

中文摘要 面對全球氣候變遷與資源匱乏的挑戰,生活轉型已成為各國政策的核心。本研究旨在建立臺灣生活轉型素養評估指標,並進行全國性調查,以深入瞭解臺灣民眾在生活轉型方面的現況與發展趨勢。研究採用混合研究法,結合文獻分析、專家諮詢和大規模問卷調查。評估指標涵蓋食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購七大生活面向,從知識、技能、態度及價值觀、行動四個構面進行評估。 根據本研究發現,調查對象的知識構面的答題正確率平均為80.81%、技能構面得分平均為80.74分、態度及價值觀構面平均為84.86分、行動構面平均為82.01分。知識構面方面,育(89.40%)和樂(88.53%)面向表現突出,反映出在教育和休閒娛樂領域,民眾普遍具備較高的相關知識。相對而言,行(73.64%)面向的得分較低,顯示交通領域的綠生活知識推廣仍需加強。技能構面中,食(84.73分)和購(84.24分)面向的表現較好。然而,衣(78.02分)和住(76.38分)面向的技能得分相對較低,突顯出服飾和居住領域的技能教育訓練需求。態度及價值觀構面,育(88.69分)和購(88.59分)面向的得分較高,顯示民眾在教育和購物領域形成了積極的環境態度。相對而言,行(77.09分)面向的得分較低,指出需要提升民眾在交通領域中的綠生活意識。行動構面表現中,住(85.24分)和育(84.97分)面向表現較強。相對地,衣(74.86分)面向的行動得分偏低,顯示服飾領域的實際綠生活行動需要更多的鼓勵和支援。 基於研究發現,本研究提出一系列政策建議,涵蓋全民對話、商業模式、產業模式和共享多元四大核心策略。建議包括強化環境教育體系、推動減碳商業模式創新、發展永續旅遊和綠色休閒產業,以及建立跨區域智慧公共運輸系統等。這些建議直接對應臺灣2050淨零轉型「淨零綠生活」關鍵戰略行動計畫,為政策制定提供實證依據。 本研究的主要貢獻包括:建立臺灣首個全面的生活轉型素養評估工具;提供臺灣民眾生活轉型素養的全貌;為政策制定提供實證基礎和具體建議;開創生活轉型素養研究的新方向。未來研究可進一步擴大調查覆蓋面,開展長期追蹤研究,加強跨部門合作研究,並進行國際比較研究,以持續完善生活轉型素養評估體系,推動臺灣實現2050年淨零排放目標。
中文關鍵字 臺灣生活轉型素養調查、臺灣生活轉型素養量表、排碳淨零


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5509.5 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/18 專案結束日期 2024/05/30 專案主持人 王正慧
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 郭庭赫 執行單位 弗利思特文化事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年生活轉型素養調查專案工作計畫_成果報告0628.pdf 42MB

112th Year Project Work Plan for Life Transformation Literacy Survey

英文摘要 Facing the global challenges of climate change and resource scarcity, lifestyle transformation has become central to national policies. This study aims to establish an evaluation framework for assessing lifestyle transformation literacy in Taiwan and to conduct a nationwide survey to understand the current status and development trends among Taiwanese citizens. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study integrates literature review, expert consultation, and large-scale surveys. The evaluation framework covers seven major lifestyle domains: food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and consumption, and evaluates them across four dimensions: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, and actions. The survey results reveal significant differences in environmental literacy across various lifestyle domains among Taiwanese citizens. In the knowledge dimension, the education and recreation domains scored the highest, while transportation scored the lowest. In the skills dimension, consumption and food scored well, whereas housing and clothing lagged behind. The attitudes and values dimension saw the highest scores in consumption and education, with transportation and clothing showing lower levels of recognition. In the actions dimension, housing and education showed strong performance, while clothing and transportation needed improvement. The study also identified noticeable disparities among different demographic groups, such as younger individuals performing weaker in certain areas and higher-educated groups falling short in some practical aspects. Based on these findings, the paper proposes a series of policy recommendations encompassing four core strategies: public dialogue, business model innovation, industry transformation, and diversified participation. Recommendations include strengthening the environmental education system, promoting innovative low-carbon business models, developing sustainable tourism and green leisure industries, and establishing cross-regional smart public transportation systems. These recommendations directly align with Taiwan's 2050 Net-Zero Transition "Net-Zero Green Life" Strategic Action Plan, providing empirical support for policy formulation. The main contributions of this study include the development of Taiwan's first comprehensive lifestyle transformation literacy assessment tool, providing a complete picture of Taiwanese citizens' lifestyle transformation literacy, offering empirical foundations and specific recommendations for policy formulation, and pioneering new directions in lifestyle transformation literacy research. Future research should aim to expand the survey coverage, conduct long-term follow-up studies, enhance cross-departmental collaborative research, and engage in international comparative studies to continually refine the lifestyle transformation literacy assessment system, driving Taiwan towards achieving its 2050 net-zero emission target.
英文關鍵字 Taiwan Life Transformation Literacy Survey, Taiwan Life Transformation Literacy Scale, Net zero carbon emissions