

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間承蒙環境部、環保局及專家學者給予指導及建議,使各項作業執行內容與進度均能符合原規劃,並順利執行完畢。本計畫各項工作內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中,另摘要說明如下: (一)精進輔導優先試辦對象 計畫執行期間共完成輔導50家優先試辦對象,檢視各類環保許可文件,確認污染流向圖符合空污、水污、廢棄物及毒化物許可內容,針對繪製上有缺失或有疑義待釐清之問題,皆已通知事業單位進行確認並輔導修正污染流向圖上傳至環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS)。 (二)輔導擴大對象繪製污染流向圖 計畫執行期間共輔導55家擴大對象,協助繪製污染流向圖並上傳至環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS)。透過空、水、廢、毒污染流向示意圖之繪製,審查單位可快速同時檢視各許可核定內容之一致性,確實有助掌握整廠污染流向之完整性,可提醒業者釐清及盡速辦理相關許可異動,避免因疏忽導致有違法情事產生。 (三)輔導擴大對象辦理諮詢、會審工作 計畫執行期間共完成11家次諮詢、會審工作(包含7家次前置諮詢輔導及4家次共同會審作業),協助彙整各單位審查意見,並將諮詢、會審相關資料上傳至環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS)。 (四)宣導及其他作業 1.為配合環境部推動環保許可整合,協助業者掌握制度規劃及相關作業流程,輔導其依現有環保許可文件完成繪製空、水、廢、毒污染流向示意圖並上傳至許可管理資訊系統(EMS系統),計畫執行期間共完成1場次「環保許可整合及污染流向圖繪製」宣導說明會辦理。 2. 為協助環保局各審查單位配合執行相關諮詢會審作業,有效提升許可整合推動成效,本計畫已完成辦理1場環保局內部教育訓練,針對諮詢會審程序、污染流向圖繪製等,向各科室審查單位加以說明。
中文關鍵字 環保許可、污染流向圖、諮詢會審


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2020.6 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/19 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 周韋綱 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113許可整合-期末-上傳.pdf 15MB

2024 Project of Promoting Integration of Environmental Protection Permits in Changhua County.

英文摘要 This project has been successfully fulfilled in accordance with the predefined details and schedule thanks to the guidance and advice given by the Ministry of Environment, the EPB and multiple experts during the period of executive thereof. The tasks and results in details of this project are explained in the sections of this report and are summarized as follows: (A) Improve counseling priority objects Throughout the period of project execution, a total of 50 priority trial targets were counseled, and various environmental protection permit documents were reviewed to confirm that the pollution flow diagram complies with the permit contents of air pollution, water pollution, waste and toxic chemicals, and the deficiencies or doubts in the drawing need to be clarified, all problems have been notified to the business unit for confirmation and guidance to correct the pollution flow diagrams and upload it to the Environmental Protection Permit Management Information System (EMS). (B) Counseling to expand objects and draw pollution flow diagrams During the implementation of the plan, a total of 55 expand targets were assisted, and the pollution flow diagrams were drawn and uploaded to the environmental protection permit management information system (EMS). Through the drawing of air, water, waste, and toxic pollution flow diagrams, the review unit can quickly and simultaneously check the consistency of the approved content of each permit, which really helps to grasp the integrity of the pollution flow of the entire plant, and can remind the industry to clarify and apply for relevant permits as soon as possible changes to avoid illegal situations caused by negligence. (C) Assistance in expand objects counseling and Joint Review During the implementation of the plan, a total of 11 consultations and joint reviews were completed (including 7 pre-consultations and 4 joint reviews), assisting in the collection of review opinions of various units, and uploading consultation and joint review related materials to environmental protection permits Management Information System (EMS). (D) Propaganda and other operations 1.In order to cooperate with the Ministry of Environment to promote the integration of environmental protection permits, assist the industry to master the system planning and related operating procedures, and guide them to complete the drawing of air, water, waste, and toxic pollution flow diagrams according to the existing environmental protection permit documents and upload them to the permit management information system (EMS system), during the implementation of the plan, we held 1 presentations on the matters regarding promoting Integration of Environmental Protection Permits. 2.In order to assist the review units of the EPB to cooperate in the implementation of relevant consultation and joint review operations, and effectively improve the effectiveness of permit integration and promotion, this plan has completed an internal education and training session for the EPB. Regarding the consultation review process and the drawing of pollution flow diagrams, etc., to the review units of each department to illustrate.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Protection Permits, Pollution flow diagrams, counseling and Joint Review