

中文摘要 自民國99年6月5日我國通過「環境教育法」以來,國家環境研究院(以下簡稱國環院)陸續推動環境教育認證相關業務以落實法規規範申請、審查及追蹤管理等內容,本計畫所建置新一代環境教育管理系統(簡稱NEECS),主要銜接系統現行運行中環境教育認證系統(Environmental Education Certification System,簡稱EECS系統)之功能流程及資料庫,適逢「環境部組織法」、「環境教育機構認證及管理辦法」、「環境教育人員認證及管理辦法」和「環境教育設施場所認證及管理辦法」修訂,調整相關系統功能,以期達到簡政便民之目的。 本計畫針對國環院承辦人進行管理功能之優化,調整環境教育人員學歷認證之學分採認操作方式,大幅節省人工審查時間,增加協助人才庫講師新增推廣成果資料功能及供承辦人員針對成果資料批次審查功能,使國環院承辦管理講師資料更加彈性,符合實際業務流程。為國環院環境教育認證無紙化、數位化及智慧化之願景,提出電子簽名之可行性評估,以及環境部「智慧環保一站通」規劃及擴增服務,以合適之現有資源做合理之目標規劃。
中文關鍵字 環境教育認證、環境教育人員、環境教育機構、環境教育設施場所、環境教育認證展延、環境教育人才


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3449.03 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/07 專案結束日期 2023/12/10 專案主持人 戴士恩
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 張儷瓊 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度環境教育認證系統功能擴充及維護計畫成果報告書.pdf 24MB

2023 Project on expansion and maintenance of the New Environmental Education Certification System (NEECS)

英文摘要 Since the passage of the Environmental Education Act passed on June 5, 2010, the National Environmental Research Academy (NERA) has systematically advanced initiatives pertaining to environmental education certification. These endeavors are focused on implementing regulatory compliance, conducting application reviews, and managing tracking processes. This project established the New Environmental Education Certification System (NEECS), which primarily inherited the functional processes and databases of the current Environmental Education Certification System (EECS). This initiative aligned with the revisions to the Organization Act of the Ministry of Environment, the Regulations for the Certification and Management of Environmental Education Institutions, the Regulations for the Certification and Management of Environmental Education Personnel, and the Regulations for the Certification and Management of Environmental Education Facilities and Venues. Adjustments to the related system functions were implemented to streamline government procedures for the convenience of the public. The primary objective of this project was to optimize the management functions for NERA contractors. This involved adjusting the operational method for recognizing educational credits in environmental education personnel qualifications, leading to substantial reductions in manual review time. Additional features were introduced, including the capability to add promotional data for lecturers in the talent pool and a batch review function for personnel to assess achievement data. These enhancements provided greater flexibility in managing lecturer data for NERA personnel, aligning with practical administrative processes. To achieve NERA’s vision for a paperless, digital, and intelligent environmental education certification, this project proposed a feasibility assessment for electronic signatures. Additionally, this project outlined the planning and expansion of services under the MOENV One-stop Service of the Ministry of Environment, utilizing existing resources for a rational goal-setting.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education certificate, environmental education personnel, Environmental education institution, environmental education venue, Environmental education certificate renewal, environmental education talents