中文摘要 | 為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,於每月彙整更新環境部及環保局河川水質監測站之水質數據,以了解目前水質現況,更進行61點位之豐、枯水期水質水量調查工作,藉由在污染較為嚴重之河段上、下游進行補充調查,分段檢測以縮小污染範圍,進一步了解各河段之污染來源。 在下水道建設尚未普及前,嘉義縣已陸續完成多項現地水質改善設施,後續維持其水質改善並提升設施之功能效益,及有效的依據規劃作業,推動其他水環境改善之相關計畫,亦是河川污染整治之工作重點。 本計畫不定期至現地處理設施、親水公園或生態園區進行查核,並於每月進行現地處理設施水質檢測、每季進行水量檢測,以得知其各場址處理成效及處理量。 另協助查核轄內應設置水質水量自動監測與攝錄影監視設施業者相關設施及措施之穩定操作等。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 水質改善、河川污染指標、現地處理 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 4800 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2023/03/07 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 陳威憲 |
主辦單位 | 嘉義縣環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 涂志信 | 執行單位 | 技佳工程科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 112 年嘉義縣水體整治水質監測管理效益評估計畫(期末定稿).pdf | 29MB | 112 年嘉義縣水體整治水質監測管理效益評估計畫(期末定稿) |
Benefit Assessment plan of Water Quality improvement ,Monitoring and Management for Chiayi County,2023
英文摘要 | The most important rivers in Chiayi County include Puzi Creek, Beigang Creek and Bazhang Creek. that are polluted by wastewater discharged from domestic, factory and livestock. In order to effectively understand and improve the water quality conditions , the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau aims to use "active inspection & control", "tracking guidance and improvement", "domestic wastewater reduction", "Pollution Prevention and Control Publicity Work" and "Guidance and Promotion of the Use of Biogas Residue and Biogas Slurry in Agricultural Land", etc., actively control the water pollution and eliminate illegal wastewater discharges and promote environmental protection laws & policies related to livestock. In order to effectively grasp and improve the water quality in various river basins, the water quality data of the MOENV(Ministry of Environment) and the River Water Quality Monitoring Station of the Environmental Protection Bureau are compiled and updated every month to understand the current water quality situation, and the water quality and quantity survey of 61points during the abundant and dry periods is carried out, and supplementary surveys are carried out in the upper and lower reaches of the more polluted river sections, and the pollution scope is narrowed down by section, so as to further understand the pollution sources of each river section. Before the construction of sewers, Chiayi County has successively completed a number of on-site water quality improvement facilities, and the subsequent maintenance of its water quality improvement and enhancement of the functional benefits of the facilities, as well as effective planning operations, to promote other water environment improvement related plans, is also the focus of river pollution remediation. The Scheme conducts inspections at on-site treatment facilities, water parks or eco-parks from time to time, and conducts water quality tests at on-site treatment facilities every month and water quantity tests every quarter to ascertain the treatment effectiveness and treatment capacity of each site. In addition, assist in checking the automatic monitoring of water quality and quantity, as well as video surveillance facilities, and the stable operation of relevant facilities and measures of the operator in the jurisdiction. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Water quality improvement, River pollution index(RPI), On-site treatment |