

中文摘要 本計畫目標著重於檢討我國因應天災之飲用水管理法規精進、協助訂定飲用水PFAS管制標準法制作業、協助露營場污水宣導調查作業彙整、結合綠生活安全推廣辦理奉茶推廣活動、飲水機美化更新推廣、編撰飲用水安全推廣相關資料、優化及更新維護「飲用水全球資訊網」等。 本計畫重要執行成果,包括:(一)管理法規精進:(1)研蒐國外天災飲用水水質有關管理法規,如採取變異(調適)、豁免、短期暴露誘發值等措施,供國內參考借鏡;(2)因應國際對全氟與多氟烷基物質(PFAS)管理日趨嚴格,協助研擬「飲用水水質標準第三之一條」PFAS管制草案,並辦理專諮會討論草案預告說明,彙整各界意見供施政參酌,並樹立新興污染物管制標準規範;(二)露營場污水宣導:露營場污水管理執行宣導及稽查成果分析,提供執行改善建議;(三)綠生活推廣:持續增加奉茶站點、蒐研國外飲用水地圖資訊、辦理奉茶推廣活動,藉以提升國人綠生活意識;(四)飲水機美化更新:飲水機外觀美化、計數器聯網更新等,提供優質飲水環境,達到民眾減少瓶裝水使用之目的;(五)編撰飲用水安全推廣資料:5張飲用水小知識圖卡、5篇飲用水安全短影音;(六)優化資訊網:強化網站硬體效能、優化行動設備使用體驗、優化關鍵字搜尋、強化網站資訊安全等,提升資訊網服務品質。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、天災、飲用水、水質管理、設備管理、教育宣傳、綠生活、奉茶行動、新興污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9350 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/06 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 王俊傑
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 黃明輝 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年飲用水管理精進及綠生活安全推廣計畫(公開版).pdf 26MB

2024 Drinking Water Management Improvement and Green Living Safety Promotion Project

英文摘要 Strategy of domestic drinking water management improvement for natural disasters, establish legal frameworks for PFAS standards in drinking water, conduct outreach and surveys on wastewater management in campgrounds, promoting “Water Refilling Map” activity to make connection of Green Living, enhancing the appearance of drinking water dispensers, enhancing drinking water safety, optimizing and maintaining the “Global Drinking Water Information Website” from Ministry of Environment are goals of the project. The project implementation results include: (1) improving management regulations. (1.1) Researching foreign laws and regulations related to natural disaster drinking water quality, such as adopting variation (adjustment), exemptions, short-term exposure induced values and other solutions to compare and strengthen the domestic drinking water management. (1.2) In response to international regulations on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) management restriction, the Ministry of Environment has announced a draft of Article 3-1 of the drinking water quality standards. Through consultations with experts and scholars, the draft announcement will be discussed, and feedback from various sectors will be collected for policy consideration, establishing regulations for the control of emerging pollutants. (2) Wastewater management outreach for campgrounds: Analysis of the outcomes of wastewater management promotion and inspection at campgrounds, with recommendations for implementation improvements. (3) Green Living: Expanding the site for “Water Refilling Map”, researching international drinking water mapping resources, and organizing tea-serving promotional events to raise public awareness of sustainable living. (4) Renewing and enhancing the appearance of drinking water dispensers: Beautify the exterior design and upgrade the IoT-connected counters of the drinking water dispensers, and providing a high-quality drinking water environment that encourages the reduction of bottled water consumption. (5) Enhancing drinking water safety: Creating five informational cards on drinking water knowledge and five short videos on drinking water safety. (6) Maintaining the “Global Drinking Water Information Website” with the latest news, activity result pictures, as well as to conduct periodical information safety management operation, to optimize the website service quality.
英文關鍵字 climate change, natural disaster, drinking water, water quality management, equipment management, promotion and education, green living, water refill map, emerging contaminants