

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自111年1月1日至111年11月30日,工作內容包括環境教育專案執行:配合辦理環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動,辦理第111年永續發展獎地方初賽、環境知識競賽初賽、環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫、寒(暑)假期環境教育營隊計畫、臺美生態學校推廣計畫、執行中央補助款環境教育基金(署BAF系統)登錄及操作、推動永續發展工作及協助宣傳、輔導及推薦轄內公立機關、民間團體參加永續發展獎,並協助擬定嘉義縣永續發展推動方案與蒐整嘉義縣政府各局處永續推動成果、協助辦理全國第33屆環保杯桌球錦標賽、及製作本縣永續宣傳影片製作等。 執行環境教育志工培訓:辦理環境教育志工增能訓練及運用計畫、全國環保志(義)工群英會全國賽參賽工作、嘉義縣環保志工群英會、環保志工督導訓練、環保志工隊幹部聯繫會議暨志工隊評鑑及環保類志工獎勵頒獎、購置環保志工服勤裝備、環保義工日環境教育體驗學習活動、環境教育志工運用、推動環保志工業務及運用、招募環保志工完成訓練、辦理本局辦理衛生福利部志願服務資訊整合系統環保志工相關資料建置、環保志工業務推動及成果彙整、環境教育志工座談會等。 執行綠能館發展規劃與營運維護相關工作:辦理每月主題日活動、週期性館內展品展出與實驗模組租賃或採購、綠能館行銷宣導工作、建築物及展示設備軟硬體更新、維護、展館空間改善、修繕與活化、綠能館解說導覽服務等相關工作、綠能館基地空間檢討改善規劃、與本縣教育處合作規劃環教軸帶等工作。
中文關鍵字 環境教育 、 環教志工 、 235環境教育綠能生活館


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 833 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 林百文
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃郁瑩 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112CY08-112年度嘉義縣235環境教育執行計畫(期末報告定稿).pdf 52MB

Implementation Plan of 2023 Chiayi County “235 Environmental Education Program”

英文摘要 This program will be implemented for a period starting from January 1 till November 30, 2023. Related activities include the implementation of environmental education programs: coordination with activities relating to environmental festivals and other environmental education programs, the local preliminary competition of 2023 Sustainable Development Award, preliminary competition of Environmental Knowledge Competition, the selection of ”Cherish Food” recipes/teaching plans,  the selection of picture books and promotion program for environmental education,  camping plan of environmental education in winter/summer holidays,  the 9th Taiwan Environmental Education Award, Taiwan-USA Eco-School Promotion Program, login to and operations on the Environmental Education Fund under Central Government's Subsidy Program (BAF System), and promotion of sustainable development and supporting publicity. Training on volunteers for environmental Education program: volunteer enhancement training for environmental education and application plan, activities in participation in  the Taiwan-wide contest for the Taiwan Environmental Volunteers Association,  contact meeting with Chiayi County Environmental Volunteers Association, environmental volunteer supervision and training,  contact meeting with officers of environmental volunteer team, evaluation of volunteer team and  awards to environmental volunteers), purchase of environmental volunteers’ service equipment, environmental education experiential learning activities on Environmental Volunteer Day, applications of environmental education volunteers. and promotion of the business and applications of environmental volunteers, recruitment of and training on environmental volunteers, setup of the data on environmental volunteers in the  volunteer service information integration system of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and promotion of environmental volunteer services  and integration of outcomes. Implementation of Green Energy Exhibition Hall development planning and activities related to operation and maintenance: monthly theme day activities, periodic exhibitions in the hall and rental or purchase of experimental modules, marketing promotion for Green Energy Exhibition Hall,  software  and hardware  update and maintenance for building and display equipment, exhibition space improvement, repair and activation, activities related to interpretation and visit guide services in Green Energy Exhibition Hall, review of improvement plan for  base space of Green Energy Exhibition Hall, cooperation with the Education Office of Chiayi County for planning of environmental education axis and other activities. The staff and equipment for the plan have been prepared in place on January 13, 2023 (documented in Consent numbered CY-E-G-1120002034 as filed with  Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi County dated January 18, 2023  for consultation). As of November 30, 2023, the plan will be implemented for 11 months in total, in line with the program schedule
英文關鍵字 Environmental education ,  Environmental volunteers ,  Green Energy Lifestyle Exhibition Hall for “235 Environmental Education Program”