

中文摘要 本計畫依契約規定完成各項工作,工作成果摘要如下: 一、持續縣內場置性監測井維護工作:完成上、下半年本縣18口區域性監測井及73口場置性監測井外觀維護管理巡查,監測井井體外觀維護更新完成12口次,分別為P00014 (文光國小湖口分校)、P00104 (雲林科技工業區上游)、P00290 (台化苯乙烯一廠)、P00481 (斗六#7)、P00424 (豐安國小)、P00170 (中部科學工業園區虎尾園MW3)、P00171(中部科學工業園區虎尾園區HW-MW5)及P00294 (南亞丙二酚三廠);井體設施修復完成4口次,分別為P00006 (明倫國小)、P00282 (大將工業區(DJ-EPA02))、P00283 (大將工業區(DJ-EPA03))及P00255 (P00255)。執行25口次之監測井井況評估作業,分別為區域性監測井4口次及場置性監測井21口次,符合本計畫要求之執行數量,已於5月22日至31日期間共執行13口次再次完井及5口次異物排除作業。 二、農地土壤定監與同步採樣作業:今年度需辦理農地土壤採樣相關作業,包含農地土壤重金屬定期監測及農地土壤重金屬同步作業採樣調查作業,截至第一次工作報告提送共計完成2筆農地定期監測作業、33筆農地土壤重金屬同步作物採樣污染調查作業,目前並未有異常之情形。 三、農地污染預防與灌溉渠道底泥溯源調查:為配合環保署推動農地污染預防工作,依全國各縣市灌溉小組污染潛勢分區統計資料,辦理本縣農地污染預防定常性工作,目前共完成20場次環境勘查評估;優良保護區89點灌溉水採樣、優良保護區21點土壤採樣;污染預警區23點灌溉水採樣、污染預警區23點土壤採樣,共計完成112點灌溉水水質採樣、44點土壤採樣。灌溉渠道底泥溯源調查則調查本縣超過上限值水體污染成因,已完成1處渠道環境勘查評估、15點次水質重金屬分析、20點次樹脂包放置作業,由水質分析結果並未有超過灌溉用水水質標準之情形,由樹脂包分析結果共計有8處異常,因此於樹脂包8處異常、2處水質檢測出關注測項重金屬鋅及原農田水利會申報點位處,共計11點執行底泥採樣,底泥並未有超過底泥品質上限值之情形。 四、貯存系統管理作業:本計畫依據環管署建立之污染評價機制高污染潛勢之地下儲槽系統執行測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,已於3月20-21、4月13-14日執行10站,其中黑松加油站測漏管檢測作業結果有超過法規警戒值情形,因此執行土壤氣體採樣進行GC/FID定量分析測得甲烷89ppmv。依據環保署於112年5月8日所下達之貯存系統管理及污染查證應注意事項此站應請廠商辦理自主污染調查作業,並於廠商回覆辦理情形後再次執行測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測作業。環保局於5月22日請事業於6月17日前完成自主污染調查及測漏管檢測,黑松加油站已於6月17日完成自主檢測,結果顯示並未有造成污染之情形。另針對110~111年度執行輔導業者有缺失者計20家業者進行複查作業,其中有6家次業者尚未改善完成。 五、事業土壤及地下水污染預防管理作業:本計畫依據環保署下達之事業管理方針由環保署提供之事業分級清單執行A加強管理群、B自主管理群、C檢視管理群,相關查核及管理作業。目前已完成1場A群事業行前說明會、1場B群事業自主預防管理說明會、14家次A群事業現勘查核作業。後續將辦理2場A群事業用地查證作業、B群自主管理預防計畫抽測5家次、C群22家次基本資料核對及現勘作業。由A群現勘作業,辦理2家次用地土壤驗證作業,其中1家次土壤重金屬砷超過土壤污染管制標準,後續將依土污法執行相關管制措施。 六、污染場址監督查核及污染改善驗證作業:本計畫為確認斗六工業區地下水四氯乙烯污染範圍及來源,執行約202公尺之地電阻調查作業,共計發現2處異常訊號來源;本計畫於民國112年4月19日執行台環資源科技有限公司改善完成驗證作業,共完成4點次土壤採樣作業,本次驗證結果檢出總石油碳氫化合物超過污染改善目標,且超過土壤污染管制標準環保局於112年6月29日依土壤及地下水污染整治法將其公告為土壤污染控制場址,並請事業提出控制計畫,並依其執行改善作業。 七、緊急突發事件緊急應變作業:目前已完土壤及地下水民眾陳情與緊急應變案件5件,檢測結果均符合相關標準,本計畫均協助現場採樣分析作業,並於期限內繳交調查成果報告書。 八、行政支援工作:本計畫已完成3場次「學校說故事宣(傳)活動」,活動內容包括土水污染保育宣導短片、土水污染圖書繪本介紹及環保桌遊遊玩體驗。另有關推動設置光電設施事業及農地地主訪查目前已完成16處拜訪,其中有4家業者表示有意願設置。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、土壤及地下水污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6169.317 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/10 專案主持人 顏瑞容
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊寬裕 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-雲林縣_期末報告.pdf 27MB 期末報告

112 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Yunlin County

英文摘要 Ongoing maintenance work of the county's on-site and regional groundwater monitoring wells: In the first half of the year, 18 regional monitoring wells and 70 on-site monitoring wells in the county were inspected and maintained. The maintenance and updates of the external appearance of eight monitoring wells have been completed, including P00014 (Wenguang Elementary School Hukou Branch), P00104 (Upstream of Yunlin Science and Technology Industrial Park), P00290 (Styrene Monomer Plant 1 of Formosa Plastics), P00481 (Douliu #7), P00424 (Feng'an Elementary School), P00170 (Huwei Park MW3 in Central Taiwan Science and Industrial Park), P00171 (Huwei Park HW-MW5 in Central Taiwan Science and Industrial Park), and P00294 (Polypropylene Plant 3 of Nan Ya Plastics). Four monitoring wells have been repaired, including P00006 (Minglun Elementary School), P00282 (Dajiang Industrial Park (DJ-EPA02)), P00283 (Dajiang Industrial Park (DJ-EPA03)), and P00255 (P00255). A total of 25 monitoring wells were assessed, including 4 regional monitoring wells and 21 on-site monitoring wells, meeting the requirements of the plan. Further assessments and debris exclusion lists will be evaluated in the future. Agricultural land soil monitoring and synchronous sampling operations: This year, the agricultural land soil sampling related operations must be carried out, including periodic monitoring of heavy metals in agricultural land soil and synchronous sampling investigation of heavy metals in agricultural land soil. As of the first work report, a total of 2 regular monitoring operations and 2 synchronous crop sampling pollution investigation operations have been completed, and there are currently no abnormal conditions. Prevention of agricultural land pollution and investigation of the sediment source in irrigation channels: In order to cooperate with the Environmental Protection Administration's promotion of agricultural land pollution prevention work, this county has carried out regular work to prevent agricultural land pollution based on the pollution potential zoning statistics of irrigation teams in various counties and cities nationwide. A total of 13 environmental surveys and assessments have been completed, including 53 irrigation water samplings and 13 soil samplings in excellent protection areas, and 18 irrigation water samplings and 18 soil samplings in pollution warning areas. A total of 71 irrigation water quality samplings and 31 soil samplings have been completed. The investigation of sediment sources in irrigation channels aims to investigate the causes of pollution in water bodies that exceed the upper limit in this county. One channel environmental survey and assessment have been completed, along with 15 heavy metal analyses of water quality and 20 resin placements. Based on the current water quality analysis results, there is no situation where the water quality standards for irrigation water have been exceeded. Sediment sampling and water quality retesting point planning will be carried out after the resin bag analysis results are obtained. Storage system management: Based on the pollution evaluation mechanism established by the Environmental Protection Administration, this project conducted leak detection and oil and gas testing on underground storage tank systems with high pollution potential. From March 20-21, 111, a total of 5 stations were tested, including Bridge South Gas Station, Mailiao Gas Station, Quanmin Gas Station, Maguang Gas Station, and Shuilin Gas Station. The results of the leak detection at these 5 stations did not show any abnormal conditions. In addition, a review was conducted for 8 counseling providers who had deficiencies in their operations during the 110-111 fiscal year. Three of them have not yet completed their improvements, and their progress will be continuously monitored. Emergency response operations: One case of emergency response and public petition regarding soil and groundwater has been completed. On February 20, 112, an emergency sampling and testing of the soil near the agricultural land of Fuchao Industrial Co., Ltd. (Huwei plant) was conducted, and the test results were all in compliance with relevant standards. This project assisted with the on-site sampling and analysis, and submitted the investigation report within the deadline. Administrative support work: This project has completed three "School Storytelling Promotion Events," which include short films on soil and water pollution conservation, introductions of picture books on soil and water pollution, and playing environmental protection tabletop games. In addition, regarding the promotion of the establishment of photovoltaic facilities and visits to agricultural landowners, a total of 10 visits have been completed. Two of the providers expressed their willingness to set up photovoltaic facilities, and follow-up contact will be continued, and relevant assistance will be provided.
英文關鍵字 Soil and Groundwater Pollution