

中文摘要 金門縣環保局希冀藉由辦理「112年金門縣環境教育推動計畫勞務委託案」,配合112年主軸「實踐綠生活行動」,使環境教育推廣更具多元化,深入當地風俗民情,鼓勵民眾重視環境問題,提昇其參與意願,增進民眾環境教育知識、倫理與責任。 本計畫工作項目截至期末報告成果說明如後: (一) 辦理環境教育法規定地方政府應辦事項 1. 6月12日完成審查修正111年環境教育行動方案成果報告,備文提交(大立環字第1120612300)。 2. 5月30日召開環境教育審議會第1場次,採實體審查會議,未來規劃金門縣環境教育政策朝多元化方向執行,並將環境教育政策轉化為具體行動方案,使金門縣環境教育執行方向更符合在地相關自然、人文等特色。   (二) 世界森林日、地球日、世界環境日配合「推廣綠生活行動」,辦理環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動 1. 世界森林日,3月11日、3月12日、3月19日辦理「世界森林日-森歷其境」,3場次共計76人參與,宣導物種多樣性與環境保護重要性。 2. 地球日,4月22日、4月23日辦理2場次「綠食無痕.地球永恆」,2場次共計73人參與,鼓勵學員從日常生活中,用簡單執行的方式來減少食物的浪費。 3. 世界環境日系列活動 (1) 6月9日、6月13日辦理2場次「環境教育電影欣賞」活動,共計122人參與。透過環境電影與專家座談,促使參與者省思公害防治、氣候變遷等問題。 (2) 辦理2場次網路活動「環保時事大挑戰」、「減塑I地球」,6月1日~6月15日提升民眾環境素養及增進環境教育相關知識,網路表單回答問題; 11月1~11月15日培養民眾自備環保容器習慣,減少一次性餐具使用,網路上傳自備環保容器照片。 (3) 辦理1場次環境教育設施場所平台會議,共計24人參與。透過活動讓縣內所屬各場域人員學習活動策劃、參與者互動等方面的實際經驗。 (三) 辦理環境教育創新及特色作為計畫 1. 5月~8月辦理15場次迴環境教育課程(社區),傳達環境保護的相關理念,達到落實推廣各項環保政策,並培養民眾環境素養與覺知,共計512人。 2. 4月26~4月28日辦理環境教育認證及創新交流工作坊,以跨縣市環境教育認證場所觀摩方式,進行彼此實務經驗的交流、分享,汲取輔導經驗及技巧,共計30人參與。 3. 9月5日至11月23日完成27場學校社區推廣,共計3290人參與,扣連SDG4優質教育、SDG12永續消費與生產模式、SDG13氣候行動。 (四) 環境教育法輔導與查核作業 1. 4月19日辦理第1場次環境教育申報系統說明會。 2. 執行111年度執行成果及計畫查核,共抽查10個單位,抽查數11.6%。 3. 11月16日辦理第2、3場次環境教育申報系統實機操作說明會 (五) 環境講習清查作業 1. 5月25日清查5案。 2. 10月31日清查7案。 (六) 環保志工特殊訓練及日常應用與管理 1. 輔導富康一村金城新莊社區、金城北門社區成立環保志工隊,共計2隊。 2. 賡續管理與應用志工參與環境教育服務,累計運用出勤3,490人次,5,407小時。 3. 3月18日辦理第1場次環保志工聯繫會議;6月10日辦理第2場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議;11月11日辦理第3場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議;11月12日辦理第4場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議。 4. 志工時數每月依規定上傳衛福部志願服務資訊系統,截至期末報告,已協助志工服務時數上傳登錄共5,407小時,運用志工服務3,490人次。 5. 5月27日辦理環保志工特殊訓練8小時課程,輔導本縣2處社區成立環保志工隊,分別為富康一村金城新莊社區環保志工隊、北門社區環保志工隊。 6. 8月26日辦理環境教育志工特殊訓練8小時課程,鼓勵本縣民眾加入環境教育志工透過環境教育課程培訓,參加人次40人。 (七) 112年環境知識競賽地方初賽及赴台參加總決賽 1. 3月27日提送金門縣環境知識競賽地方初賽簡章。 2. 9月24日辦理環境知識競賽地方初賽,四組共452人報名參賽,實際參賽人數403人,統計各組參賽率:國小組90%、國中組100%、高中職組100%、社會組100%。 3. 11月17~11月19辦理環境知識競賽全國決賽,共12人進入驟死賽(國小組3人、國中組3人、高中(職)組4人、社會組3人)。 (八) 環保志(義)工群英會地方初賽及赴台參加全國賽作業 1. 5月18日提送金門縣環保志義工群英會地方初賽簡章。 2. 6月10日召開群英會地方初賽說明會。 3. 8月5日辦理群英會地方初賽,共百餘人參加,遴選出總積分前三名的隊伍代表本縣參加全國決賽。 4. 10月28~10月30辦理群英會全國決賽,於環保金頭腦、資源分類王、資源灌籃高手及環境保衛戰等全競賽項目皆榮獲「特優」殊榮。 (九) 第9屆國家環境教育獎初選、複選輔導及行政作業 1. 4月19日辦國家環境教育獎地方初審填表說明會,共計23人參加。 2. 金湖國小、金門水試所、金門野生動物保護協會已提送申請表。 3. 7月17日、18日辦理實地訪查作業,各組特優為機關(構)組特優獎-金門縣水產試驗所;學校組特優獎-金湖國小;民間團體組-金門縣野生動物救援暨保育協會。 4. 8月26日辦理國家環境教育獎頒獎典禮。 5. 10月30日完成申請單位之資料修正及送件。 (十) 環境教育繪本徵選及推廣事宜 1. 3月7日邀請專家學者,辦理環境教育繪本徵選辦法審查會議1場次。 2. 8月10日辦理環境教育繪本徵選,共收件10件,經初審後共計9件符合徵選資格。 3. 8月26日辦理環境教育繪本頒獎典禮 4. 10月14日辦理全國繪本嘉年華活動,本縣參展之繪本作品「戴勝要不藥」,榮獲繪本人氣獎第二名。 5. 11月完成環境教育繪本印製200本及教學展演3場次,共計134人參與。 (十一) 辦理環境地圖徵選創作徵集補助作業 1. 9月28日辦理徵選說明會 2. 截至期末報告初稿收件26件 (十二) 惜食料理食譜/惜食教案徵選 1. 4月12日辦理徵選說明會,共計29人參與。 2. 6月17日辦理地方初賽,共計24組參賽。 3. 7月21日辦理教案審查會議。 4. 9月16日辦理全國決賽,惜食教案組榮獲「特色教案獎」、惜食食譜組榮獲「首惜廚師獎」第一名。 (十三) 辦理環保夏令營 3. 6月20日提送環保夏令營工作規劃書。 4. 7月18日~25日辦理2梯次3天不過夜營隊活動,讓學生在假期放鬆身心之餘,適時的搭實作課程,嘗試不同於校園中的學習方式與內容,共計57人參與。 (十四) 輔導社區申請及執行環境相關補助計畫 1. 輔導3個社區完成社區環境調查及改造計畫,於11月10日完成結案報告與核銷資料提送。 2. 11月13日辦理113年社區環境調查與環保小學堂說明會。
中文關鍵字 環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6605 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/04 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 謝孟宏
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 鄭永宗 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


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期末報告 112年金門縣環境教育期末報告 定稿.pdf 28MB 112年金門縣環境教育期末報告

Environmental Educational

英文摘要 The end-of-term report for the project's work items is outlined as follows: (I) Implementation of Local Government Obligations as Stipulated by Environmental Education Regulations 1. Completed the review and amendment of the 111th-year Environmental Education Action Plan Results Report on June 12. 2. Convened the 1st session of the Environmental Education Review Council on May 30, using a physical review meeting to plan the future direction of Kinmen County's environmental education policies. The objective is to execute these policies in a more diversified manner, aligning them with the local characteristics of nature, culture, and other relevant aspects. (II) Implementation of Environmental Festivals and Related Activities in Conjunction with World Forest Day, Earth Day, and World Environment Day under the Theme of "Promoting Green Living Action" 1. Organized "World Forest Day - Forest Journey" on March 11, 12, and 19, with a total of 76 participants. The event aimed to promote the importance of biodiversity and environmental protection. 2. Held two sessions of "Green Food Traceless. Eternal Earth" on April 22 and 23 for Earth Day, with a total of 73 participants. The sessions encouraged participants to reduce food waste in their daily lives through simple practices. 3. World Environment Day Series Activities: (1) Conducted two sessions of "Environmental Education Film Appreciation" on June 9 and 13, with a total of 122 participants. The events used environmental films and expert discussions to stimulate participants' reflection on issues such as pollution prevention and climate change. (2) Organized two online activities, "Environmental Current Affairs Challenge" and "Reduce Plastic for the Earth," from June 1 to 15. The aim was to enhance public environmental literacy and knowledge through online surveys. From November 1 to 15, the focus shifted to cultivating the habit of using reusable containers, with participants uploading photos online. (3) Held one session of the Environmental Education Facility Platform Meeting, with 24 participants. The activity aimed to provide practical experiences in event planning and participant interaction for personnel from various venues in the county. (III) Implementation of Innovative and Featured Environmental Education Programs 1. Conducted 15 sessions of recycling environmental education courses (community) from May to August, reaching a total of 512 participants. The courses aimed to convey the relevant concepts of environmental protection, promote various environmental policies, and cultivate public environmental literacy and awareness. 2. Organized an Environmental Education Certification and Innovation Exchange Workshop from April 26 to 28. The workshop facilitated cross-county and city visits to certified environmental education sites, allowing participants to exchange practical experiences and skills. A total of 30 people participated. 3. Completed 27 school and community promotion sessions from September 5 to November 23, with a total of 3,290 participants. The activities were linked to SDG4 Quality Education, SDG12 Sustainable Consumption and Production, and SDG13 Climate Action. (IV) Guidance and Verification Operations for Environmental Education Law 1. Conducted the first session of the Environmental Education Declaration System briefing on April 19. 2. Executed the audit of the 111th-year implementation results and plans, randomly checking 10 units, with a sampling rate of 11.6%. 3. Conducted the second and third sessions of the Environmental Education Declaration System live operation briefing on November 16. (V) Environmental Seminar Inspection Operations 1. Conducted inspections of 5 cases on May 25. 2. Conducted inspections of 7 cases on October 31. (VI) Special Training and Daily Application and Management of Environmental Volunteers 1. Assisted in the establishment of environmental volunteer teams in two communities: Fukuang Yicun Jincheng Xinzhuang Community and Jincheng Beimen Community, totaling 2 teams. 2. Continued to manage and apply volunteers for environmental education services, accumulating 5,407 hours of service attendance by 3,490 volunteers. 3. Held the 1st Environmental Volunteer Contact Meeting on March 18, the 2nd Volunteer Team Leaders Contact Meeting on June 10, the 3rd Volunteer Team Leaders Contact Meeting on November 11, and the 4th Volunteer Team Leaders Contact Meeting on November 12. 4. Uploaded volunteer hours to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Volunteer Service Information System according to regulations every month, with a total of 5,407 hours of volunteer service and 3,490 participants. 5. Conducted an 8-hour special training course for environmental volunteers on May 27, guiding the establishment of environmental volunteer teams in two communities: Fukuang Yicun Jincheng Xinzhuang Community Environmental Volunteer Team and Beimen Community Environmental Volunteer Team. 6. Held an 8-hour environmental education volunteer special training course on August 26, encouraging local residents to join environmental education volunteers. A total of 40 people participated. (VII) Local Preliminary and Participation in the National Finals of the 112th-Year National Environmental Knowledge Competition 1. Submitted the guidelines for the local preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition on March 27. 2. Conducted the local preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition on September 24, with a total of 452 people registering, and 403 people participating in the actual competition. The participation rates for each group were: elementary school group 90%, junior high school group 100%, high school/vocational school group 100%, and social group 100%. 3. Held the National Finals of the Environmental Knowledge Competition from November 17 to 19, with 12 participants entering the final sudden-death round (3 in the elementary school group, 3 in the junior high school group, 4 in the high school/vocational school group, and 3 in the social group). (VIII) Local Preliminary and Participation in the National Competition of the 112th-Year National Environmental Education Volunteer Heroes Meeting 1. Submitted the guidelines for the local preliminary round of the Environmental Volunteer Heroes Meeting on May 18. 2. Held a briefing session for the local preliminary round of the Volunteer Heroes Meeting on June 10. 3. Conducted the local preliminary round of the Volunteer Heroes Meeting on August 5, with over a hundred participants. Selected three teams with the highest total scores to represent the county in the national finals. 4. Organized the national finals of the Volunteer Heroes Meeting from October 28 to 30. Achieved "Outstanding" honors in all competition categories, including Environmental Brain, Resource Sorting King, Resource Slam Dunk Master, and Environmental Defense Battle. (IX) Preliminary, Guidance, and Administrative Operations for the 9th National Environmental Education Awards 1. Held the briefing session for the local review of the National Environmental Education Awards on April 19, with a total of 23 participants. 2. Units including Jinhu Elementary School, Kinmen Aquaculture Experiment Station, and Kinmen Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association submitted application forms. 3. Conducted on-site inspections on July 17 and 18, awarding "Outstanding" honors in the organizational category to Kinmen County Aquaculture Experiment Station, in the school category to Jinhu Elementary School, and in the non-governmental organization category to Kinmen Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association. 4. Held the National Environmental Education Awards ceremony on August 26. 5. Completed corrections and submissions of data from applicant units on October 30. (X) Environmental Education Picture Book Selection and Promotion Matters 1. Organized a meeting on March 7 to review the selection process for environmental education picture books. 2. Conducted the environmental education picture book selection on August 10, receiving 10 submissions and qualifying 9 after initial review. 3. Held the environmental education picture book award ceremony on August 26. 4. Organized a national picture book carnival on October 14, where the county's entry, "Dai Sheng's Medicine or Not," won second place in the picture book popularity award. 5. Completed the printing of 200 copies of the environmental education picture book and conducted three teaching demonstrations, with a total of 134 participants. (XI) Implementation of Environmental Map Selection and Creation Subsidy Operations 1. Held a briefing session for the environmental map selection on September 28. 2. Received 26 submissions by the end-of-term report draft deadline. (XII) Food Conservation Recipes/Teaching Materials Selection 1. Conducted a briefing session on April 12, with 29 participants. 2. Organized the local preliminary on June 17, with 24 participating groups. 3. Held a teaching material review meeting on July 21. 4. Conducted the national finals on September 16, with the Conservation Teaching Material group winning the "Special Teaching Material Award" and the Conservation Recipe group winning the "First Conservation Chef Award." (XIII) Implementation of Environmental Summer Camp 1. Submitted the Environmental Summer Camp work plan on June 20. 2. Conducted two sessions of a 3-day non-overnight camp from July 18 to 25, allowing students to relax during the holidays while participating in hands-on courses. A total of 57 people participated. (XIV) Guidance for Community Applications and Implementation of Subsidized Environmental-Related Projects 1. Assisted three communities in completing community environmental surveys and renovation plans. Completed and submitted the final report and verification data on November 10. 2. Held an explanatory meeting for the 113-year community environmental survey and environmental protection classroom on November 13. 3. These accomplishments demonstrate the dedication and successful execution of the "Environmental Education Promotion Project for the Year 112 in Kinmen County" in alignment with the overarching theme of "Practicing Green Living Action."
英文關鍵字 Environmental Educational