

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自112年2月24日至112年12月15日止,截至11月28日為止,工作團隊依照工作項目規定,各工作項目均依規定執行,完成各工作項目量化目標達成量,執行成果如下列說明。 本計畫辦理推動一次用產品源頭減量相關工作,輔導特定區域或商圈業者提供源頭減量服務方面,今年度以屏東市勝利路以北、廣東路以南之餐飲業者主要集中路段進行特定區域匡列,特定區域內之25家便當店、自助餐店均成功輔導業者提供民眾自備循環餐具自取及外送服務,其中18家業者店內備有環保餐盒提供循環餐具外送服務,另有8家業者提供外帶自備環保容器之民眾消費優惠,特定區域內提供源頭減量服務之業者名單均彙整提報環保局,於環保局官網公開供民眾及轄內各機關使用,並發布網路新聞媒體及委託電視台進行電視走馬燈擴大宣傳,計發布88則;一次用飲料杯方面,為研擬訂定屏東縣飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯之實施日期,本計畫執行轄內25%以上飲料店之輔導調查,總計執行225家,其中有95家飲料店尚未汰換塑膠一次用飲料杯,其餘130家飲料店已全面汰換為淋膜紙杯或逐步汰換中,另於7/6完成辦理塑膠一次用飲料杯禁用期程研商會議,經會議中與業者溝通協調,出席業者全數無異議配合塑膠一次用飲料杯禁用政策,並確定本縣「飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯」之實施日期為112年12月1日起,實施日期已提報環境部審核並通過。本年度計執行382家次轄內一次用飲料杯管制對象稽查作業,其中有12家經輔導後完成「免費借用循環杯」或「自備飲料杯省_元」之標示改善。為推動旅宿業者減少提供住宿用品,本計畫共計辦理「旅宿業者不主動提供住宿用品宣導活動」4場次,活動中向旅宿業者推廣永續旅遊、環保旅宿及不主動提供一次用旅宿用品之作法等,並鼓勵業者響應綠色旅遊,加入屏東縣環保旅店的行列,另透過電話及現場訪查,成功輔導8間業者不主動提供一次性即丟盥洗用具,且8間業者經輔導後均成功申請成為屏東縣環保旅店。 為促進購物用塑膠袋減量,輔導3處101文具天堂設置「一袋好屏」二手袋循環箱,透過二手袋持續循環補充使用達減少一次性購物用塑膠袋使用量,推估每年可減少1萬個以上塑膠袋約有574.5 kgCO2e減碳效益。並於7月起「潮州第一公有零售市場」推動市場內攤商不主動提供購物用塑膠袋行動,包含設置「一袋好屏」二手袋循環箱、輔導攤商不主動提供購物用塑膠袋、宣導民眾自備購物袋消費等,更輔導攤商自主回收商品送貨裝袋之乾淨二手袋,以提供消費者使用,為提升推動塑膠袋減量成效,特舉辦「袋袋屏安 加碼減塑週週送」活動,統計至11/28潮州第一公有零售市場約減少35,650個塑膠袋使用,約2,032 kgCO2e減碳效益。 在垃圾分類破袋檢查方面,9場次隨車沿線破袋稽查、1場次執行機關定點破袋稽查及13處社區定點破袋稽查,共計完成破袋324包,整體合格率為74.1%,顯示民眾垃圾分類尚不夠確實,以一次用紙容器飲料杯、塑膠飲料杯未落實分類最為常見,後續查核將強化向民眾宣導,以提升資源回收成效。 今年度持續協助維護本縣於「全國不用品藏寶地圖」登錄之二手物站點資料,共新增16處(包含5處原民鄉站點)、資訊更新13處及站點刪除19處,站點刪除部分主要為站點資訊有重複登載情形、資訊誤植或站點已無運作二手物相關業務等,並設計Google線上調查表單,統計至11/28為止本縣共舉辦15場二手物市集活動,總計交換或交易5,664件二手物。為擴大推廣民眾參與二手物再使用,今年度結合「屏東書院」為推廣二手物市集活動舉辦定點,目前已結合屏東書院完成辦理3場次「來來去趣小老闆二手市集」,包含7/15完成辦理1場次不用品回收、交換、維修、展售活動及2場次二手物市集活動,統計3場次活動共成功交換或交易1,722件二手物,相關活動成果透過媒體進行宣傳,其中屏東縣「來來去趣」二手物交換站-仁和村苦伕寮站,自設站以來長期推動二手交換及愛心義賣,今年度受邀媒體專訪,廣受民眾好評。 本計畫積極協助環保局辦理源頭減量相關工作,包含每月協助環保局聯繫轄內行政機關、學校至「機關學校免洗餐具作業指引填報系統」填報減量成果,1月至10月平均填報率達到99.4%,並協助辦理8/10、8/11、11/4「行政機關、學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水作業指引說明會議」、媒合私部門參用及辦理示範宣傳;持續協助配合屏東縣環保局辦理墾丁大街夜市源頭減量及落實垃圾分類、資源回收宣導,並維護既有4處環保袋借用服務站(箱)、3處垃圾分類設施,以延續墾丁大街夜市優良形象;另協助於6月底前完成訪查轄內82家外燴辦桌業者,其中營運中並有辦理外燴者共計55家;營運中但改變經營模式,不屬外燴業者共計19家,因受疫情影響或老闆年紀大身體狀況不佳、二代無意願經營等停(歇)者共計有8家。訪查時均輔導外燴業者辦桌時試辦不使用免洗餐具及塑膠桌布,於10月底前輔導55家外燴業者進行試辦,共計減少1,147張一次用塑膠桌布之使用,以及11,470組免洗餐具垃圾產生。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物源頭減量、一次用產品


專案計畫編號 1120105-B 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2485 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/24 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 曾聰億
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪雅容 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年屏東縣推動廢棄物源頭減量及強化分類回收措施補助計畫.pdf 12MB

A subsidy plan to promote waste source reduction and strengthen sorting and recycling measures of Pingtung County in 2023

英文摘要 The execution period of this plan is from February 24 to December 15, 2023. As of November 28, 2023, the task team has implemented each work item in accordance with the contract and completed the quantitative goals of each work item. The execution results are summarized as follows. This project handles work related to promoting the source reduction of disposable products and provides guidance to businesses in specific areas or shopping districts for source reduction services. This year, it is conducted on the main road sections north of Shengli Road and south of Guangdong Road in Pingtung City where catering businesses are concentrated. The task team have successfully guided operators of 25 bento shops and buffet stores in specific areas to provide self-pickup and delivery services, allowing people to bring their own recyclable tableware. Among them, 18 operators have environmentally friendly lunch boxes in their stores and provide recyclable tableware delivery services. There are also 8 operators that provide discounts for people to bring their own environmentally friendly containers for take-away. The list of operators that provide source reduction services in specific areas is compiled and reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau of Pingtung Government Bureau (PTEPB), and is made public on the official website of the PTEPB for the use of the public and agencies within its jurisdiction. It also releases online news media and subcontracts to TV stations to conduct TV marquee to expand publicity, with a total of 88 articles released. In terms of disposable beverage cups, in order to formulate an implementation date for beverage stores in Pingtung County not to provide plastic disposable beverage cups, this plan carried out guidance surveys on more than 25% of beverage stores within the jurisdiction, and a total of 282 were conducted. Among them, 120 beverage stores have not yet replaced plastic disposable beverage cups, and the remaining 162 beverage stores have fully replaced them with coated paper cups or are gradually replacing them. In addition, a meeting to discuss the ban period for plastic disposable beverage cups was completed on July 6, 2023. After communication and coordination with the business operators during the meeting, all operators present agreed to cooperate with the ban on plastic disposable beverage cups and determined the implementation date of "Beverage stores in the county not allowed to provide plastic disposable beverage cups" is December 1, 2023. The implementation date has been submitted to the Ministry of Environment for review and approval. This year, a total of 382 inspections were carried out on controlled objects for disposable beverage cups within their jurisdiction, and 12 of them completed the improvement of the signs of "Borrowing recyclable cups for free" or "Bringing your own beverage cups to save NT$" after receiving guidance. In order to encourage hoteliers to reduce the provision of accommodation supplies, this project has held a total of 4 "Promotional activities for hoteliers not to actively provide accommodation supplies". During the activities, the practices of sustainable tourism, environmentally friendly accommodation and not to actively provide disposable accommodation supplies were promoted to hoteliers, and encouraged operators to respond to green tourism and join the ranks of environmentally friendly hotels in Pingtung County. And through phone calls and on-site interviews, 8 operators were successfully coached not to actively provide disposable toiletries, and 8 operators were all successfully applied to become environmentally friendly hotels in Pingtung County after receiving guidance. In order to promote the reduction of plastic bags used for shopping, the task team have guided 3 stores of “101 Stationery Paradises” to set up "One Bag for Good Pingtung" second-hand bag recycling boxes. Through the continuous recycling and reuse of second-hand bags, the use of disposable shopping plastic bags can be reduced. It is estimated that this can reduce more than 10,000 plastic bags and has a carbon reduction benefit of approximately 574.5 kgCO2e every year. From July, the "Chaozhou No. 1 Public Own Retail Market" encouraged stallholders in the market not actively to provide plastic bags for shopping, including setting up "One Bag for Good Pingtung" second-hand bag recycling boxes, and providing guidance to stallholders not actively to provide plastic bags for shopping, and promoting the public to bring their own shopping bags for consumption, etc. The task team also provided guidance to stallholders to recycle clean second-hand bags from product delivery packages for consumers to use. In order to enhance the effectiveness of promoting the reduction of plastic bags, the special activity of "Recycling Bags for Safe Pingtung, and Plastics Reduction for Weekly Extra Discounts" was held, as of November 28, the results showed that plastic bags, used by “Chaozhou No. 1 Public Own Retail Market”, has reduced approximately 35,650 pieces, with a carbon reduction benefit of approximately 2,032 kgCO2e. In terms of bag-breaking inspections for garbage sorting, there were 9 bag-breaking inspections along the collecting routes of garbage vehicle, 1 bag-breaking inspection designated by the enforcement agency, and 13 designated community bag-breaking inspections. A total of 324 bags were inspected, and the overall pass rate was 74.1%, which showed that garbage sorting by the public was not yet accurate enough, with disposable paper containers and beverage cups, and plastic beverage cups being most commonly not sorted. Follow-up inspections will strengthen publicity to the people to improve the effectiveness of resource recycling. This year, the task team continued to assist in maintaining the second-hand goods sites data in Pingtung county registered in the “National Unused Goods Treasure Map”. A total of 16 new sites were added (including 5 sites of aboriginal Township), updated information for 13 sites, and 19 sites were deleted. The sites deleted were mainly due to repeated posting of information on the site, incorrect information placement, or the site no longer operated second-hand goods related business, etc. The task team also designed a Google online survey form. As of November 28, the results showed that 15 second-hand goods fairs were held in the county. A total of 5,664 second-hand items were exchanged or traded. In order to expand and promote the participation of the public in the reuse of second-hand goods, this year, the plan is in conjunction with the "Pingtung College" as a designated place to promote second-hand goods market activities. Currently, 3 "Come and Go to Little Boss Second-hand Market for Fun" has been held in conjunction with Pingtung College, including 1 unused goods recycling, exchange, repair, exhibition and sales event and 2 second-hand goods market fairs, and completed on July 15. A total of 1,722 second-hand goods were successfully exchanged or traded in the 3 events. The results of the relevant activities were publicized through the media. Among them, "Come and Go for Fun" second-hand exchange station of Kuliiao Station in Renhe Village in Pingtung County, has been promoting second-hand exchange and charity sales for a long time since its establishment. This year, it was invited to an exclusive interview with the media and was widely praised by the public. The task team actively assists the PTEPB in handling work related to waste source reduction, including assisting the PTEPB in contacting administrative agencies and schools within its jurisdiction every month to fill in the reduction results on the "Agencies and Schools Disposable Tableware Operation Guidelines Reporting System". The average filling in rate from January to October reached 99.4%. And assisted in handling an explanatory meeting on "Operation Guidelines for Administrative Agencies and Schools to Reduce the Use of Disposable Tableware and Packaged Drinking Water" on August 10, August 11, and November 4. Match private sector participation, and carry out demonstration publicity. Continue to assist and cooperate with the PTEPB in the Kenting Main Street Night Market for waste source reduction and implementation of garbage sorting and resource recycling promotion, and maintain the existing 4 reusable bag borrowing service stations (boxes) and 3 garbage sorting facilities to keep on an excellent image of Kenting Main Street Night Market. It also assisted in completing the survey of 82 catering service providers within the jurisdiction before the end of June, of which a total of 55 are operating and handling go-out catering service. A total of 19 operators are in operation but have changed their business model, that are not belong to go-out catering service. And a total of 8 operators have stopped (suspended) due to the impact of the pandemic, the boss's age, poor health, or the second generation's unwillingness to operate. During the interviews, catering operators were coached to try out not to use disposable tableware and plastic tablecloths when performed go-out catering service. By the end of October, 55 operators provided go-out catering were coached to conduct trial runs, reducing the use of disposable plastic tablecloths and disposable tableware by a total of 1,147 pieces and of 11,470 sets, respectively.
英文關鍵字 Waste Source Reduction, Disposable Products