

中文摘要 高雄港區空氣污染主要源自於工業、港口運輸以及交通運輸等因素的綜合影響,主要包括懸浮微粒(PM)、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、二氧化硫(SOX)、氮氧化物(NOX)和揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)等空氣污染物;針對近5年監測數據進行比對分析,港區整體鄰近測站各污染物年平均濃度雖有逐年下降趨勢,但仍高於高雄市平均,其中港區周圍以SO2改善最為顯著,港區整體鄰近測站較107年改善率達60.2%,港區南側更達68.5%。 港區內船舶排放為最大貢獻來源,執行期間針對進出港之船舶,執行書面審查152艘次,均未發現嚴重缺失;完成20艘次油品含硫量分析,全數符合法規標準(0.5% wt%);完成10艘次船舶油品多環芳香烴(PAHs)分析,可發現有硫含量越高,多環芳香烴含量也越高之趨勢;完成船舶目測判煙稽查共91艘次,共4艘有明顯黑煙排放。除此之外,亦調查高雄港區內高壓、低壓岸電系統建置及使用現況、船舶減速情形,及掌握環境部擬定船舶徵收空污費之方向,並邀集相關主管機關召開1場次高雄港推動綠色港埠污染減量會議,針對港區管制現況及精進作為相互交流意見,提供可行性建議供機關參考,更利於後續船舶減量策略之推行。港區內柴油施工機具與無牌車輛亦為主要污染源之一,為推動港區內施工機具採用電能或低污染能源,全面進行港區內各裝卸業者柴油施工機具之現況調查及造冊管理,完成施工機具排煙檢測105輛,並核發清潔排放自主管理標章82輛,合格率78.1%,更結合辦理1場次電能施工機具推行宣導會,輔導5家裝卸業者使用電動施工機具;另進行港區內各裝卸業者無牌車輛之現況調查及造冊,多數為1~3期別柴油車,執行無牌柴油車輛黑煙檢測71輛,輔導5家業者裝設防制設備或汰換,以輔導結合自主性管理,提升業者自主改善及污染防制能力。 為調查港區及鄰近地區可能污染源,執行揮發性有機物採樣共18點次,發現船舶行駛對於VOCs貢獻較不顯著,各測點均以醛酮類及芳香烴類為主要族群,且部分VOC物種有明顯日夜間差異,故推測重型車輛及施工機具,為影響港區內VOC濃度較高的主要原因之一;另針對港區稽查管制工作,維護及操作中島商港區2套車牌辨識系統,監控運輸車輛是否有依規定覆蓋防塵網,及2套視覺影像監控網CCTV監控碼頭區作業情形、車輛揚塵,及船舶是否有排放黑煙,另將車辨系統介接至柴油車車辨系統,以利同步查緝運輸車輛是否符合第二期空氣品質維護區之管制規範,並搭配每周執行巡查等管制作為,降低港區逸散性粒狀物污染物之產生。
中文關鍵字 高雄港,船舶污染管控,油品成份分析,船舶岸電,船舶減速,施工機具,無牌車輛


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3589.9 千元
專案開始日期 2023/08/23 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 宋國安
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳仁山 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度高雄港區空氣污染監控調查計畫_正式報告(公開版).pdf 13MB

112th Annual Kaohsiung Port Area Air Pollution Monitoring and Survey Plan

英文摘要 The main sources of air pollution in the Kaohsiung Port are attributed to the combined impact of industrial activities, port transportation, and traffic. Key pollutants include particulate matter (PM), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Comparing and analyzing monitoring data from the past five years, the annual average concentrations of various pollutants near the port have shown a decreasing trend. However, they still remain higher than the city average in Kaohsiung. Among them, there has been a significant improvement in SO2 levels around the port, with an overall improvement rate of 60.2% compared to 2018. The southern side of the port area has achieved an even higher improvement rate of 68.5% during the same period. During the implementation period, ship emissions were identified as the main contributor to air pollution in the Kaohsiung Port area. Written reviews for 152 vessels found no serious deficiencies. Fuel analysis for 20 vessels complied with the 0.5% wt% sulfur standard. A trend was observed in 10 vessels, linking higher sulfur content to increased polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Visual inspections detected significant black smoke emissions in 4 vessels. Investigations on shore power systems, vessel deceleration, and proposed air pollution fees were conducted. A meeting with authorities discussed current regulations and provided feasible suggestions for reducing ship emissions in the port. To address pollution from diesel-powered construction machines and unlicensed vehicles in the port area, a survey and management program were implemented. Exhaust tests were conducted on 105 construction machines, with 82 receiving Clean Emission Self-Management Label (78.1% pass rate). An advocacy meeting promoting electric construction machines was held, guiding 5 operators to adopt such equipment. Additionally, a survey of unlicensed vehicles identified 71 diesel vehicles, with 5 operators assisted in installing emission control devices or replacing vehicles. This approach combines voluntary measures with regulatory compliance to enhance pollution control capabilities. The project conducted VOC sampling at 18 points and found that ship traffic had a relatively insignificant contribution to VOCs. Aldehydes and aromatic hydrocarbons were identified as the primary groups at all sampling points, with some VOC species showing distinct day-night variations. It is inferred that heavy vehicles and construction machines are among the main contributors to higher VOC concentrations in the port area. Additionally, two license plate recognition systems and two visual imaging CCTV systems at Chung-Tao were maintained and operated to monitor compliance with dust cover regulations for transport vehicles, operations at the docks, dust emissions from vehicles, and ship emissions. Weekly patrols and control measures were implemented to reduce the generation of fugitive particulate matter pollutants in the port area.
英文關鍵字 Kaohsiung Port, fuel analysis, shore power, vessel deceleration, construction machine, unlicensed vehicle