英文摘要 |
The "2023 Tainan City Climate Change Response and Net Zero Emissions Reduction Plan" consists of ten main tasks and objectives, including: (1) promoting greenhouse gas reduction and net-zero related work, (2) promoting net-zero business counseling work, (3) promoting climate change adaptation work, (4) promoting sustainable development work, (5) promoting carbon footprint labeling, (6) promoting net-zero green living, (7) holding research meetings and presenting results, (8) media promotion and advocacy, (9) updating and maintaining the dedicated website for net-zero sustainable development, (10) international participation work.
1. Regarding the promotion of greenhouse gas reduction and net-zero related work, the plan produced the Tainan City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Survey Report, which estimated the greenhouse gas emissions for 2022 at approximately 23.120881 million tons of CO2e. The "Tainan City Phase II Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan" was developed, and the implementation status of the "Tainan City 2050 Net Zero Emissions Pathway" was compiled and monitored.
The Tainan City Net Zero Sustainable City Management Self-Governance Regulations (draft) involved multiple public hearings and stakeholder meetings for continuous adjustments. For building energy efficiency labeling, the plan assisted new and existing buildings in obtaining and completing energy efficiency labels. Training sessions on building energy disclosure were held for both public and private sectors, and a "Building Energy Efficiency Label Implementation Manual" was compiled to guide the implementation of building energy efficiency labeling.
2. For promoting net-zero business counseling work and voluntary reduction project applications, the plan applied for voluntary reduction projects for biogas power generation, LED street lights, and electric buses. Coordination meetings were held for each project, and verification summary reports were submitted to the Ministry of Environment for voluntary reduction project registration. The plan monitored the application progress of each project and assisted those who completed the voluntary reduction project application in the second phase project monitoring.
In 2023, a "Tainan City Net Zero Counseling Group Energy Conservation Promotion Discussion Meeting and Energy Conservation Technology Exchange" was held, providing five free on-site energy conservation diagnostic counseling sessions and energy conservation counseling reports as a reference for subsequent improvements. Two promotional meetings for businesses were held, and by May 31, 2023, at least 20 businesses were counseled to complete greenhouse gas emission inventory and registration. By November 25, 2023, on-site verification of emission data and related facility information for at least 30 controlled emission sources was conducted, and the list of emission sources for 2023 was confirmed and submitted to the Ministry of Environment's "Business Greenhouse Gas Emission Information Platform."
3. In response to the amendments to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, we have compiled and managed the "Tainan City Climate Change Adaptation Plan/Implementation Plan," and reviewed the implementation results of climate change adaptation actions by various departments. The 2023 "Tainan City Climate Change Adaptation Plan/Implementation Plan Results Report" includes statistics on 84 projects, with 2 projects lagging behind their targets and 9 projects having no results for 2023. (4 of these are new projects, while the remaining projects either had no established target for 2023 or had no executable objectives.) The remaining 73 projects all met their targets. In terms of promoting climate change adaptation work, this plan has cumulatively conducted 3 climate change adaptation education and training sessions and simulated impact scenarios in the adaptation field. We have continuously updated the specific measures adopted by various departments in Tainan City’s climate change adaptation plan. In 2023, existing action plans were continued, and based on the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (2023-2026)," we formulated Tainan City's adaptation strategies and work items, totaling 31 adaptation strategies and 61 action plans.
4. For promoting sustainable development goals, the plan assisted in compiling and publishing the results of environmental-related sustainable development goals on the official website, presenting the 2023 Tainan City Sustainable Development Highlights and the 2023 Tainan City Sustainable Development Goals Voluntary Review Report (in both Chinese and English), and held three sustainable development goal awareness training sessions on September 20, September 22, and October 25, 2023. One session was the "Green Roof Installation Subsidy Maintenance Counseling" in July 2023. Participation in the Asia-Pacific Sustainability Expo in October 2023 and the Taiwan Climate Expo in October 2023 met the required reach of over 1,000 people. The plan also assisted in compiling and monitoring the Ministry of Environment's sustainable development evaluation, successfully obtaining the evaluation score.
5. For promoting carbon footprint labeling, four promotional activities or briefing sessions for product carbon footprint labeling were completed by November 2, 2023. By the end of November 2023, 20 market checks on the implementation of carbon labeling were completed, and by the end of December 2023, four carbon label promotion announcements were made. Additionally, one product or service was assisted in obtaining a product carbon footprint label certificate or a carbon reduction label certificate issued by the Ministry of Environment.
6. For promoting net-zero green living, the plan compiled the "Key Performance Indicators for Promoting Net-Zero Green Living in the City Government" and established three villages or communities as green living village pilot stations by September 23, September 24, and November 10, 2023. Two green living promotion activities and information sharing training sessions were held in October 2023, and two local community dialog mechanisms were initiated by the end of November 2023 to gather local social communication opinions.
7. For research meetings and result presentations, two result presentation meetings, one forum, and seven research or cross-department coordination meetings were held. The cross-department meetings included a self-governance regulation public hearing on July 17, 2023, a Tainan City Net Zero Building and Energy Efficiency Promotion Research Meeting on October 18, 2023, a cross-department adaptation meeting on December 11, 2023, a public hearing for the Tainan City Net Zero Sustainable City Management Self-Governance Regulations (draft) and subsequent sub-regulation planning research meeting on January 3, 2024, a public hearing for the Tainan City Net Zero Sustainable City Management Self-Governance Regulations (draft) on January 29, 2024, a cross-department consultation meeting for the Tainan City Sustainable Development Voluntary Review Report (VLR) on April 2, 2024, and a greenhouse gas reduction net-zero pathway research meeting on May 8, 2024.
8. For media promotion and advocacy, a net-zero microfilm competition was held, and 22 promotional articles or graphics were planned. By the end of November 2023, 500 promotional items were produced, and two net-zero sustainable advocacy activities were held. A Taiwan-Japan Net Zero Forum was held on September 16, 2023, and two public hearings for the self-governance regulations were held on February 19 and February 29, 2024.
9. For updating and maintaining the dedicated website for net-zero sustainable development, the "2050 Tainan City Net Zero Sustainability Network" was established. The website includes functions for filling and monitoring various control items, such as the "Tainan City Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan," "Tainan City Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan," "Tainan City Sustainable Development Goals Voluntary Review Report," "Tainan City Low-Carbon City Self-Governance Regulations," and "2050 Tainan City Net Zero Pathway." The website also features the "Tainan City Greenhouse Gas Registration Platform (Tainan City Carbon Inventory Registration Platform)," the "Tainan City Carbon Offset Information Exchange Network," the "Tainan City Net Zero Counseling Group Information Page," and the "Tainan City Net Zero Sustainable Business Information Page."
10. For international participation, the plan participated in COP 28 from November 30 to December 7, 2023, and uploaded the Tainan City Sustainable Development Goals Voluntary Review Report to IGES LAB. By the end of October 2023, six press releases were issued to market the plan's promotional activities and advocacy themes.