution prevention and control license review and filing work: There are 284 cases of license applications for water pollution sources as of November, of which 227 have been approved, and 57 are in the process of making corrections, or have agreed to trial operation or project construction. . Please refer to Section 4-2 of this report for details. 3. Execution of functional evaluation and abnormal diagnosis operations of waste (sewage) water treatment facilities in public institutions or sewage and sewer systems: a total of 7 abnormal risk object inspection operations and 4 functions evaluation operations of waste (sewage) water treatment facilities in public institutions. Currently, 7 abnormal risk object inspections and 4 functional evaluations have been completed. The relevant handling methods are detailed in Section 4-3. 4. Ensure the stable operation of the automatic water quality and quantity monitoring and video surveillance facility system: This plan will be monitored at 8:30 every day. During the implementation of the plan, abnormal website display and website data will not be updated immediately. After discovery, Immediately call the person in charge of the Environmental Protection Bureau and the person in charge of each factory. After confirmation, all have been repaired or improved. In addition, 14 units in the county have set up automatic monitoring (visual) equipment. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Environment, the forms (documents) are all The verification has been completed. Please refer to Section 4-4 of this report for details. 5. Assistance in the collection of water pollution prevention and control fees: This plan is implemented to assist in confirming the list of enterprises that collect water and sewage fees. After confirming the number of companies that need to pay water and sewage fees, as of the end of July 2012, there are still 42 companies that have not declared or paid. All of them have issued letters and made phone calls to urge payment. In addition, 15 companies on the list of doubtful water and sewage fee declarations delivered by the Environmental Protection Agency have conducted water and sewage fee inspections. The inspections have been completed before the end of August and a letter has been provided to the Environmental Protection Agency for recovery or refund. For reference materials, please refer to Section 4-5 of this report for details. 6. Promote the policy of using livestock manure, slurry and digestate as agricultural land fertilizer and strengthen the inspection and control of livestock farms: This plan has selected 5 companies to apply for guidance. During the project period, 5 livestock slurry, digestate, and groundwater will be targeted. Irrigated farmland soil for sampling, and assisted in writing a plan for the use of biogas residue and biogas slurry as fertilizer for farmland at the end of October and submitted it to the Agriculture Department for review. In addition, 23 businesses that have obtained biogas slurry and biogas residue approval have been Eight operators that are eligible for water release for irrigation will conduct regular soil and groundwater tracking sampling operations. At the same time, strengthened inspection sampling will be carried out for operators that have not yet obtained animal husbandry resource utilization, and the operators will be coached to obtain approval for animal husbandry resource utilization measures as soon as possible in accordance with the resource utilization process. , as shown in Section 4-6. 7. 2 publicity and briefing sessions on handling water pollution sources and 1 observation activity on high-quality biogas slurry and biogas residue irrigation sites: 2 publicity and briefing sessions on handling water pollution sources were completed on September 15, 2012 and October 12, 2012. If there are business operators who did not participate in the briefing session, the written materials of the promotional briefing session will be sent to the operators in the form of a certificate of delivery, so that the publicity rate of the promotional briefing session reaches 100%; in addition, the process was completed on August 3, 2012 Observation activities at excellent biogas slurry and biogas residue irrigation sites are held one after another. For details, please refer to Section 4-7 of this report. 8. Conduct a tracking evaluation of the functional effectiveness of the inter-gravel contact purification water quality improvement facilities in Puli Town: During the implementation period of this plan, a total of 12 operations and maintenance were performed at the Yuying Bridge Demonstration Site, including the floating debris accumulation at the water diversion channel inlet and the inter-gravel purification area. The silt inside was removed 10 times, and the surrounding environment was tidied and weeded twice. 9. Conduct inspections in accordance with the 2012 Industrial Zone Water Pollution Prevention and Management Plan: Enterprises that have violated regulations, enterprises that have not reported regular inspections or have incomplete declaration information, and enterprises whose emissions exceed the approved amount in the first half of this plan All are reviewed and confirmed, and relevant improvement measures are provided. Please refer to Sections 4-9 of this report for details. 10. Handle the audit work of the "112-Year Domestic Sewage Pollution Reduction Project Plan" of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan: During the project period, 7 public sewage sewer systems in the county have been inspected on a quarterly basis, and 10 community sewage sewer systems have been inspected in September. The publicity and review of the standardized contract for the entrusted operation of sewage treatment facilities were completed months ago. For details, please refer to Chapter 4-10 of this report. 11. Assist and cooperate with agencies in handling emergency response to water pollution incidents: During the implementation period of this plan, Nantou County emergency response will be carried out in the storage room of Nantou County Stadium on March 24, 2020 and May 16, 2020 respectively. Material classification, sorting and management work. On June 29, 2012, he participated in the Miaoli Environmental Protection Bureau's handling of the water pollution incident in the central district and marine pollution response education and training, and on August 15, 2012, he participated in the water bodies (rivers and oceans) in the central district of Miaoli County. Emergency response drills for pollution incidents. 12. Handle business related to water pollution management of other enterprises: During the implementation of this plan, assist in submitting the vision for river pollution control (including watershed management), the list of key measurement stations and assessment allocations, and assist in writing revisions and submissions in March 2020. Submit the pollution reduction plan for key measuring stations in the annual "River Pollution Remediation (Including Watershed Management) Plan" and assist in submitting the annual assessment results report on November 5, 2020.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Source Inspection, Control, Animal Husbandry Recycling Guidance