

中文摘要 本計畫目的主要針對回運之焚化再生粒料進行品質檢測,控管流向、查核監督及環境監測,確保焚化再生粒料再利用之使用於環境無虞。期末工作報告完成工作包括: 一、 回運之焚化再生粒料進行採樣檢測作業,執行12點次,利用再生粒料環境用途溶出程序(NIEA R222.11C)進行檢測分析,檢測結果10點次符合法規第一、二級標準規定,其中汞、鎘、砷均未檢出;鎳、銅、鉻、鋅及戴奧辛有微量檢出,另有2點次鉛超標,已告知廠商禁止使用並將該批焚化再生粒料回運至倉庫暫置,待延長熟化期再次進行複測,經113年1月份複測後已經合格法規標準;土壤及地下水各檢測5點次,共計10點次,土壤5點次皆符合法規標準,地下水採樣檢測5點次。採樣檢測結果可得知,鉻、鎘及鉛於各點次均無檢出;銅、鋅、鎳、汞微量檢出,未超過第二類監測標準。氨氮1點次、鐵1點次、錳4點次超出第二類監測標準。 二、焚化再生粒料再利用處理廠、使用及暫置地點查核,共計巡查187件次,其再利用處理廠因水洗設備因素導致廠內有泥濘之情形;暫置地點、加工再製地點需注意污染防治設備操作及維護,避免造成二次污染,另工程使用地點無發現異常狀況均符合規定,無違規情事發生,藉由巡查作業可有效監督底渣處理及焚化再生粒料使用的正確使用;計畫開始截至113年02月29日申請焚化再生粒料使用共計49件。 三、完成辦理焚化再生粒料業務相關觀摩活動,參與人員達51位已符合規範人數;粒料推廣、資源循環與環保設施等相關業務觀摩活動,參與人員達15位已符合規範人數。 四、完成辦理無人機專業操作證學科測驗8人次並完成術科訓練8人次,已排定113年3月18日進行術科考試。 五、輔導縣內華威德實業股份有限公司進行立方磚環保標章申請程序,書審已通過。 六、於112年8月28日辦理焚化再生粒料監督暨推廣小組會議,由環保局張局長喬維主持,於會議中請雲林縣政府工務處、水利處及各鄉鎮市公所盤點113年度需使用第一、二級標準用料各別需求量,供環保局提前規劃分配載運;於112年9月25日辦理焚化再生粒料說明會,會中邀請工務處交通建設科長解說縣內焚化再生粒料應用和雲林縣政府與新加坡再利用處理廠交流分享雙方經驗等。
中文關鍵字 焚化再生粒料、焚化再生粒料應用、焚化再生粒料環境監測


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-112-032 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5860 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/01 專案結束日期 2024/02/29 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 許家豪 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年焚化再生粒料監督管理計畫期末報告合併檔.pdf 26MB 112年焚化再生粒料監督管理計畫期末報告合併檔

112 Incineration recycled pellets supervision and Management plan

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is mainly to conduct quality inspection, flow direction control, inspection supervision and environmental monitoring of the incinerating recycled aggregate to ensure that the incinerating recycled aggregate can be reused without any risk to the environment. The final report of work completion includes: 1. The returned incinerating recycled aggregate were sampled and tested 12 points, and the "Environmental Use Leaching Procedure for Recycled Aggregates (NIEA R222.11C)" was used for testing and analysis. The test results at 10 points met the first and second level standards of the regulations;Among them, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic were not detected, and nickel, copper, chromium, zinc, and dioxin were detected in trace amounts. The test results showed that lead exceeded the standard at 2 points. The manufacturer has been notified to prohibit use of the batch of incinerating recycled aggregate and the batch will be transported back to the warehouse for temporary storage until the extended aging period for re-testing. After re-testing in January 2024, it has passed the regulatory standards. Soil and groundwater were tested for 5 points each, for a total of 10 points. The 5-point soil test was in compliance with regulatory standards, while the groundwater was sampled and tested for 5 points. The sampling test results showed that chromium, cadmium and lead were not detected at all points; copper, zinc, nickel and mercury were detected in trace amounts, which did not exceed the Type II monitoring standards. Ammoniacal nitrogen was detected at 1 point, iron was detected at 1 point and manganese was detected at 4 points exceeded the Type II monitoring standards. 2. Inspection of the incinerating recycled aggregate reuse treatment plant, including its usage and temporary storage location, with a total of 187 inspections, its reuse treatment plant was muddy due to the washing equipment; temporary storage locations and processing and remanufacturing locations must pay attention to the operation and maintenance of pollution prevention and control equipment to avoid secondary pollution; no abnormal conditions were found in the project usage site, which complied with the regulations, and no violations occurred. Through inspection operations, the proper use of bottom ash treatment and incinerating recycled aggregate can be effectively monitored. From the start of the project to February 29, 2024, a total of 49 applications have been applied for the use of incinerating recycled aggregate. 3. Completion of the incinerating recycled aggregate business-related observation activities, with 51 participants which meets the standard number of participants; incinerating recycled aggregate promotion, resource recycling and environmental protection facilities and other related business observation activities, the number of participants reached 15 persons has been in line with the number of norms. 4. Completed the Drone Professional Operator's Certificate (POC) subject test for 8 persons and completed surgical training for 8 persons. The technical test has been scheduled for March 18, 2024. 5. Assisted RETRIEVE ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. in the county to apply for the green mark of cubic bricks, and the document review has been approved. 6. On August 28, 2023, a meeting of the incinerating recycled aggregate supervision and promotion group was held, which chaired by Environmental Protection Bureau Secretary Chang Qiao Wei, in which the Public Works Department of the Yunlin County Government, the Water Conservancy Department, and the municipal offices of various townships were requested to take stock of their respective demand for the first- and second-level standard materials in 2024, so that the Environmental Protection Bureau can plan and distribute transportation in advance; an incinerating recycled aggregate presentation was held on September 25, 2023, in which the Chief of the Transportation and Construction Section of the Public Works Department was invited to explain the application of recycled aggregate in the county, and sharing their experiences of the exchanges between the Yunlin County Government and recycling plant in Singapore.
英文關鍵字 Incinerating recycled aggregate, Application of incinerating recycled aggregate, Environmental monitoring of incinerating recycled aggregate