

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自112年3月1日起至112年12月5日止,執行成果如下: 1. 完成分析112年第1季至第3季,我國一般廢棄物量能及設施現況資料等,並進行量能推估,截至112年9月止,一般廢棄物產生量總計920萬公噸,包含資源垃圾513萬公噸(56%)、廚餘35萬公噸(4%)及一般垃圾372萬公噸(40%),經推估一般廢棄物產生數量,焚化設施量能尚稱充足,即使發生區域量能不足情形,亦可透過該區域合作機制協助處理。 2. 完成蒐集國際上資源循環利用措施,參考國際法規趨勢,針對源頭管理章節研擬共計15條條文。研提公告再生資源項目現況,建議可提供輔導獎勵措施、逐項指定公告再利用行業方式作推動。另研提再生資源或再生物料之推動建議,包含擴大品項法規訂定、建立驗證機制及授權目的事業主管機關訂定。 3. 完成蒐集國際循環採購制度,已盤點國內適合推動循環採購之品項包含印表機、照明及空調設備,及業者名單及產品規格,提出新增納入共同供應契約以租代買產品服務包含筆記型電腦及平板電腦,並洽照明及家具循環服務業蒐集研提提升參與循環服務誘因。 4. 完成地方環保業務執行績效之獎盃研擬,完成循環採購現勘實訪、專家諮詢會議及研商會議辦理。
中文關鍵字 一般廢棄物管理、資源循環法令制度、循環採購


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6505 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/05 專案主持人 宋宣德
主辦單位 循環署綜合規劃組 承辦人 張明哲 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告(外部版)【全文】.pdf 16MB 成果報告(外部版)【全文】

Project of Resource Management Analysis, Promotion of Circular Procurement

英文摘要 This project was implemented from March 1st, 2023 to December 5th, 2023. Here were the results of each work: 1. Analyzed municipal solid waste generated and disposal amounts during January to September 2023. Municipal solid waste generated 9.20 million metric tons, including 5.13 million metric tons (56 %) resource waste, 0.35 million metric tons (4 %) food waste, and 3.72 million metric tons (35 %) trash. Estimated the municipal solid waste production, the incineration facilities were satisfied. However, in case of unsatisfied, the regional cooperation mechanism can also be used to assist in dealing with it. 2. This project collection the research of international policies on resource recycling and drafted 15 provisions for the chapter of source management. Based on the current status of the announced renewable resource, it was recommended to provide incentive measures and specify the announced reuse industry method on an item-by-item basis for promotion. Suggestions for promoting renewable resources or recycled materials will also be developed, including expanding product regulations, establishing verification mechanisms, and authorizing the industry competent authority. 3. This project also researched the management of international circular procurement and made an inventory of domestic items suitable for promoting circular procurement includes printers, lighting and air-conditioning equipment, as well as the list of manufacturers and product specifications, and it is proposed to add new products and services to be included in the implementation of inter-entity supply contracts for leasing and purchasing, including laptops and tablets, and consult with lighting and furniture circular service collection to improve incentives for participating in circular services. 4.Finally, this project drafted the development of trophies for local environmental protection business performance, and completed on-site survey visits, expert consultation meetings and discussion meetings for circular procurement.
英文關鍵字 Management of Municipal Solid Waste, Resource Recycling Legal System, Circular Procurement