

中文摘要 為強化與落實各項事業廢棄物管理工作,環境部資源循環署辦理「111年及112年事業廢棄物申報流向管制及檢視工作專案計畫(第2年)」,安排16名專業之專職人員至地方環保機關(除直轄市、金門縣、連江縣及澎湖縣外),協助辦理輔導事業熟悉「廢棄物清理法」相關貯存、清除、處理(再利用)規範與申報義務,以回饋基線資料庫進行統計分析等決策支援,進而強化產源責任之落實。 計畫執行期間,配合督考及提升地方環保機關事業廢棄物上網申報率、事業廢棄物清理計畫書(簡稱廢清書)具送審率及通過率;同時,為確保其填報及審查品質,作為後續流向勾稽作業比對基線與決策支援應用,透過各審核機關之審查通過廢清書檢視、審查現況訪查及至事業訪查其依核准廢清書之營運情形等,並研訂事業廢棄物清理計畫書審核試評機制作業,藉此促進各審核機關良性競爭,以提升事業廢清書填報及審查品質之效能;另協助制訂「112年事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽計畫」及增修「事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽作業手冊」,以督促地方環保機關執行轄區內事業廢棄物流向管制工作;研析重大或媒體揭露之廢棄物棄置案件,並檢修現行勾稽報表之管理工具與試作事業廢棄物申報資料趨勢勾稽模組,期達嚇阻措施供地方環保關執行查核前標的確認輔助。 本計畫透過前述檢討與輔導提升作業,以健全「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)」資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關對網路申報事業廢棄物流向之相關資料進行勾稽、比對、篩選、統計、稽查及流向追蹤管制。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物清理法、事業廢棄物管理、事業廢棄物清理計畫書、事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 17020 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/11 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 林玟辰
主辦單位 循環署再利用推動組 承辦人 吳玫秋 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0-5詳細版摘要.pdf 0MB

The 2022-2023 Project to Review Both the Industrial Waste Flow Reporting Controls and the Related Inspection (2nd year)

英文摘要 In order to strengthen and implement the management of varied kinds of industrial waste, the RECA of Ministry of Environment has prepared the Project by arranging 16 dedicated professionals to the local environmental protection agencies (except those of Municipalities, Kinmen County, Lianjiang County, and Penghu County) to assist in providing counseling services for the industry to familiarize themselves with the “Waste Disposal Act”-related storage, removal, treatment (reuse) regulations and filing obligations, so as to feed back to the baseline database to conduct statistical analysis as decision-making supports and further enhance the implementation of source responsibility. During the implementation of the Project, such professionals have cooperated with local agencies in supervising and improving their online reporting rate of industrial waste, and the submission rate and pass rate of the Industrial Waste Disposal Plans (IWDPs). At the same time, to ensure the quality of reporting and reviewing for the purpose of comparing the baselines relevant to the audit of the subsequent flow and supporting the decision-making, they have helped inspect the IWDPs reviewed and passed by the local units, review the current status visits, and conduct corporate visits to check their operations in accordance with the approved IWDPs, etc., so as to improve the quality of the IWDP’s filing and reviewing. In addition, they have helped formulate the "2023 Industrial Waste Disposal & Flow Auditing Plan" and supplement the "Industrial Waste Disposal and Flow Checking Operation Manual" to supervise and urge local units to implement the industrial waste controls within their jurisdiction. They will help study and analyze the major waste disposal cases or those exposed by the media, inspect by the rolling method the management tools of the current audit report, and test-run the whole plant flow management audit model, in order to achieve deterrence measures for the local units to confirm the targets before examination. Through the above-mentioned reviews and counseling upgrades, the Project will improve the integrity and correctness of the basic corporate information in the IWR&MS database, so that the environmental protection agencies at all levels may conduct the linking audits, comparison, screening, counting, auditing, and flow tracking & controls on the data in relation to the online filing of the industrial waste flows.
英文關鍵字 Waste Disposal Act, Management of Industrial Waste, Industrial Waste Disposal Plan, Industrial Waste Report and Management System(IWR&MS)