

中文摘要 本計畫依據環境部建置之「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」內之資訊,針對本市轄內含石綿瓦屋頂之建物進行基本資料維護,為掌握家戶含石綿建材建築物現況,及協助家戶建築物石綿建材拆除之去化。本年度執行目標為完成1,320棟含石綿建築物之資料建立,並透過電訪或現場宣導家戶建築物含石綿建材之情形及應注意事項,輔導家戶建築物拆除後妥善處理石綿建材,並預定協助家戶完成50噸石綿建材廢棄物清運作業,以降低對人體與環境危害.   截至112年10月31日止本計畫共執行1,320件次現場調查作業,並有14家提出申請,經審核後其中5件符合補助資格,並於拆除當日派員前往現場進行石綿建材廢棄物拆除及清理督導工作,此外石綿建材拆除(拆解)後,本計畫依契約規範會同共同供應契約廠商累計清運14.13噸石綿廢棄物至處理機構。
中文關鍵字 石綿建材、廢棄物、廢棄物清除處理機構


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5215 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/28 專案結束日期 2023/10/31 專案主持人 李佩雯
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃秉軒 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度總成果報告-V.pdf 1MB

Asbestos building materials waste removal and treatment investigation plan in New Taipei City (2023)

英文摘要 Based on the information provided by the "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Material Space Distribution Management System" established by the Environmental Protection Administration, this project focuses on maintaining basic information on buildings with asbestos roofs within the city's jurisdiction. The goal is to understand the current status of asbestos-containing building materials in households and assist in the proper disposal of asbestos building materials. The objective for this year is to complete the establishment of data for 1,320 buildings with asbestos-containing materials, and to inform households about the presence of asbestos building materials in their buildings and the precautions to be taken. Additionally, the project aims to provide guidance to households on the proper handling of asbestos building materials after demolition and plans to assist households in the disposal of 50 tons of asbestos waste to reduce hazards to human health and the environment. As of October 31, 2023, a total of 1,320 on-site investigations have been conducted under this project, with 14 applications received. After review, 5 of these applications qualified for subsidies, and personnel were dispatched to the site on the day of demolition to supervise the removal and cleaning of asbestos waste materials. Furthermore, in accordance with the contract terms, the project, along with the contracted suppliers, disposed of 14.13 tons of asbestos waste to the designated processing facility following the dismantling of asbestos materials.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos building materials, Waste, Waste Management Organizations