英文摘要 |
The most important rivers in Chiayi County (Puzi River, Beigang River, and Bazhang River) are mixed polluted rivers polluted by industrial, domestic sewage, and animal husbandry. In order to promote the pollution prevention and control of river basins, Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau entrusted GEGA ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. to implement the "2024 Chiayi County Water Pollution Source Inspection Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Review Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”). During the implementation of the Plan, the monitoring and management of important river sections and potentially polluted areas within the jurisdiction will be strengthened, and efforts will be made to promote pollution elimination and water quality pollution improvement. The implementation period of this Plan was from January 01, 2024 to November 30, 2024. The implementation results of each task are described as follows:
1. Industrial waste pollution checking and counseling operations
There were 608 industrial inspections and 289 pollution source sampling cases conducted for the inspection of industrial wastewater discharge. 10 cases of violations of the Water and Pollution Law were discovered, all disposals have been completed. Resulting in a sanction amount of NTD 1,820,850.
We commissioned experts and scholars to conduct in-depth audits and guidance for 10 companies, nine improvements have been completed and one involves a permit change.
The continuous water quality monitoring instrument was used to perform 24-hour continuous water quality monitoring at the erection site for 7 days and a total of 45 points were completed. During the monitoring period, 6 points were found to have abnormal water quality and 3 cases of violation of the Water Pollution Law were detected.
Wastewater treatment function diagnosis and counseling operation, on January 26, 113, the implementation plan was submitted and approved by the EPB six business units, respectively, in March completed the initial assessment operation and april reassessment operation, and held a consultation meeting in August, one of the six do not need to be improved, committed to improve the five, as of November 30, has completed the commitment to improve the five.
2. Management of industries pollution source permits
Permit review has been completed in 577 cases and 22 on-site inspections (new applications or cases involving a change in functionality);The utility or sewer system has completed 316 declarations and 316 approvals in accordance with the periodic inspection declaration period, with an overall approval rate of 100%.
And on April 29, 2024 the first half of the year completed the first environmental technician to perform water pollution control measures to license business checking operations, check the results of the missing points for 14 points, is a level 1 missing, the second half of the year to perform a environmental technician to sign the business checking operations, the current statement of the technician under scrutiny in the comments.
In addition, one internal training session on permit integration was completed on March 29, 2024, followed by a briefing session on permit integration on May 6, 2024, and 35 businesses were counseled to draw pollution flow maps and upload them to the Ministry of the Environment's EMS system; five front-end counseling sessions have been completed.
3. Management related to drinking water.
Of the 1,113 water quality audits conducted on drinking water sources, 623 tap water samples were taken, all of which met the drinking water quality standards, and 27 tap water samples were taken, all of which met the standards. Drinking water equipment was inspected in 302 cases and 115 samples were taken, all of which were in compliance with the standard. In addition, 89 new lot number cases were completed, of which 50 were within the drinking water protection zone.
4. Assisted in the Chiayi County water environment patrol volunteer service program
The Water Environment Patrol Team consists of 24 teams with a total of 695 members. The program assisted the teams in organizing 362 work review meetings, seminars, education and training, and publicity activities for a total of 4,814 participants.
According to statistics, the Water Environment Protection Network reported a total of 58 cases, all of which have been transferred to the responsible units for processing, resulting in a processing rate of 100%. The program also assisted in managing 74 activities related to clean streams, clean rivers, and environmental rectification, engaging 2,035 participants. Additionally, the initiative led to the removal of approximately 20,194 kg of general garbage and the recovery of approximately 1,286 kg of resources.
A total of 24 teams from six townships and cities, including Chuksaki Township, Taihao City, Dongshi Township, Dalin Township, Liupu Township, and Minxiong Township, have completed the joint fieldwork.