

中文摘要 本年度主要協助辦理化學物質登錄風險評估資料審查與輔導,並研析風險評估相關之國際資訊與登錄資料應用,建立化學物質特性資訊之公開資料,以及篩選優先盤點物質並蒐集相關資料。成果包括︰完成12件新化學物質及248件既有化學物質之標準登錄案件審查;為推動既有化學物質風險評估資料登錄及蒐集我國產業之暴露控制資訊,辦理5場輔導會議及2場實廠訪查、公開《化學物質危害及暴露評估撰寫指引》及製作教學影片,並藉由辦理座談會議加強推廣及輔導效果,同時研析常見問題,並提出既有化學物質標準登錄資訊系統工具調修建議;完成10種既有化學物質之風險評估資料登錄建議及危害評估報告撰寫參考,可供後續輔導使用。對於登錄資料之應用,以目前收錄之新化學物質登錄資料為例,試行優先研析特性資訊物質篩選流程,探討後續風險評估應用方法;完成30種關注化學物質與既有化學物質資訊蒐集及建檔,並綜整登錄人提交的登錄資訊與國際資料庫資訊,完成危害資訊摘要2式,並與登錄人討論1種物質之危害資訊摘要,進一步研析資料適用性;為銜接實務應用,優化及試行優先盤點物質的篩選模式,並以1種具高度危害特性的化學物質為例,蒐集可用於風險評估之國際資料與本土化資訊。最後,進一步研析篩選模式,與相關計畫以不同方法產出之篩選清單比較,探討差異並提出後續可調整及應用之建議。本年度以化學物質風險評估為主軸推動各工作項目,逐步完善危害與暴露所需資訊,期能建立我國完整的化學物質風險評估系統。
中文關鍵字 化學物質登錄、危害及暴露評估、化學品分類及標示全球調和制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 18000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/07 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 洪偉毅
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 崔君至 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 化學物質風險評估技術建置與資料盤點計畫.pdf 0MB

The Project for Risk Assessment and Information Inventory of Chemical Substances

英文摘要 In this project, four main tasks were accomplished. Firstly, we assisted in reviewing the risk assessment information of chemical substances and offered consulting services to registrants. A total of 12 cases of new chemical substances and 248 cases of existing chemical substances were reviewed completely this year. To facilitate the registration of risk assessment for existing chemical substances and collect exposure information in Taiwan’s industries, we organized five helpdesk meetings and conducted two factory visits. Additionally, we publicly released the "Guidance on Chemical Substances Hazard and Exposure Assessment", produced a series of educational videos, and strengthened the promotional and counseling effects by organizing a seminar. In the meantime, we summarized frequently asked questions and provided suggestions for adjustments to the "ChemisPecX". Secondly, we completed recommendations for the registration of risk assessment and provided examples of hazard assessment reports for ten existing chemical substances. These resources are intended for future consulting services. Additionally, we utilized dossiers for new chemical substances as samples to test the screening process for priority substances and subsequently deliberated on follow-up risk assessment methods. Thirdly, we established the information disclosure documents for 30 chemical substances to promote hazard information application. The hazard information from registrant’s dossiers and international databases were also summarized, and the results were used to complete the abstracts of hazard information for two substances. Furthermore, we discussed and adjusted an existing abstract of hazard information with the registrant, evaluating the rationality of the registration information. Finally, in order to meet the needs of practical applications, we optimized and piloted a model for selecting the priority substances. We used a chemical substance with highly hazardous properties as an example to gather information required for risk management and policy assessment by collecting international information and visiting industries. Regarding the selecting model, we compared it with the substance-selecting methods and results from related projects, explored the differences, and provided suggestions for adjustments and applications. This year, our project provided essential information for hazard and exposure evaluation. These results could contribute to establishing the risk assessment system of chemicals in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Chemical Substances Registration, Hazard and Exposure Assessment, Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals