

中文摘要 「113年嘉義市氣候變遷減緩及調適推動計畫」共有三大工作主軸及任務,包括:(一) 辦理因應氣候變遷相關課程及會議、(二) 減緩及調適工作推動、(三) 辦理氣候變遷減緩及調適推廣及教育活動。 (一) 辦理因應氣候變遷相關會議與課程工作方面,本計畫製作嘉義市氣候變遷調適執行方案,並為訂修「溫室氣體減量執行方案」及「氣候變遷調適執行方案」,召開多場次專家學者會議及利害關係人研商會議,持續進行滾動調整,研商會議及成果發表方面;113年3月8日辦理氣候變遷調適說明會議,說明政策推動方向和訂定目標,還有辦理2場次氣候變遷因應推動會會議;分別於113年8月6日及12月16日協助彙整環境相關永續發展目標推動成果公開與執行亮點,2場次的氣候變遷因應專家諮詢會議;分別於113年5月27日及10月21日協助滾動更新嘉義市氣候變遷調適計畫各局處所採行之各項具體措施,並依據「國家氣候變遷調適行動方案(112-115年)」研擬嘉義市調適策略及工作項目及2場次調適因應組小組來研商跨局處協調整合會議,跨局處會議分別於113年7月22日邀請林子平教授針對都市高溫調適策略進行研討、113年8月2日辦理嘉義市氣候變遷調適方案座談會。 (二) 減緩及調適工作推動,本計畫以彙整嘉義市環境現況,作為研擬調適執行方案與策略之背景資料,並協助界定嘉義市調適關鍵(優先)領域,來分析氣候變遷環境議題所衍生之衝擊影響,進行氣候變遷調適執行方案的撰寫並於113年10月31日前完成遞送氣候署,彙整「嘉義市氣候變遷調適執行方案」,並檢討各局處氣候變遷調適行動執行成果,並滾動式調整與延續原有計畫和建立新興計畫。 (三)於113年6月7日與6月13日本計畫辦理2日溫室氣體盤查相關增能培訓課程,課程以新永續為主軸,邀請組織碳盤查說明、調適減緩、自然碳匯、產品碳足跡之專家學者針對相關議題進行說明。為協助產業面臨日趨嚴格的減碳挑戰及溫室氣體減量;另外辦理氣候變遷減緩及調適推廣及教育活動,增進能力建構,於113年7月29日溫室氣體自願減量說明會、說明溫室氣體自願減量說明會及管理法修正內容,在推動氣候變遷調適工作方面,本計畫累計辦理6場氣候變遷調適教育訓練,並針對調適領域之衝擊情境進行說明與議題講解,滾動更新嘉義市氣候變遷調適計畫各局處所採行之各項具體措施,延續既有行動方案,並依據「國家氣候變遷調適行動方案(112-115年)」研擬嘉義市調適策略及工作項目,共19項調適策略及35項行動計畫。並協助管考及彙整環境部永續發展考核,成功取得環境部永續發展考核分數,且針對淨零綠生活推廣方面,本計畫協助配合辦理3場次淨零永續宣導活動,已於113年4月27日、9月22日以及11月2日,結合學校與社區活動推廣綠生活。並且在媒體推廣及宣導方面,已經於113年10月底前完成發佈4則新聞稿與臉書,行銷本計畫推廣活動及宣導主題。
中文關鍵字 綠生活、國家氣候變遷調適行動方案、溫室氣體自願減量說明會、溫室氣體盤查相關增能培訓課程、調適減緩、高溫調適策略、調適關鍵(優先)領域


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1650 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/05 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林香琪 執行單位 長慧環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113嘉義氣變計畫期末報告(定稿)1224.pdf 19MB

113th Chiayi City Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The "113th Chiayi City Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan" consists of three main work focuses and tasks: (1) conducting courses and meetings related to climate change adaptation, (2) promoting mitigation and adaptation efforts, and (3) carrying out promotional and educational activities on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Meetings and Courses on Climate Change Adaptation: The plan includes the development of the Chiayi City Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan and the revision of the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan" and "Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan." Multiple expert meetings and stakeholder consultations were held for continuous adjustments. Key activities included a climate change adaptation briefing on March 8, 2024, and two meetings on climate change response. Additionally, on August 6 and December 16, the plan facilitated the public disclosure of sustainable development goals and achievements, as well as expert consultation meetings on climate change adaptation. Promotion of Mitigation and Adaptation Work: This plan compiles the current environmental status of Chiayi City as background data for developing adaptation strategies. It helps identify key priority areas for adaptation and analyzes the impacts of climate change issues. The climate change adaptation implementation plan is to be completed and submitted to the Climate Change Administration by October 31, 2024, along with a review of the execution results from various departments. Promotional and Educational Activities: On June 7 and 13, 2024, the plan conducted two days of training courses on greenhouse gas inventory, focusing on new sustainability concepts. Experts were invited to discuss carbon inventory, adaptation mitigation, natural carbon sinks, and product carbon footprints. Additionally, the plan organized six climate change adaptation training sessions and various educational activities, including a voluntary greenhouse gas reduction briefing on July 29. It developed 19 adaptation strategies and 35 action plans based on the "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (112-115)." The plan also assisted in environmental sustainability assessments, achieving scores from the Ministry of the Environment, and organized three net-zero sustainability advocacy events on April 27, September 22, and November 2, 2024, promoting green living in schools and communities. Furthermore, four press releases and social media posts were published by the end of October 2024 to market the plan's promotional activities and themes.
英文關鍵字 climate change adaptation, educational activities, climate change mitigation and adaptation, Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan