

中文摘要 本計畫自簽約完成日起,本團隊對於執行計畫內相關所需設備及相關人 員等進行硬體建置及人員招募,皆在時間內順利完成,合約工作項目依規畫 已完成。 (一)統計113年11月30日,機車定檢到檢率依車籍計算為90.53%,已完成 檢驗數 80,074 輛,機車定檢到檢率依定檢站為 86.06%,已完成檢驗數 76,115 輛。 (二)本計畫每月寄發當月份通知應到檢車之排氣檢驗通知(明信片)前,均會進 行資料篩選,截至113年11月30日,已寄出74,262封;本計畫寄發二 次定檢公文函平信通知時,由EPA資料庫篩選未定檢車輛寄16,339封, 回檢率76.27%,經車牌辨識系統拍攝到使用中未定檢車輛5,434封,回 檢率82.24%,截至11月30日共寄發21,773封。 (三)移動式定檢服務,截至11月30日,共執行了執行109趟次,完成免費 機車檢測服務1,455輛(扣除未依規定車輛後為1,424輛),平均每趟檢測數約為13輛,不合格106輛,不合格率7.4%。 (四)路邊不定期攔檢執行至11月30日共計攔檢機車1,161輛次(扣除未依規 定車輛後為1,134輛)。檢測結果方面,不合格車輛81輛,不合格率7.1%。 於113 年1月至11月環境部機定系統顯示本縣機車調修改善完成2,021 輛,其中二行程機車53輛,四行程機車1,968輛。複驗合格車輛推估需 別計算二、四行程之削減量,其中二行程機車CO 0.49公噸/年、NMHC 0.41 公噸/年,四行程機車CO 196.79公噸/年、NMHC 25.03 公噸/年。 (五)永久性減量方面,主要為淘汰 1-4 期老舊機車,淘汰老舊機車削減量推 估需別計算二、四行程之削減量,113年1-11月共計淘汰1-4期二行程 機車179輛、四行程機車3,031輛,推估削減量為二行程機車TSP 0.11 公噸/年,PM10 0.08 公噸/年,PM2.5 0.07 公噸/年,NOX 0.03 公噸/年, NMHC 1.18公噸/年,CO 1.79公噸/年;四行程機車TSP 0.95公噸/ 年,PM10 0.56公噸/年,PM2.5 0.41公噸/年,NOX 3.31公噸/年,NMHC 11.32 公噸/年,CO 39.2公噸/年。 (六)本縣目前排氣檢驗站共有61站,截至113年11月30日共計查核定檢站 360 站次,查核結果共計有240項缺失。 (七) 113 年度應針對轄內61間定檢站各完成一次標準氣體單點查核,結至11 月30日共計查核61站次查核結果,總共查核63次。 (八)完成製作機車排氣定期檢驗提醒小標籤50,000份、定檢行程海報20份、 宣導海報60張、宣導布條60條、宣導立牌2面、移定車使用宣導立牌 2 組、手拿牌5個、派報DM 80,000份,並採購宣導品「白雪環保洗衣 精」1,000份。 (九)執行停車怠速熄火之宣導本計畫選定主要為民眾常發生怠速情況的地點, 共計完成巡查宣導作業108輛次。 (十)辦理宣導說明會:截至11月30日為止,共辦理5場次宣導活動。宣導 人數1,035人次。 (十一)聲音照相科技執法:截11月30日為止完成70場次。 (十二)聲音照相科技執法:截至11 月30日為止高噪音車輛聲音照相系統取 締已通知146輛次。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、到檢率、機車排氣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9420 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/10 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 馮啟智
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 顏佳億 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度臺東機車-期末報告書(定稿)-合併.pdf 42MB

113 Taitung County Turbine Vehicle Inspection Control and Pollution Reduction Plan

英文摘要 Since the completion of the signing of the plan, the team has carried out hardware construction and personnel recruitment for the relevant equipment and related personnel required in the implementation plan, which have been successfully completed within the time, and the contract work project has been completed according to the plan. (1) Statistics on November 30, 113, the locomotive inspection rate was 90.53% according to the car registration, the number of completed inspections was 80,074, the locomotive inspection rate was 86.06% according to the fixed inspection station, and the number of completed inspections was 76,115. (2) The Plan will screen the information before sending the monthly notice to the exhaust inspection notice (postcard) of the vehicle inspection, and as of November 30, 113, 74,262 messages have been sent; When the program sent the notice of the second regular inspection, 16,339 vehicles that had not been inspected were screened by the EPA database, with a return inspection rate of 76.27%, and 5,434 vehicles that were not regularly inspected were photographed by the license plate recognition system, with a return inspection rate of 82.24%, and a total of 21,773 were sent as of November 30. (3) As of November 30, a total of 109 inspections were carried out, and 1,455 free locomotive inspection services were completed (1,424 vehicles after deducting vehicles that did not comply with regulations), with an average of about 13 vehicles inspected per trip, and 106 vehicles were unqualified, with a failure rate of 7.4%. (4) A total of 1,161 locomotives (1,134 vehicles after deducting non-compliant vehicles) were stopped and inspected until November 30. In terms of test results, there were 81 unqualified vehicles, with a failure rate of 7.1%. From January to November 113, the machine system of the Ministry of Environment showed that 2,021 locomotives in the county had been repaired and improved, including 53 two-stroke locomotives and 1,968 four-stroke locomotives. The reduction of the second and fourth strokes of the two-stroke locomotive is estimated to be calculated separately, including the two-stroke locomotive CO of 0.49 metric tons/year, the NMHC of 0.41 metric tons/year, the four-stroke locomotive CO of 196.79 metric tons/year, and the NMHC of 25.03 metric tons/year. (5) In terms of permanent reduction, the main reduction is to eliminate the old locomotives of phases 1-4, and the reduction of the elimination of old locomotives is estimated to be calculated separately for the reduction of the second and fourth strokes, and a total of 179 two-stroke locomotives and 3,031 four-stroke locomotives in the first to fourth phases were eliminated from January to November 113, with an estimated reduction of 0.11 metric tons/year of TSP, 0.08 metric tons/year of PM10, 0.07 metric tons/year of PM2.5, 0.03 metric tons/year of NOX, 1.18 metric tons/year of NMHC, and CO 1.79 metric tons/year; Four-stroke locomotives TSP 0.95 metric tons/year, PM10 0.56 metric tons/year, PM2.5 0.41 metric tons/year, NOX 3.31 metric tons/year, NMHC 11.32 metric tons/year, CO 39.2 metric tons/year. (6) At present, there are 61 exhaust inspection stations in the county, and as of November 30, 113, a total of 360 inspection stations have been checked, and a total of 240 inspection results are missing. (7) In 113, a single-point audit of standard gas should be completed for each of the 61 regular inspection stations within the jurisdiction, and a total of 61 inspection results should be checked by November 30, with a total of 63 inspections. (8) Completed the production of 50,000 copies of locomotive exhaust regular inspection reminder labels, 20 posters of regular inspection itinerary, 60 posters, 60 banners, 2 banners, 2 sets of promotional signs, 5 hand-held cards, 80,000 copies of DM, and purchased 1,000 copies of the advocacy product "Snow Environmentally Friendly Laundry Detergent". (9) Implement the advocacy of parking and idling offThis plan selects the location where the public often idle, and completes a total of 108 inspections and advocacy operations. (10) Handling advocacy briefings: As of November 30, a total of 5 advocacy activities have been handled. The number of advocates was 1,035. (11) Law enforcement of sound and photographic technology: 70 sessions have been completed by November 30. (12) Law enforcement of sound camera technology: As of November 30, 146 vehicles have been notified of the ban on sound camera systems for high-noise vehicles.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution, inspection rate, locomotive exhaust