

中文摘要 (一) 室內空氣品質作業 112年計畫已針對縣內27家列管單位、非列管單位共17家進行直讀式儀器巡檢作業,於4月起開始執行巡檢作業,其列管單位檢測結果CO2於400~700ppm之間,非列管場CO2亦低於700ppm,各場所皆符合法規標準。5月於巡檢單位中挑選室內空氣較不良或特殊情形之5家列管或非列管場所以邀請3位室內管理相關專家學者提供改善作為等方式進行現場診斷服務。另計畫追蹤本縣列管場所及非列管場所自主標章達成情形,本縣列管場所及非列管場所自主標章達成情形,1~12月完成7家自主管理標章(優良級標章6家、良好級標章1家)。非列管場所部份,針對17家非列管場所進行巡檢作業時積極宣導自主管理標章,鼓勵其踴躍申辦。另成功輔導非列管單位葛稑克托嬰中心申請優良級標章。 (二) 空氣品質監測站操作維護 維持本縣轄內空氣品質人工測站(3處)及自動測站(2處)正常運轉,以完成人工測站三站每月各二次TSP、PM10、PM2.5、落塵的收放樣與維護工作;自動測站部分也完成2站每月各二次的定期維護。 1、 人工測站操作維護作業及監測結果 三座人工測站中TSP、PM10、PM2.5採樣器在正常操作及進行定期維護作業的情形下,截至112年12月底止共進行24次定期維護工作,並未發生臨時故障而需額外檢修之情形並按季執行多點校正及維護。112年人工測站TSP 1-12月平均測值為29μg/m3,較去年同期平均值上升82%,較前三年同期平均值上升25%。PM10 1-12月平均測值為20μg/m3,較去年同期平均上升27%,與前三年同期平均值持平。PM2.5 1-12月平均測值為8μg/m3,較去年同期平均值上升33%,較前三年同期持平。(計畫檢視發現測站附近有營建工程外,雨量111年1~5月雨量606mm、而112年1~5月雨量414mm,111年10~11月雨量943mm、而112年10~11月雨量321mm,質量濃度上升原因可能與營建工程及雨量有關)。112年落塵量與111年同期差異不大。112年落塵量1-12月平均值為2.7(公噸/平方公里/月)符合法規標準。 (PM10年標準值50μg/m3、PM2.5年標準值15μg/m3) 2、 自動測站操作維護作業及監測結果 本年度計畫要求每月進行二次定期維護。截至112年12月底止,本團隊針對鳳林測站之監測設備共進行24次定期維護工作,按季執行自動測站年度維護及校正。本計畫執行期間,鳳林測站1~12月的資料可用率平均達85%以上,自動測站每月採樣資料皆如期完成資料提送。112年1~12月鳳林測站SO2、NO2、CO、O3等監測項目由圖顯示與環境部花蓮測站比較無太大差異性。另外在鳳林測站PM10 112年1~12月平均測值為18μg/m3,較去年同期平均值上升5.3%,與前三年同期平均值下降24%。玉里PM10 1~12月平均值16μg/m3,較去年同期平均值上升23%,與前三年同期平均值上升14%。(PM10年標準值50μg/m3) 3、 地方特色管制成效與成果PM10及PM2.5相關管制或研究工作 1. 2023年指定測站於不區分氣流來源影響下所測得PM10、PM2.5及PM2.5-10的平均質量濃度分別為19.2、7.7及11.5μg/m3;東北季風影響下分別為21.4、8.1及13.3μg/m3;高壓迴流影響下分別為20.2、8.9及11.3 μg/m3;太平洋高壓影響下分別為17.2、6.8及10.4 μg/m3;西南氣流影響下分別為16.9、6.7及10.2μg/m3;源自中國大陸影響下分別為23.2、8.4及14.8 μg/m3,高壓迴流影響下所採集PM2.5高於其他氣流型態,其質量濃度8.9 μg/m3,低於空氣品質年平均標準15μg/m3(達年平均標準的59%),顯示2023年花蓮空氣品質受境外移入空氣污染物的影響並不顯著。 2. 2023年花蓮縣指定測站於不同氣流來源影響下所採集PM2.5微粒水溶性離子優勢物種成份,皆以SO42-(佔20~26%)為主,PM2.5-10則在東北季風型影響下優勢物種為NO3-(佔11%),高壓迴流、太平洋高壓與西南氣流影響下優勢物種為OC(佔13~25%),源自中國大陸型態則為NO3- (佔11%),PM2.5微粒水溶性離子來源推估結果以二次衍生鹽類最高,佔比介於34~39%,PM2.5-10微粒則是海水相關離子(佔13~26%)與二次衍生鹽類(8~12%)佔前兩位。以氯離子損失法推估微粒中水溶性離子組成的推估結果,PM2.5微粒皆以硫酸銨鹽類(佔24~31%)為主要物種;PM2.5-10微粒則氯化鈉(7~20%)與硝酸鈉(佔8~15%)為優勢物種。 3. 2023年整體PM2.5質量濃度較2022年同期為高,略高於2021年同期(為 7.6 μg/m3)濃度,其中與境外移入密切相關的氣流源自中國大陸影響下所採集PM2.5微粒近3年平均值量濃度分為2021的8.4 μg/m3;2022年的9.3 μg/m3與2023年的8.4 μg/m3,由於境外移入污染的減輕使得區域污染源的管制更加重要。 4. 針對區域PM2.5污染源管制策略建議如下:(1)持續加強交通污染源的管制:包含輔導老舊柴油車與機車汰除、推動低污染交通工具(電動車或者油電混和車)等。(2)加強餐飲油煙管制輔導工作,特別針對污染防制設施效能的掌握,宜有更加積極的作為。(3)透過環境教育紮根對於民俗活動的焚香、燒金行為,由內而外使得宗教民俗團體自發性進行減香、減金的行為。(4)加強道路的洗掃工作,避免街塵的一再揚起,造成交通繁忙區域的PM2.5濃度的增加。(5)持續與學界合作進行區域性衍生性微粒特性與管制作為之研析,作為管制成效評估的依據。(PM10年標準值35μg/m3、PM2.5年標準值15μg/m3) (三) 有害空氣污染物檢測 依環境部考核或其他相關規範,於本縣執行大氣環境有害空氣污染物濃度調查,共需執行4季次監測作業。1~12月已完成第1~4季檢測作業(位於環境部監測站中正國小站),結果均符合法規標準。 (四) 綠美化、空氣品質淨化區 為使污染淨化工作得以延續,本計畫今年度協助花蓮縣環保局持續推動之空氣品質淨化區巡視與輔導等工作,發現缺失督促管理單位改善,並辦理空品淨化區申影說明會協助更多鄉鎮市申請設置空品淨化區,以維護本縣良好空氣品質為目標。1~12月完成本縣既有空品淨化區巡視共144處、新設24處巡查作業(111年未有新設基地,故將改為巡視裸露地)、4次空品淨化區現場考評、完成24處基地認養、完成補助8處閒置空地達4公頃以上、完成碳匯調查13處基地,減碳量共241.209公噸/CO2。112年已自行辦理空氣品質淨化區評比作業,並已將評比優良之單位提報環境部參與「112年空氣品質淨化區甄選活動」,目前活動尚未辦理。 (五) 大口呼吸 112年3至10 月配合縣政「大口呼吸」進行低碳景點PM2.5平均質量濃度量測結果顯示,花蓮縣各低碳景點以即時性PM2.5量測儀量測的PM2.5平均質量濃度則在4.7~14.6 μg/m3之間變動,平均值為7.7 μg/m3,以東大門夜市商圈測值為最高;同時期花蓮空品站所測得PM2.5質量濃度則介5.9~10.8 μg/m3之間變動,平均值為8.0 μg/m3,低碳景點所測得PM2.5質量濃度除了東大門夜市商圈與光復糖廠兩景點的PM2.5平均測值高於花蓮空品站測值外,其他景點皆低於空品站測值。 低碳景點PM2.5測值高於空品站測值的景點有三處,分別為:東大門夜市商圈、吉安慶修院與光復糖廠,其他景點所測得PM2.5測值皆低於空品站測值。東大門夜市商圈主要受到餐飲油煙的影響、吉安慶修院主要受到燃香活動影響與光復糖廠主要受到人為抽菸影響,使得其測值高於空品站。其中PM2.5測值最高的東大門夜市受到餐飲油煙的影響,造成PM2.5尖峰測值增高至48μg/m3,但平均值仍是屬於「良好」等級。(PM2.5年標準值15μg/m3) (六) 煙道連續監測系統CEMS 計畫依據合約規範進行本縣五大廠(台泥和平廠、亞洲水泥花蓮廠、和平電廠、中華紙漿廠、台泥花蓮停工狀態)CGA、RATA、OP、電位及訊號比對、現場查核等查核作業,結果均符合法規限值。 112年1~12月計畫完成13根次CGA標準氣體查核作業(含華紙2根次);44根次RATA監督查核作業;68根次監督定期檢測OP作業;36根次電位及訊號輸入比對作業(延續108年創新作法儀器進行比對);有效監測時數百分率為97%。統計1~12月各項作業皆符合法規標準。 RATA及CGA測試查核結果評估各廠目前儀器操作維護狀況,和平電廠P001及P002其各監測項目RATA之相對準確度及CGA查核之準確度結果均符合法規規定,CGA測試結果並無長期負偏差現象,近3年現場查核檢視其操作維護狀況均依確認報告書各項維護項目及頻率執行,儀器狀況良好。 (標準氣體查核準確度% : -15%≦(CGA)準確度≦15%) (相對準確度RA≦10%) (七) 宣導說明會及會議 1、 空品淨化區經營管理暨室內植物宣導說明會 本次會議邀請縣府內各局、處及各鄉鎮市公所辦理設置相關人員與現有空品區養護單位承辦人員,於112年2月24日辦理一場次,藉由說明會希望能鼓勵及督促鄉鎮市公所負責提出空品淨化區設置計畫書及督促進行既有空氣品質淨化區維護管理,也藉由說明會可提升對於公眾環境中有哪些適合的室內植物可改變空氣品質的觀念,以及說明環境部補助綠牆計畫內容。 2、 室內空氣品質自主管理宣導說明會 邀請專家學者擔任講師,針對第一批、第二批公告場所及預公告場所。對室內空氣品質有特別需求之場所單位,說明該法規之稽查標準、流程、改善方式、罰則及112年推動室內空品自主管理標章等,以及如何落實室內空氣品質自主管理機制,俾使各單位機關可預先作好室內空氣品質管理工作,以因應未來能符合本法規定。同時說明歷年來環保局查核時遇到之常見問題進行討論。統計至12月底,已有7家場所完成申請優良級標章及良好級標章。 3、 CEMS連線說明會 出席廠商有中華紙漿廠、台泥花蓮廠、台泥和平廠、亞泥花蓮廠及和平火力發電廠出席會議。本次會議要求各業者,務必遵守固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施管理辦法相關規定,避免因違反法規而遭罰鍰。 (八) 創新作為「室內空品公私協力、大口呼吸更有魅力」 為宣導與擴大室內空氣品質效益,針對非列管場所室內空氣品質管理。本計畫規劃媒合企業共同推廣室內空氣品質,除可展現支持政府2030年淨零碳排決心,更能盡到企業責任為友善室內空氣品質多做一份努力,此正面企業形象能鼓勵更多企業踴躍參與,進而形成民間企業與政府攜手合作之典範創造雙贏。計畫1~12月執結果如下: 1、 為打造室內空氣品質示範場所,宣導民眾所處場所空氣品質好壞,鼓勵其他企業重視室內空氣品質及提升企業CSR外,亦能確保民眾健康安全,所設置之環保天地園區更能賦予環境教育意義。可提高本縣第二批列管場所14家及非列管場所共19類別申請自主管理標章意願。 2、 檢測數據於分別每月上下半月進行檢測(CO2、PM10、HCHO),並公布於環保天地場所。 3、 已媒合1處企業(TOYOTA汽車)共同打造良好室內空氣品質示範場所,於室內進行環境部公告CO2室內空氣污染物檢測並公告檢測數據於場所入口處。另於場所(車輛展示間或車主休息區域)內設置環保天地區域,主要展現企業支持與協助政府宣導2030年淨零碳排決心與政策,本縣環保局提供參與企業CO2顯示看板(經由專業團隊校正後使用),使民眾進入企業展示空間或展覽場域,能即時顯示空氣品質數據,不僅有能效管控室內空氣品質更能使企業自主擔任環境教育多盡一份心力。 4、 另9月辦理一場室內空品環保講座,於TOYOTA東部汽車展示間辦理環保講座及環保趣味競賽,邀請縣內環境部公告列管或非列管場所及一般民眾等共同參予活動,此正面企業形象能鼓勵更多企業踴躍參與,進而形成民間企業與政府攜手合作之典範創造雙贏。 5、 並將公家單位與企業結合之決心透過網路媒體等方式廣泛宣傳公私協力,共同為民眾健康把關為目的。 6、 完成輔導非列管場所-托嬰中心申請優良級標章。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測站、有害空氣污染物監測、室內空氣品質、綠美化、空氣品質淨化區、煙道連續監測系統CEMS、創新作為、大口呼吸


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 13420 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 孫偉碩
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 鍾欣儒 執行單位 祥威環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度空氣品質淨化區-空氣品質監測暨CEMS監督查核計畫成果報告.pdf 27MB 112年度空氣品質淨化區-空氣品質監測暨CEMS監督查核計畫成果報告

112th Hualien County Air Quality Purification Zone-Air Quality Monitoring and CEMS Supervision and Verification Plan

英文摘要 (1) Indoor air quality work The 112-year plan has carried out direct-reading instrument inspections for a total of 27 listed units and 17 non-listed units in the county. The inspections began in April, and the CO2 test results of the listed units were between 400 and 400. Between 700ppm and non-managed sites, CO2 is also below 700ppm. All sites comply with regulatory standards. In May, 5 managed or non-managed places with poor indoor air or special conditions were selected from the inspection units, and 3 experts and scholars related to indoor management were invited to provide on-site diagnosis services by providing improvement measures. It is also planned to track the achievement of autonomous labels for listed and non-managed places in the county. From January to December, 7 companies have completed independent management labels (excellent grade). 6 companies received the mark and 1 company received the good mark). As for non-listed places, we actively promoted the self-management label during inspections of 17 non-listed places and encouraged them to actively apply. We also successfully guided the non-listed unit Geyike Baby Care Center to apply for the excellent grade mark. (2) Operation and maintenance of air quality monitoring stations Maintain the normal operation of the air quality manual measuring stations (3 stations) and automatic measuring stations (2 stations) within the county's jurisdiction to complete the collection and placement of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and falling dust at the three manual measuring stations twice a month. Maintenance work; the automatic measuring station part also completes the regular maintenance of the two stations twice a month. 1. Manual measuring station operation and maintenance operations and monitoring results The TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 samplers in the three manual measurement stations were under normal operation and regular maintenance work. As of the end of December 2012, a total of 24 regular maintenance work had been performed, and no temporary failures occurred that required additional maintenance. situation and perform multi-point calibration and maintenance on a quarterly basis. The average measured value of TSP from January to December at the 112-year manual measuring station was 29 μg/m3, an increase of 82% from the average of the same period last year and an increase of 25% from the average of the same period in the previous three years. The average measured value of PM10 from January to December was 20 μg/m3, an average increase of 27% from the same period last year, and the same as the average value of the same period in the previous three years. The average measured value of PM2.5 from January to December was 8 μg/m3, an increase of 33% from the average value of the same period last year and the same as the same period of the previous three years. (The plan inspection found that there were construction projects near the measuring station. The rainfall from January to May in 2011 was 606mm, and the rainfall from January to May 2012 was 414mm. The rainfall from October to November 2011 was 943mm, while the rainfall from October to November 2012 was 943mm. 321mm, the reason for the increase in mass concentration may be related to construction projects and rainfall). The dust volume in 2011 was not much different from that in the same period in 2011. The average dust volume from January to December in 2012 was 2.7 (metric tons/square kilometer/month), which complies with regulatory standards. (PM10-year standard value is 50μg/m3, PM2.5-year standard value is 15μg/m3) 2. Automatic measuring station operation and maintenance operations and monitoring results This year's plan requires regular maintenance twice a month. As of the end of December 2020, our team has conducted a total of 24 regular maintenance works on the monitoring equipment of Fenglin Station, and performs annual maintenance and calibration of the automatic station on a quarterly basis. During the implementation of this project, the data availability rate of Fenglin Station from January to December averaged over 85%, and the monthly sampling data of the automatic station were submitted as scheduled. The figure shows that the monitoring items such as SO2, NO2, CO, and O3 at Fenglin Station from January to December 2012 are not much different from those at the Hualien Station of the Ministry of Environment. In addition, the average measured value of PM10 at Fenglin Station from January to December 112 was 18 μg/m3, an increase of 5.3% from the average of the same period last year, and a decrease of 24% from the average of the same period in the previous three years. The average PM10 in Yuli from January to December was 16 μg/m3, an increase of 23% from the average of the same period last year, and an increase of 14% from the average of the same period in the previous three years.(PM10-year standard value 50μg/m3) 3. Local characteristics of control effectiveness and results PM10 and PM2.5 related control or research work 1. The average mass concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 measured at designated measuring stations in 2023 without distinguishing the influence of air flow sources are 19.2, 7.7 and 11.5μg/m3 respectively; under the influence of the northeast monsoon, they are 21.4 respectively. , 8.1 and 13.3 μg/m3; under the influence of high-pressure return flow, they are 20.2, 8.9 and 11.3 μg/m3 respectively; under the influence of Pacific high pressure, they are 17.2, 6.8 and 10.4 μg/m3 respectively; under the influence of southwest airflow, they are 16.9, 6.7 and 10.2 μg respectively. /m3; the PM2.5 collected under the influence of mainland China are 23.2, 8.4 and 14.8 μg/m3 respectively. The PM2.5 collected under the influence of high-pressure return flow is higher than other air flow patterns, and its mass concentration is 8.9 μg/m3, which is lower than the annual average air quality. The standard is 15 μg/m3 (59% of the annual average standard), which shows that Hualien’s air quality in 2023 will not be significantly affected by air pollutants imported from abroad. 2. The dominant species components of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 particles collected at designated measuring stations in Hualien County in 2023 under the influence of different air flow sources are all dominated by SO42- (accounting for 20~26%), while PM2.5-10 is in the Northeast The dominant species under the influence of monsoon type is NO3- (accounting for 11%), the dominant species under the influence of high pressure return, Pacific high pressure and southwest airflow is OC (accounting for 13~25%), and the dominant species originating from mainland China is NO3- (accounting for 11%) %), the source of water-soluble ions of PM2.5 particles is estimated to be highest in secondary derived salts, accounting for 34~39%, while PM2.5-10 particles are seawater-related ions (accounting for 13~26%) and Secondary derived salts (8~12%) account for the top two places. The estimated results of using the chloride ion loss method to estimate the composition of water-soluble ions in particles show that all PM2.5 particles contain ammonium sulfate salts (accounting for 24~31%) as the main species; PM2.5-10 particles contain sodium chloride (accounting for 24~31%). 7~20%) and sodium nitrate (8~15%) are the dominant species. 3. The overall PM2.5 mass concentration in 2023 is higher than the same period in 2022, and slightly higher than the concentration in the same period in 2021 (7.6 μg/m3). The airflow closely related to overseas migration originates from PM2 collected under the influence of mainland China. The average concentration of 5 particles in the past three years is divided into 8.4 μg/m3 in 2021; 9.3 μg/m3 in 2022 and 8.4 μg/m3 in 2023. Due to the reduction of imported pollution from abroad, the control of regional pollution sources is more important. 4. Recommendations for regional PM2.5 pollution source control strategies are as follows: (1) Continue to strengthen the control of traffic pollution sources: including guiding the elimination of old diesel vehicles and motorcycles, promoting low-pollution transportation (electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles), etc. (2) Strengthen the guidance on catering oil fume control, especially to control the effectiveness of pollution prevention and control facilities. More active measures should be taken. (3) Through environmental education, we should take root in the behavior of burning incense and burning gold in folk activities, so that religious and folk groups can spontaneously reduce incense and money from the inside out. (4) Strengthen road cleaning work to avoid repeated rise of street dust, causing an increase in PM2.5 concentration in heavy traffic areas. (5) Continue to cooperate with the academic community to conduct research and analysis on the characteristics and control actions of regionally derived particles as a basis for the evaluation of control effectiveness.(PM10-year standard value is 35μg/m3, PM2.5-year standard value is 15μg/m3) (3) Detection of harmful air pollutants In accordance with the assessment of the Ministry of Environment or other relevant regulations, the concentration survey of harmful air pollutants in the atmospheric environment in this county requires a total of 4 quarters of monitoring operations. The first to fourth quarter testing operations have been completed from January to December (located at the Zhongzheng Elementary School monitoring station of the Ministry of Environment), and the results are all in compliance with regulatory standards. (4) Greening and air quality purification areas In order to continue the pollution purification work, this year, the project assists the Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau in continuing to promote air quality purification area inspections and guidance, discovers deficiencies and urges management units to improve, and holds a briefing session on the application of air quality purification areas to assist with updates. Many towns, towns and cities have applied to set up air purification areas with the goal of maintaining good air quality in the county. From January to December, a total of 144 inspections of existing air purification areas in the county were completed, 24 new inspection operations were established (no new bases were established in 111 years, so inspections of exposed areas will be changed), and 4 on-site assessments of air purification areas were completed , completed the adoption of 24 bases, completed subsidies for 8 idle vacant lands of more than 4 hectares, and completed carbon sink surveys for 13 bases, with a total carbon reduction of 241.209 metric tons/CO2. 112 has conducted its own air quality purification area evaluation operations, and has completed Units with excellent performance will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment to participate in the "112th Air Quality Purification Zone Selection Activity". The activity has not yet been processed. (5) Take a big breath The results of the average PM2.5 mass concentration measurement at low-carbon attractions in Hualien County from March to October 2012 in conjunction with the county government's "Breathe Big Breath" show that the average PM2.5 mass concentration measured by real-time PM2.5 measuring instruments at various low-carbon attractions in Hualien County The mass concentration varied between 4.7 and 14.6 μg/m3, with an average value of 7.7 μg/m3, with the highest value measured in the Dongdamen Night Market commercial district. During the same period, the mass concentration of PM2.5 measured at the Hualien Air Products Station was between 5.9 It varies between ~ 10.8 μg/m3, with an average value of 8.0 μg/m3. The PM2.5 mass concentrations measured at low-carbon attractions are higher than those in Hualien except for Dongdamen Night Market Commercial District and Guangfu Sugar Factory. Except for the measured value of Kongpin Station, all other scenic spots are lower than the measured value of Kongpin Station. There are three low-carbon scenic spots with higher PM2.5 measured values ​​than those measured at the Kongpin Station, namely: Dongdaemun Night Market Commercial District, Ji'an Keishuyuan and Guangfu Sugar Factory. The measured PM2.5 values ​​of other scenic spots are all lower. The value is measured at the empty product station. The Dongdaemun Night Market business district is mainly affected by catering fumes, Ji'an Keishuyuan is mainly affected by incense burning activities, and Guangfu Sugar Factory is mainly affected by artificial smoking, making its measured value higher than that of the empty product station. Among them, Dongdaemun Night Market, which has the highest PM2.5 measurement value, was affected by the fumes from restaurants, causing the peak PM2.5 measurement value to increase to 48 μg/m3, but the average value is still at the "good" level.(PM2.5 annual standard value 15μg/m3) (6) Continuous flue monitoring system CEMS It is planned to carry out CGA, RATA, OP, potential and signal comparison, on-site inspection and other inspections of the five major factories in the county (Taiwan Cement Heping Plant, Asia Cement Hualien Plant, Heping Power Plant, Chung Hwa Pulp Mill, and TCC Hualien shutdown status) in accordance with the contract specifications. Operations and results are in compliance with regulatory limits. From January to December in 2012, it is planned to complete 13 CGA standard gas inspection operations (including 2 Chinese paper inspections); 44 RATA supervision and inspection operations; 68 supervision and regular inspection OP operations; and 36 potential and signal input operations. Comparison operation (continuation of 108 years of innovative practice instrument comparison); the effective monitoring time percentage is 97%. According to statistics, all operations from January to December were in compliance with regulatory standards. RATA and CGA test and verification results evaluate the current instrument operation and maintenance status of each plant. The relative accuracy of RATA and the accuracy of CGA verification for each monitoring item of Heping Power Plant P001 and P002 are in compliance with regulations. There is no long-term negative deviation in the CGA test results. , in the past three years, on-site inspections and inspections have been carried out to check the operation and maintenance status in accordance with the maintenance items and frequency in the confirmation report, and the instrument is in good condition. (Standard gas check accuracy%: -15%≦(CGA) accuracy≦15%) (Relative accuracy RA≦10%) (7) Publicity briefings and meetings 1. Air purification area management and indoor plant promotion briefing This meeting invites relevant personnel from all bureaus, divisions and township and municipal offices within the county government, as well as personnel responsible for the existing empty product area maintenance units, to conduct one session on February 24, 2020. Through the briefing session, we hope to encourage and supervise the townships The Municipal Office is responsible for proposing plans for the establishment of air quality purification areas and supervising the maintenance and management of existing air quality purification areas. It can also enhance the concept of suitable indoor plants in the public environment that can improve air quality through briefing sessions, and explain The Ministry of Environment subsidizes the content of the green wall project. 2. Indoor air quality independent management publicity and briefing meeting Invite experts and scholars to serve as lecturers for the first and second batch of announced venues and pre-announced venues. For establishments that have special needs for indoor air quality, explain the inspection standards, procedures, improvement methods, penalties, and the 112-year promotion of independent management of indoor air quality standards under the regulations, as well as how to implement an independent management mechanism for indoor air quality so that All units and agencies can prepare indoor air quality management work in advance to meet the requirements of this law in the future. It also explains and discusses the common problems encountered by the Environmental Protection Bureau during its inspections over the years. Statistics show that as of the end of December, 7 venues have completed applications for excellent and good labels. 3. CEMS connection briefing session Manufacturers attending the meeting included Chung Hwa Pulp Mill, TCC Hualien Plant, TCC Heping Plant, Asia Cement Hualien Plant and Heping Thermal Power Plant. This meeting requires all operators to comply with the relevant provisions of the Management Measures for Continuous Automatic Monitoring Facilities of Air Pollutants from Stationary Pollution Sources to avoid being fined for violating regulations. (8) Innovation as "Public-private collaboration between indoor empty products and big breaths makes it more attractive" In order to promote and expand the benefits of indoor air quality, we focus on indoor air quality management in non-listed places. This project plans to engage companies to jointly promote indoor air quality. In addition to demonstrating support for the government's determination to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in 2030, it can also fulfill corporate responsibilities and make more efforts to promote friendly indoor air quality. This positive corporate image can encourage more Many enterprises actively participated, thus forming a model of cooperation between private enterprises and the government to create a win-win situation. The execution results of the plan from January to December are as follows: 1. In order to create an indoor air quality demonstration site, publicize the quality of the air in the place where people live, encourage other companies to pay attention to indoor air quality and improve corporate CSR, and also ensure the health and safety of the people, the environmental protection park set up can better empower Environmental education significance. It can increase the willingness of the county's second batch of 14 listed places and 19 categories of non-listed places to apply for self-management labels. 2. Testing data (CO2, PM10, HCHO) will be tested in the first and second half of each month, and will be published in the Environmental Protection World. 3. We have partnered with one company (TOYOTA Motors) to jointly build a good indoor air quality demonstration site, conduct indoor CO2 indoor air pollutant testing announced by the Ministry of Environment, and announce the testing data at the entrance of the site. In addition, an environmental protection area is set up in the venue (vehicle display room or car owner rest area), mainly to show corporate support and assistance to the government in promoting the determination and policy of net-zero carbon emissions in 2030. The county Environmental Protection Bureau provides CO2 display boards for participating companies (through a professional team Use after calibration), allowing the public to enter the corporate display space or exhibition area, and the air quality data can be displayed in real time. It not only controls indoor air quality with energy efficiency, but also enables companies to independently undertake environmental education and contribute more efforts. 4. In September, an indoor air product environmental protection lecture will be held. An environmental lecture and environmental fun competition will be held at the TOYOTA Eastern Auto Showroom. Listed or uncontrolled places announced by the Ministry of Environment in the county and the general public will be invited to participate in the event. This positive corporate image can encourage more companies to actively participate, thereby forming a model for private companies and the government to work together to create a win-win situation. 5. The determination to integrate public institutions and enterprises should be widely publicized through online media and other means for the purpose of public-private collaboration to jointly safeguard the health of the people. 6. Complete the guidance for non-listed places - child care centers to apply for the excellent label.
英文關鍵字 Air quality monitoring station, harmful air pollutant monitoring, indoor air quality, green landscaping, air quality purification area, flue continuous monitoring system CEMS, innovation, big breath