英文摘要 |
GEGA ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. assisted the Kinmen County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) in implementing the "2024 Kinmen County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Audit Plan" (hereinafter referred to as this project). The implementation period was from January 2, 2024, to December 31, 2024 (as of the end of November 2024 for the final report submission deadline), with a project budget of NT$2.689 million. The work included collecting environmental background information and water quality monitoring data for the lake and reservoir basins in Kinmen County. Through scientific analysis of the relative relationships between environmental geography and hydrological water quality data, pollution prevention, and scientific inspection operations for the lake and reservoir basins in the jurisdiction were executed. Additionally, strategies and recommendations were proposed for the water quality improvement planning of the lake and reservoir basins in Kinmen County. The content and results of the various tasks are summarized as follows:
1. Investigation and Sampling of Water Pollution Sources, Strengthening Pollution Source Control and Tracking
(1) Assistance with the Review of Water Pollution Source Permit Applications for Enterprises
Assisted in completing 102 reviews, with review opinions submitted within an average of 8 days per case. The types of reviews included 4 cases of surface water discharge permits, 39 cases of simplified discharge permit documents, 42 cases of runoff wastewater reduction plans, 13 cases of storage permits, and 4 cases of CWMS. Among these, 58 cases were new applications, 25 cases were modifications, 8 cases were extensions, 10 cases were extensions and modifications, and 1 case was a reapplication.
(2) Functional Evaluation of Regulated Water Pollution Enterprises and Review of Past Functional Evaluations
Based on inspection disposition records and abnormal reporting data, the Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Jincheng Plant was selected for functional evaluation. The initial evaluation was completed on May 23, and a re-evaluation was conducted on August 5, with the participation of Professor Wei-Hsiang Chen from National Cheng Kung University. Additionally, reviews of three functional evaluation targets from 2021 to 2023 were completed. Due to budget constraints, some improvement projects for the Jincheng Urban Planning Area Sewage System were included in the lifespan extension project. For the Royal Distillery wastewater treatment facility optimization assessments were incorporated. It is recommended that these two units be included in the follow-up review for 2025.
(3) Assistance with the Review of Periodic Testing Reports
A total of 120 periodic testing reports were submitted by local enterprises, achieving a 100% submission rate. All reviews have been successfully completed.
(4) Inspections and Sampling of Enterprises and Livestock Farms
A total of 24 inspections were scheduled per month, with 292 inspections completed. Discharge water sampling was conducted for 32 cases, achieving a 100% completion rate. The inspection results showed that the Jincheng Urban Planning Area Sewage System and the Kinmen National Park Administration (Zhushan Wastewater Treatment Facility) did not meet discharge water standards. However, they fell within the scope of attention under the "Principles to Be Noted for Enforcing Discharge Water Standards under Article 7 of the Water Pollution Control Act." After re-testing, they complied with discharge water standards.
(5) Environmental Water Body Quality Monitoring
Quarterly water quality monitoring was conducted at 14 stream and reservoir locations. Regarding strategies for improving water quality in the jurisdiction, efforts were made to promote the inclusion of livestock wastewater into the management system and the resource utilization of livestock manure. Additionally, measures were taken to enhance the connection of users to public sewage systems and to install dry-weather sewage interception facilities. Pollutants that had already entered reservoirs were removed through dredging of reservoir sediments. For regional drainage facilities, the frequency of aquatic plant addition and sediment removal was increased before the flood season. Farmers were encouraged to use more organic fertilizers, optimize fertilization practices, and engage in reforestation to reduce pollutant runoff into reservoirs during rainfall.