

中文摘要 臺東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉擁有豐富的海洋生態景觀及特有的人文風情,但因地理環境因素在環境衛生上顯得較為髒亂,臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)加強離島兩鄉環境清潔工作加強執行以及病媒蚊防治…等,為提升離島民眾健康及觀光品質。112年度綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生計畫自112年1月31日至12月15日止,計畫目標及完成進度為100%,各項工作如下所述: 一、 僱工執行綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉公共環境清潔維護工作共計12名人力(綠島鄉*6名、蘭嶼鄉*6名),截至12月15日止,相關執行成果如下列: (一) 公共環境清潔維護人力達2,518人日:綠島鄉清掃人力為1,266人日及蘭嶼鄉1,252人日。 (二) 清掃海岸線及道路公里數2,639.4公里:綠島鄉清掃1,219公里、蘭嶼鄉1,420.4公里。 (三) 公共環境髒亂點列管20處(綠島鄉*10處、蘭嶼鄉*10處):巡檢清理共180處次(綠島鄉*90處次、蘭嶼鄉*90處次)。 (四) 清除病媒蚊孳生源20處次:綠島鄉*10處次、蘭嶼鄉*10處次。 (五) 累計海岸線及道路清理29,788公斤廢棄物:不可回收廢棄物17,243公斤、可回收廢棄物12,545公斤。 二、 完成辦理8場次環境衛生相關宣導會,共402人次參與,其中學童308人次、民眾94人次。 (一) 於5月17日(蘭嶼)、9月20日(綠島)辦理2場次環境衛生(含公廁環境清潔及衛生紙丟馬桶相關政策)宣導,計85人參與,宣導內容以環境教育宣導,提升個人維護環境衛生意識,教導衛生紙丟馬桶的必要性及5S運動如廁文化,並持續推廣環境衛生(含公廁環境清潔及衛生紙丟馬桶相關政策),落實環境教育觀念。 (二) 於5月9日(蘭嶼)、9月21日(綠島)辦理2場次登革熱防治相關宣導,計129人參與,宣導內容以推廣落實「巡、倒、清、刷」四步驟,提升民眾重視環境衛生,並落實登革熱防治觀念,保障自身居住的安全。 (三) 於5月16日(蘭嶼)、9月11日(綠島)辦理2場次綠色旅遊、綠色消費及綠生活宣導說明會,計61人參與,宣導內容以提倡落實生活環保、支持本土產業及發展綠色產業三大面向,推動重點為綠色飲食、綠色居家、綠色辦公、綠色消費及綠色旅遊,也就是全民綠生活的概念,共同響應綠生活作為。 (四) 於5月10日(蘭嶼)、9月11日(綠島)辦理2場次其他環境相關宣導說明會,計127人參與,宣導內容由劇場故事表演及資源回收宣導,讓學生了解減少廢棄物的產生,促進物質回收再利用,減輕環境負荷,維護自己家鄉環境,人人都可以盡一份心力。 三、 完成2場次淨灘活動,共計144人次參與、 清理112.61公斤廢棄物。 (一) 於5月10日於蘭嶼鄉椰油灣辦理淨灘活動,邀請椰油國小師生、蘭嶼鄉公所清潔隊員、在地遊客、業者及海巡人員參與此次淨灘活動,計107人次參與,清理出54.61公斤廢棄物(可回收廢棄物37.41公斤、不可回收廢棄物17.2公斤)。 (二) 於9月20日於綠島鄉公館漁港辦理淨灘活動,邀請第55團普悠瑪複式童軍團學生、微笑魚工作室海洋巡守隊、綠島鄉公所及海巡人員參與此次淨灘活動,計37人次參與,清理出58公斤廢棄物(可回收37.44公斤、不可回收20.56公斤)。 四、 完成6處當地商家認養海灘(綠島鄉*3處、蘭嶼鄉*3處),認養長度1698.2公尺、認養面積26,098.02平方公尺。 五、 完成848份綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉環境衛生滿意度問卷調查,其中綠島鄉遊客216份與居民217份、蘭嶼鄉遊客210份、居民205份。 六、 於3月14日提送環境衛生宣導品購置規劃書,並於5月25日提送750份宣導品(洗保環保洗衣精*250份、泡舒洗潔精*250份、蒲公英環保洗手露*250份)。 七、 本計畫於8月至10月協助機關辦理臺東縣鄉鎮環境衛生考評,並彙整各鄉鎮評比分數,於10月31日協助機關辦理環境清潔競賽頒獎活動。 八、 綠島鄉(20間)及蘭嶼鄉(12間)列管公廁查核,完成271間次離島公廁查核作業,發現蘭嶼開元港公廁(如小便斗損壞、馬桶管線不通、天花板油漆剝落等)相關措施尚未改善,目前已暫停使用,於執行期間責請管理單位進行改善並擇期複查,後由環保局函文至管理單位限期改善,提供民眾潔淨的如廁環境。 九、 其他行政事項 1. 截至12月15日止,提送10則新聞稿。 2. 於1月31日提送計畫人員名冊、設備。 3. 於2月7日、3月9月、4月7日、5月3日、6月5日、7月 7日、8月4日、9月8日、10月6日及11月3日至機關辦理工作進度簡報。
中文關鍵字 環境清潔 、 綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/31 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 翁筱琪
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳郁琪 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年期末報告.pdf 18MB

112 Ludao Township and Lanyu Township Environmental Sanitation Plan

英文摘要 Green Island Township and Lanyu Township in Taitung County have rich marine ecological landscapes and unique cultural customs. However, due to geographical environmental factors, the environmental sanitation is relatively dirty. The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) The environmental cleaning work in the two townships has been strengthened, as well as the prevention and control of vector-borne mosquitoes... etc., in order to improve the health of people on the outlying islands and the quality of tourism. The environmental sanitation plan of Ludao Township and Lanyu Township is from January 31 to December 15 in 112 years. The project goal and completion progress are 100%. The various tasks are as follows: 1. A total of 12 workers were hired to perform public environmental cleaning and maintenance work in Ludao Township and Lanyu Township (*6 in Ludao Township and 6 in Lanyu Township). As of December 15, the relevant implementation results are as follows: (1) The manpower for public environment cleaning and maintenance reached 2,518 man-days: the manpower for cleaning in Ludao Township was 1,266 man-days and that of Lanyu Township 1,252 man-days. (2) The number of kilometers of coastline and roads cleaned was 2,639.4 kilometers: 1,219 kilometers were cleaned in Ludao Township and 1,420.4 kilometers in Lanyu Township. (3) There are 20 dirty and messy public places under management (*10 in Ludao Township and 10 in Lanyu Township): a total of 180 inspections and cleanups (*90 in Ludao Township and 90 in Lanyu Township) Second-rate). (4) Eliminate 20 breeding sources of vector mosquitoes: Ludao Township*10 times, Lanyu Township*10 times. (5) A total of 29,788 kilograms of waste were cleared from coastlines and roads: 17,243 kilograms of non-recyclable waste and 12,545 kilograms of recyclable waste. 2. Completed 8 environmental sanitation-related publicity meetings, with a total of 402 participants, including 308 school children and 94 citizens. (1) On May 17th (Lanyu) and September 20th (Green Island), 2 environmental sanitation (including public toilet environmental cleaning and policies related to toilet paper disposal) publicity were conducted, with a total of 85 people participating. The content of the publicity was as follows: Environmental education promotion, enhance personal awareness of maintaining environmental sanitation, teach the necessity of throwing toilet paper into the toilet and the 5S toilet culture, and continue to promote environmental sanitation (including public toilet environmental cleaning and toilet paper throwing related policies), and implement the concept of environmental education. (2) Two dengue fever prevention and control-related publicity sessions were held on May 9 (Lanyu) and September 21 (Green Island), with a total of 129 people participating. The content of the publicity was to promote the implementation of "inspection, dumping, cleaning, and brushing" Four steps to raise public awareness of environmental sanitation, implement the concept of dengue fever prevention and control, and ensure the safety of their own homes. (3) Two green tourism, green consumption and green life publicity briefings were held on May 16 (Lanyu) and September 11 (Green Island), with a total of 61 people participating. The publicity content was to promote the implementation of environmentally friendly life , support local industries and develop green industries in three major aspects, focusing on promoting green food, green homes, green offices, green consumption and green tourism, which is the concept of green life for all, and jointly respond to green life actions. (4) Two other environment-related publicity and briefing sessions were held on May 10 (Lanyu) and September 11 (Green Island), with a total of 127 people participating. The publicity content consisted of theater story performances and resource recycling promotions. Let students understand that everyone can do their part to reduce waste generation, promote material recycling and reuse, reduce environmental load, and maintain the environment of their hometown. 3. Completed 2 beach cleaning activities, with a total of 144 people participating and cleaning up 112.61 kilograms of waste.
英文關鍵字 Clean environment ,  Ludao Township and Lanyu Township