

中文摘要 本案計畫目標,包括針對臺中市高污染潛勢地區、土壤、地下水與灌溉渠道底泥溯源調查及監測、污染場址改善完成驗證作業、臺中工業區地下水污染範圍調查以及民眾陳情與緊急應變處理等相關工作。提供市民安全舒適的生活環境,達成土地資源永續利用目標。 整體工作重點,可分類為農地定期監測及同步採樣作業、污染場址驗證、貯存系統申報審查及篩檢輔導、底泥品質管理作業、事業土地污染預防管理、農地定常監測、公告事業用地查證、臺中產業園區地下水污染調查、爭訟案件、宣導作業以及因應民陳與應變事件調查作業等工項,執行摘要如下: 一、農地土壤定期監測及同步作物採樣作業 農地土壤定期監測作業,今年度完成2筆坵塊農地土壤定期監測作業,依據「農地定期監測作業原則」,共1筆農地(大里區)建議可停止定期監測,另1筆農地(大甲區)建議監測頻率維持8~10年監測1次。 農地同步作物採樣作業,今年度農地土壤同步採樣作業共完成97筆坵塊土壤採樣,其中89筆坵塊土壤採樣由合約項目支應(8筆坵塊為環保局自行採樣),並支應1樣品土壤XRF篩測作業及1樣品8項重金屬全量分析。 二、農地定常性預防監測作業 今年度農地土壤XRF篩檢結果共有1筆坵塊重金屬鉻超過管制標準,1筆坵塊重金屬銅超過管制標準、9筆坵塊重金屬鉻超過監測標準,4筆坵塊重金屬鎳超過監測標準;水質單點抽測初驗及複驗均無異常;連續水質監測共監測11組灌溉小組,共20站月,透過掌握異常頻率及時間,以及結合農地土壤受體篩檢異常點位與周邊事業分布情況,佈設縮時膠囊共101組,已成功限縮高污染潛勢範圍與事業源。 三、列管場址監督查核及驗證作業 在潭子區工區段25-1、25-6及169地號土壤及地下水驗證作業,潭子區工區段25-1、25-6地號驗證未通過,後續將依土污法公告為控制場址;工區段169地號驗證結果四氯乙烯及三氯乙烯仍超過監測標準,依土污法第6條持續辦理定期監測。 在台亞關連加油站驗證成果, MW7及B00602監測井之地下水總溶解固體、硫酸鹽及總有機碳皆超過第二類地下水污染監測標準,仍應持續辦理定期監測。 虹聚工業有限公司於113年12月2日完成土壤驗證採樣作業,6項重金屬皆低於土壤污染監測標準,驗證通過,後續將解除本場址應變必要措施。  四、貯存系統申報審查及篩檢查核作業 在貯存系統申報審查的部分,已協助完成共三季審查作業。在法規符合度確認及輔導作業,共執行完成41處事業單位貯存系統法規符合度確認及輔導作業,統計此次複查輔導結果,尚有12處事業須持續辦理改善。貯存系統事業土壤氣體監測井篩檢作業,共計完成48站貯存系統土壤氣體監測井功能測試及油氣檢測,在書面資料與現場設施查核的部分共24站有缺失項目,統計至12月中旬,尚有10站仍在改善中。在油氣檢測的部分共1站(山隆梧棲加油站)PID、FID及LEL%有超過警戒值的情況。 五、底泥品質管理作業 大突寮圳區域可限縮具有高污染潛勢事業分布範圍大致上以大衛路區域為主。在阿罩霧第二圳區域,支線應仍有含鋅及其他複合式污染物之來源持續進入到灌溉渠道中,建議後續可針對此兩區域事業辦理預防管理及現場查察工作。 六、事業土地污染預防管理作業 今年度已完成2場次事業說明會議,均有符合績效考評要求人數。於5月17日至6月21日辦理完成,完成A群事業現勘,並篩選3家事業辦理查證,查證結果共2家土壤超過管制標準,1家土壤重金屬均低於監測標準。REC小於8分之事業建議可降至B群,並函文請業者至事業平台填報事業自主污染預防管理計畫。B群事業於9月26日至10月15日完成19家事業現勘,其中1家需申請調降C群,以及1家升級為A群。 七、公告事業用地查證 今年度公告事業用地查證名單為協育股份有限公司潭子廠,查證結果各點位8項重金屬均低於土壤污染監測標準,但於S01及S03點位TPH均超過土壤污染管制標準,建議後續依土污法針對協育公司進行相關管制措施,並建議請協育公司應針對其場址內土壤及地下水辦理補充調查及改善作為。 八、臺中產業園區(原臺中工業區)污染調查 今年度共完成1口標準井(B00608)及3口簡易井(B00609、B00610、B00611)設置作業,13樣品地下水揮發性有機物分析及4樣品碳同位素分析,依據調查結果,污染團尚侷限在台農公司與協和段200地號區域範圍內。 九、爭訟案件 宏恕公司於112年12月20日因不服環保局之處分,故提出訴願書及14次訴願補充理由書,依據113年11月25日訴願決定書駁回訴願。 十、宣導作業 今年度推動媒合設置太陽光電設施作業說明會議已於3月29日於文心第二市政大樓行政大樓B1大禮堂完成辦理,實際出席共78家,共86人。已符合績效考評之人數要求。 十一、緊急應變作業 今年度完成4件緊急應變作業及3件協助支援案件,應變費用使用率>100%,已支應813,395元。 十二、其他工作成果 本計畫除執行各項維護轄區土壤及地下水品質之監測與調查工作,包括協助彙整工業區預警監測管理與檢測資料、土壤污染評估調查及檢測作業審查及現場勘查作業;並持續辦理今年度績效考評進度管控已及配合績效考評要求;土壤及地下水資訊管理系統資料各資料上傳及管理工作,協助各項行政交辦事項、辦理土壤及地下水污染改善推動小組審查會議及加速改善場址推動作業。
中文關鍵字 農地定監、農地定常、農地同步採樣、底泥品質管理、場址驗證、貯存系統管理、事業土地污染預防、公告事業用地查證、臺中產業園區污染調查、爭訟案件、宣導作業、緊急應變、土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 15200 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 劉威志
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧育荷 執行單位 靖業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺中市.pdf 66MB

Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Comprehensive Project, 2024

英文摘要 Regular agricultural land soil monitoring: According to the "Agricultural Land Regular Monitoring Principles," one agricultural land (in Dali District) is recommended to stop regular monitoring, while the other (in Dajia District) suggests maintaining a monitoring frequency of once every 8–10 years. Concurrent crop sampling: A total of 97 soil samples were taken from agricultural land this year, with 89 samples funded by the project (8 samples were taken by the Environmental Protection Bureau). This also included one sample for XRF screening and one sample for the full analysis of 8 heavy metals. This year, one plot exceeded the control standard for chromium, one plot exceeded the control standard for copper, nine plots exceeded the monitoring standard for chromium, and four plots exceeded the monitoring standard for nickel. Water quality sampling showed no abnormalities. Continuous water quality monitoring was conducted for 11 irrigation groups at 20 sites over a month. By monitoring abnormal frequencies and times, and combining agricultural land soil screening with nearby industrial distribution, 101 rapid-response capsules were deployed to successfully reduce the scope of high-pollution potential areas and industrial sources. In Tanzi District, soil and groundwater verification for sections 25-1, 25-6, and 169 found that sections 25-1 and 25-6 failed the verification and will be announced as controlled sites under the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. For section 169, tetrachlorethylene and trichloroethylene still exceeded monitoring standards, and regular monitoring will continue as per the Act. The verification of the Taiya-related gas station found that total dissolved solids, sulfate, and total organic carbon in the groundwater at monitoring wells MW7 and B00602 exceeded the second-class groundwater pollution monitoring standards, and regular monitoring will continue. The Hongju Industrial Co. completed soil verification sampling on December 2, 2024, and the six heavy metals were all below the soil pollution monitoring standards, passing the verification. The emergency measures for this site will be lifted. In terms of storage system declaration reviews, three quarterly reviews were completed. A total of 41 business units were assisted in confirming regulatory compliance for their storage systems, and follow-up guidance was provided. Among these, 12 business units still require improvement. A total of 48 storage system soil gas monitoring well tests were conducted, and 24 stations had deficiencies. As of mid-December, 10 stations are still being improved. For oil and gas detection, one station (Shanlong Wuci gas station) exceeded warning values for PID, FID, and LEL%. The high-pollution potential industrial areas in the Datuliao Zhen District mainly fall around the Dawei Road area. In the Azauwu Second Zhen District, zinc and other complex pollutants are still entering the irrigation channels, and future preventive management and site inspections are recommended for the industries in these areas. This year, two industrial briefing sessions were completed, meeting the performance evaluation requirements. Site inspections were conducted for Group A industries, and three businesses were selected for verification. Two businesses had soils exceeding control standards, while one business had soils with heavy metals below the monitoring standards. Industries with a REC score less than 8 were recommended to be moved to Group B, and businesses were requested to report their self-pollution prevention plans. Group B industries had site inspections from September 26 to October 15, where one business needed to apply for a downgrade to Group C, and another upgraded to Group A. This year's public industrial land verification was completed for Xieyu Co., Ltd. in Tanzi, with the result showing that the eight heavy metals at all points were below the soil pollution monitoring standards. However, TPH at points S01 and S03 exceeded the soil pollution control standards, and relevant control measures are recommended. Additionally, Xieyu Co. should conduct supplementary surveys and improvement work on the soil and groundwater at the site. This year, the installation of one standard well (B00608) and three simplified wells (B00609, B00610, B00611) was completed, along with 13 samples of groundwater volatile organic compounds and 4 samples for carbon isotope analysis. According to the investigation results, the pollution plume remains confined to the area of the Taiwan Agricultural Company and the Xiehe section (plot 200). Hongshu Co. filed an appeal on December 20, 2024, against the Environmental Protection Bureau's decision. The appeal was rejected in the decision made on November 25, 2024. A briefing session on the installation of solar photovoltaic systems was held on March 29, 2024, at the Wenxin Second City Hall with 78 businesses and 86 people attending.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater., Regular monitoring of farmland, verify, Oil tank management, pollution survey, propaganda