

中文摘要 本計畫今年藉由蒐集美國、歐盟、日本等國家及斯德哥爾摩公約等4項國際環境公約對於化學物質管制之最新資訊,及掌握我國產業實際運作化學物質情形等工作,除協助完成新增公告列管全氟己烷磺酸及其鹽類與相關化合物(PFHxS),亦針對壬基酚(壬酚)、壬基酚聚乙氧基醇、全氟辛烷磺酸及全氟辛酸等物質,研擬「列管毒性化學物質及其運作管理事項」修正草案並進行預告,建議調整壬基酚(壬酚)及壬基酚聚乙氧基醇之毒性分類、增列化學文摘社登記號碼、下修管制濃度,並調整禁止運作事項及得使用用途等相關規定;配合聯合國持久性有機污染物斯德哥爾摩公約管理趨勢,新增列管357種PFAS管制清單,增訂全氟及多氟烷基物質非蓄意添加之微量污染物閾值規定,以落實實務面管理。 在評估增列關注化學物質方面,業已完成包括環丁烴、伽瑪-丁內酯(GBL) 及甲苯胺紅等多種物質之管制評估作業,並已盤點240種歐盟高關注物質於國內使用於消費性產品情形,提出可加強標示管理之建議。 在邊境管理方面,本計畫皆依標準審查作業流程協助執行輸入規定801第5項、輸入規定837第6項及含汞產品輸入初審作業,今年已協助執行輸入規定801第5項及837第6項共受理665件申請案,其中經審查通過所核發之證明文件計593件,主要申請化學貨品以貨品分類號列以分類號列3808.92.20.90-4(其他殺菌劑成品)及3808.91.90.00-9(其他殺蟲劑成品)最多共491件,佔整體86.14%;另公告限制含汞/石綿產品輸入申請案件品部分,今年則協助執行1件含汞產品及2件石綿產品申請案件之初審作業。 同時因應毒性及關注化學物質管理規定部分調修,及環保許可整合政策推動,業已依管理需求或法規時序完成多項毒性及關注化學物質登記申報系統功能增修,包括完成新增關注化學物質運作紀錄離線申報功能並邀請業者實際試用、關注化學物質速報下載功能,及調整績效考評填報計算等工作;另為使管理端功能更符實務需求,亦已依化學署及環保局人員建議及使用率優化專業技術管理人員設置、個人化報表等10餘項管理功能。 此外,為使運作業者能快速解決系統操作上的問題與相關制度的問題,本計畫提供6線諮詢電話,平均每月輔導約594人次,更藉由辦理3場針對管理端系統功能精進研商會議、6場業者說明會、1場業務檢討會,協助毒化物運作業者及管理單位對於毒化物系統及相關管制規定更加熟稔。此外,為進一步推動我國化學品管理接軌國際規定,今年度更辦理1場「臺灣瑞典化學物質預防控管訓練 - 無毒家園建構及 PFAS 管理課程計畫」,藉由與瑞典化學署專家直接溝通,汲取PFAS管理及無毒家園推動經驗,使我國化學品管理機制更加完善。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質、關注化學物質、801-5及837-6輸出入規定


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 19470 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/19 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 江伯全
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 許子承 執行單位 環化有限公司


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期末報告 計畫成果詳細版.pdf 0MB 成果摘要

The Project of Assessment Management and Border Management for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances in 2024

英文摘要 The project gathered updated chemical regulation data from the U.S., EU, Japan, and four international conventions, including the Stockholm Convention, to support the listing of perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts, and related compounds as regulated substances. It also initiated a public comment period for a draft amendment to the "Categories and Management of Handling for Toxic Chemical Substances," proposing stricter control concentration standards, inclusion of CAS registry numbers, reclassification of nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEOs), and updating the limitations on handling circumstances and acceptable use. In line with the regulatory trends under the United Nations Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the project has also proposed the inclusion of 357 PFAS chemicals in the control substances list, and establish threshold limits for trace contaminants of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that are unintentionally added, to ensure effective management in practice. In evaluating adding Concerned Chemical Substances, the control assessment process has been completed for several substances, including cyclobutane, gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), and toluidine red. Additionally, an inventory of 240 EU substances of very high concern (SVHCs) used in domestic consumer products has been conducted, with recommendations to enhance labeling management. The project has enforced import requirements under Articles 801, Paragraph 5, and 837, Paragraph 6, processing 665 applications and issuing 593 certificates after evaluations. Applications for chemical commodities under Commodity Codes 3808.91.90.00-9 (insecticides) and 3808.92.20.90-4 (fungicides) accounted for 491 submissions, or 86.14% of total applications. Additionally, with new restrictions on mercury- and asbestos-containing products, the project conducted preliminary reviews for one mercury-related and two asbestos-related applications this year. In line with adjustments to the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act and environmental permit integration policies, the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Registration and Declaration System has undergone functional upgrades. These include an offline reporting function for operational records, an expedited reporting feature for concerned chemical substances, and improvements to performance evaluation reporting and calculations. Additionally, over ten management features have been optimized based on recommendations from Chemicals Administration and Ministry of Environment, including the establishment of professional technical management personnel and the customization of personalized reports. The project provides six customer service hotlines, assisting an average of 594 people monthly with system operation issues and regulatory inquiries. To enhance understanding of Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Registration and Declaration requirements, it organized three meetings on system improvements, six informational sessions for handlers, and one annual performance review conference. Additionally, to align Taiwan’s chemical management with international standards, the project hosted the "2024 Sweden-Taiwan Training Programme on Preventive Chemicals Control—A Non-Toxic Environment Framework and PFAS Management." Collaboration with experts from the Swedish Chemicals Agency offered valuable insights into PFAS management and a non-toxic environment action plan, further advancing Taiwan’s chemical management mechanisms.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Substances, Concerned Chemical Substances, Import and Export Regulation Code 801-5 and 837-6