

中文摘要 為了推動「綠色消費循環」的理念,鼓勵採購綠色產品及其他環保行動,透過「環保行動有價化」引導民眾實踐綠色生活,帶動綠色經濟循環。行政院環境部自民國104年12月起正式推動環保集點制度,整合政府與民間資源。截至112年11月為止,已有超過94.9萬名會員加入環保集點制度,並與多家知名通路合作加入特約機構體系。為了強化各利害關係人(例如消費者)的保障與信賴,透過本計畫針對環保集點專案辦公室的實際執行情況進行監督管理,包括確認實際執行是否與現有法令和政策規劃相符,並完成三大計畫目標的執行成果如下: 目標一:辦理環保集點制度監督查核作業,協助環境部稽核環保集點平臺執行工作。實際執行成果包括進行兩次金流稽核和會計師的覆核,覆核結果沒有發現重大缺失;與協助確保環保集點APP行動應用的基本資安檢測完成通過。 目標二:辦理環保集點平臺線上線下查核作業、環保集點相關活動前測試,及系統資訊檢核以強化環保集點平臺資訊即時性,提升服務品質。實際執行成果完成了環保集點制度特約通路實體/線上查核報告,並提供了3個遺漏商品清單以改善平臺資訊即時性。 目標三:協助審閱環保集點相關法制文件的適法性,以穩健營運環保集點制度。實際執行成果包括在環保集點特約商積點兌換事件發生時,提供法律諮詢協助;並提出了「環保集點制度稽核監督管理作業程序」的優化建議。 最後根據實際執行經驗提出未來建議方向,包括評估移轉系統至私有雲以提升平臺服務水準與可擴展性、強化事件處理與優化通路資料正確性、溝通通路透過明星商品強化標章曝光、建立標準作業優化處理效率與法遵、推動手機驗證有效減少帳號異常事件發生等建議,來建立環保集點制度與民眾溝通的數位信任基礎。
中文關鍵字 環保集點、環保集點平臺資訊優化、環保集點相關法制


專案計畫編號 112AD609 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3190 千元
專案開始日期 2023/12/13 專案結束日期 2024/04/30 專案主持人 吳聲振
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 周雯萱 執行單位 鎰威科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111-113年環保集點制度監督查核第2年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫_成果報告.pdf 37MB 111-113年環保集點制度監督查核第2年(2年計畫)專案工作計畫_成果報告

Supervision and Inspection of Green Point Collection Program Project of Year 2022-2024

英文摘要 To promote the concept of "green consumption cycle," encouraging the purchase of green products and other environmental actions, and guiding the public to practice green living through the "valuation of environmental actions," thereby driving the green economic cycle. Since December 2015, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) of the Executive Yuan has officially promoted the “Environmental Green Point Collection System”(Green Point), integrating government and private resources. As of November 2023, over 949,000 members have joined the Green Point, and cooperation with numerous well-known channels has been established within the affiliate institution system. To strengthen the protection and trust of various stakeholders (such as consumers), this project supervises and manages the actual implementation of the Green Points Office, ensuring that the execution aligns with existing laws and policies, and achieves the following three main goals: Goal 1: Implement the supervision and audit operations of the environmental points system, assisting the Ministry of Environment in auditing the implementation of the environmental points platform. Actual execution results include conducting two financial audits and a review by an accountant, with no significant deficiencies found in the review results. Additionally, assistance was provided to ensure the basic security checks of the environmental points APP mobile application were completed and passed. Goal 2: Conduct online and offline audits of the Green Point Platform, pre-test environmental point-related activities, and conduct system information checks to enhance the real-time information of the Green Point Platform and improve service quality. The actual execution results included completing audit reports for physical/online channels under the Green Point and providing three lists of missing products to improve the real-time accuracy of the platform's information. Goal 3: Assist in reviewing the legality of legal documents related to the Green Point to ensure its stable operation. The actual execution results include providing legal consultation assistance during points redemption events at participating merchants and offering optimization suggestions for the "Audit and Supervision Management Procedures of the Green Point." Finally, based on actual implementation experience, future recommendations are proposed, including evaluating the transfer of the system to a private cloud to enhance platform service levels and scalability, strengthening incident handling and optimizing channel data accuracy, communicating with channels to enhance label exposure through star products, establishing standard procedures to improve processing efficiency and legal compliance, and promoting mobile verification to effectively reduce account anomalies. These recommendations aim to establish a foundation of digital trust between the Green Points and the public.
英文關鍵字 Green Point、Green Point Platform information optimization、Green Point Relevantlegal system.