

中文摘要 本計畫於112年3月27日開始執行,工作內容包含監測設施設置及連線法規符合度查核、辦理連續自動監測設施連線數據檢核及現場查核作業、辦理連續自動監測設施系統功能查核及監督檢測作業、維護雲林縣CWMS整合平台及管理平台正常運作、維持行動監測水資源監測站監測,及維護資料庫主機伺服器正常運作並提供局端專有網際網路線路,本報告期間各項工作執行成果,主要如下: (1)完成30家次CWMS列管對象之法規符合度查核作業,查核意見均提請廠方改善。 (2)於112年9月13日完成1場次廢(污)水自動監測(視)設施法規說明會,共計53人次出席。 (3)完成10家次連續自動監測設施品質提升輔導,督促事業單位進行相關改善。 (4)列管對象之異常管制圖顯示異常狀況主要為出現定值、超限值及0值之異常監測值,上半年度共有2家事業單位有異常情形,分別為(1)鴻和皮革有限公司(第二廠)(P5104671):異常項目為SS、COD;(2)合眾紙業股份有限公司林內廠(P5500191):異常項目為SS。下半年度共有2家事業單位有異常情形,分別為(1)合眾紙業股份有限公司林內廠(P5500191):異常項目為SS;(2)金海龍生物科技股份有限公司(P6001213):異常項目為pH。 (5)完成CWMS列管對象之提送措施說明書(18件)、措施說明書變更申請(11件)、確認報告書(20件)及確認報告書變更申請(22件),審查作業共計71件,以及RATA檢測報告共計30家。 (6)完成20家次相對準確度測試查核(RATA)定檢監督作業。 (7)完成10家次CWMS數據平行比對。 (8)維護CWMS管理平台及整合平台,以維持連線正常傳輸及資訊安全管理。 (9)完成8組(含新增2組)行動水資源監測站維護作業並於8月份起陸續增設各4組COD及氨氮感測器,分別設置於相對應之點位上。 (10)陳情熱點區域(斗六工業區):偶有發現該點位有pH大於8.5以上情形發生,持續留意變化情形。 (11)陳情熱點區域(麥寮鄉):溶氧及導電度亦受漲退潮及海水影響,監測數據相對較高或無溶氧情況,且在巡查檢時,常有豬臭味,並帶有不明漂浮物。 (12)陳情熱點區域(口湖鄉):此監測地點溶氧數據較其他站高,將持續追蹤水體變化情形,並確認感測器效能。 (13)污染排放熱點(虎尾鎮):該測點位於台榮產業股份有限公司雲林廠放流口下游處,有數次排放水溫超標情形產生,並於7月17日稽查時水溫達40.3度依法開立稽查單與限期改善通知書。 (14)原設置於北港測點207及褒忠測點208,因無明顯效益,分別移至南亞環氧樹脂地下水井P00286及台化芳香烴三廠地下水井P00296兩處點位。而原設置於測點207、208點位之COD測項,將分別移至麥寮測點102、口湖測點104進行監測。 (15)調查監測(南亞、台化地下水井):除了溶氧為零值外,其餘監測測項(pH、導電度、溫度)監測數值穩定且無異常狀況。經多方單位(事業單位委託檢測單位及環保局委辦單位)現場採水檢測溶氧數值皆為零值,故確定該地下水井水體為無溶氧狀態。 (16)於112年5月22日提送宣導品樣式供雲林縣環保局確認,環保局於5月24日予以備查,並於6月21日完成宣導品1,000份購置與提送。 (17)於7月12日完成環境應用實例1件次、於7月17日執行水污染稽查告發1件次。
中文關鍵字 水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸系統、相對準確度測試查核、酸鹼度


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-112-044 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1178.5 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/27 專案結束日期 2024/02/28 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊寬裕 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度雲林縣河川CWMS監測計畫_期末報告.pdf 26MB 期末報告

Yunlin County Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) Monitoring Plan for Rivers Plan in year 2023

英文摘要 This project commenced on March 27, 2023, with tasks encompassing the verification of continuous automatic monitoring facility data connections and on-site inspections, conducting checks on the functionality of continuous automatic monitoring facility systems and supervisory testing operations, maintaining the normal operation of the Yunlin County CWMS integration platform and management platform, ensuring the monitoring and maintenance of mobile water resource monitoring stations, and sustaining the normal operation of database server hosts while providing dedicated internet lines for the bureau. The key achievements during this reporting period are outlined below: (1)Completed checks for 30 CWMS-regulated entities, with feedback provided to facilities for necessary improvements based on audit opinions. (2)Conducted one CWMS regulatory briefing session on September 13, 112, with a total attendance of 53 individuals. (3)Completed 10 locations' connection quality enhancement guidance, urging business units to implement improvements. (4)In the first half of the year, two factories experienced connection abnormalities: (1) Hung Ho Leather Co., Ltd. (Second Plant) (P5104671) - abnormal items: SS, COD; (2) YFY Paper Corporation, Linnei Plant (P5500191) - abnormal item: SS. In the second half of the year, abnormalities occurred in two business units: (1) YFY Paper Corporation, Linnei Plant (P5500191) - abnormal item: SS; (2) KHL Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. (P6001213) - abnormal item: pH. (5)Completed 18 action plans for CWMS-regulated entities, 11 change requests for action plans, 20 confirmation reports, and 22 change requests for confirmation reports. A total of 71 review processes were conducted, along with 30 RATA test reports. (6)Accomplished 20 sessions of Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) and supervisory operations. (7)Completed 10 sessions of CWMS data parallel comparisons. (8)Maintained CWMS management platform and integration platform, ensuring normal transmission connections and information security management. (9)Completed maintenance for 8 sets (including 2 new sets) of mobile water resource monitoring stations and gradually added 4 sets each of COD and ammonia nitrogen sensors from August. (10)Hotspot area (Douliu Industrial Zone): Occasionally observed pH levels above 8.5; continuous monitoring of changes. (11)Hotspot area (Mailiao Township): Dissolved oxygen and conductivity affected by tidal changes and seawater; relatively high or zero dissolved oxygen levels; persistent pig odor and unidentified floating objects during inspections. (12)Hotspot area (Kouhu Township): Higher dissolved oxygen data at this monitoring point compared to other stations; continuous tracking of water body changes and confirmation of sensor effectiveness. (13)Pollution emission hotspot (Huwei Town): Located downstream of the discharge outlet of Tairong Industrial Co., Ltd. Yulin Plant; several instances of water temperature exceeding standards; issued inspection orders and improvement notices on July 17 when the water temperature reached 40.3 degrees. (14)Originally set up at monitoring points 207 and 208 in Beigang and Baozhong, respectively; relocated to Southern Asia Epoxy Resin Underground Well P00286 and Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp. Aromatic Hydrocarbon Plant Underground Well P00296. The COD parameters originally set at points 207 and 208 will be monitored at Mailiao Point 102 and Kouhu Point 104, respectively. (15)Investigation monitoring (Southern Asia, Formosa underground wells): Except for zero dissolved oxygen, other monitoring parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature) showed stable values with no abnormalities. Multiple units (business unit commissioned testing unit and bureau commissioned unit) conducted on-site water sampling, confirming zero dissolved oxygen values, determining the underground well water body to be in a state of no dissolved oxygen. (16)Submitted a style for promotional materials on May 22, 112, for confirmation by the Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau; acknowledged on May 24; completed the purchase and submission of 1,000 promotional materials on June 21. (17)Completed one case of environmental application examples on July 12 and executed one water pollution inspection report on July 17.
英文關鍵字 CWMS, RATA, pH