

中文摘要 基隆市環境保護局(以下簡環保局)為防範石綿建材廢棄物未經妥善清除及處理,並落實資源循環署「減量回收及資源循環推動計畫」及「石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助作業原則」等政策,經公開評選後委託傑美工程顧問股份有限公司執行「113年度基隆市石綿建材廢棄物清除處理工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫經費為新臺幣1,480,000元整,計畫期程自113年4月29日至113年11月30日,截至113年11月28日各項工作執行說明如後。 一、 戶外石綿建材通知及巡查宣導作業 本團隊已於4月至10月完成轄區內環境部「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」之42處戶外石綿建材上、下半年現場巡查,包含現場建材現況調查作業,於巡查時一併進行石綿建材風險性及補助資訊宣導之作業,以信箱投遞及電話連絡等方式向戶外石綿建材所有人提供何為石綿、石綿用途、石綿對人體危害、相關法規及罰則等宣導文宣資料,並說明環境部資源循環署最新補助政策及申請補助流程,巡查結果轄區內列管之戶外石綿建材仍為石綿,其中系統編號C0200001已於113年10月14日完成拆除,並已將拆除之石綿建材送至暫置區存放,其餘41處皆無拆除或減少之情形,本團隊也已將巡查結果定期登入至環境部「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」,以利後續管理作業。 二、 石綿建物對象宣導說明會 本團隊分別於6月29日、9月28日針對本市信義區、中正區、暖暖區之石綿建材對象、里長等民眾辦理1場次宣導說明會,於基隆市信義區東安里里民活動中心辦理;9月28日針對本市所列管之石綿建材對象、非列管之石綿建材對象以及里長、里民等民眾,於基隆市中正區安平里里民活動中心辦理宣導說明會,統計結果9成參與人員對本次宣導內容及幫助性給予極高評價,在石綿廢棄物相關問答題上也全數答對,體現本次舉辦宣導說明會具極大效益。 三、 石綿建材廢棄物清除人員教育訓練 本計畫已於6月28日、9月27日針對轄內清潔隊隊員辦理共2場次「石綿建材廢棄物清除人員教育訓練」,於基隆市環保局清潔大樓3樓會議室辦理,有近9成人員給予本次教育訓練極高的評價,無論是本次教育訓練價值及提供日後協助石綿建材廢棄物載運作業的幫助,皆得到良好的回饋。 四、 石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助申請意願調查 為協助轄區內民眾進行補助申請事宜,以利後續資料審查作業,本團隊延續112年環保局調查結果及113年巡查宣導調查結果針對有意願申請石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助之民眾,經輔導確認後,具拆除意願者共13處,112年民眾改變拆除之意願原因包含:1.拆除及重建費用昂貴無法負擔;2.建物所有人為多人持有需取得多數人同意;3.部分建物為違建怕拆除後無法重建。本團隊已針對上述有意願之民眾進行石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助申請輔導。 五、 石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助申請輔導審查成果 113年調查具拆除意願者共13處,本團隊為了減少民眾申請文件因資料不全而遭退回補正之情形、減少公文往來之行政程序,故針對有意願之民眾,協助輔導填寫補助申請表,並設計提交申請表之公文及範本供民眾參閱,民眾提送石綿清除處理補助申請共11件,113年調查具拆除意願之民眾尚未繳交原因為仍在洽詢拆除業者及修改文件中。本團隊針對上述11件申情案件進行資料審查,包含確認是否為「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」列管名單、建物或土地登記謄本等證據,提送申請文件經現場輔導填寫及範本提供後,無資料不全及填寫有誤等情形。 六、 石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助清運成果 113年度民眾提送石綿清除處理補助申請共11件,皆已核備,系統編號C0200001、C0300002、C0200001及C0600008已於10月14日、10月20日、11月14日及11月28日完成清運,上述4處之石綿廢棄物經過磅區過磅後總重量為1.43公噸,皆已送至暫置區存放,本團隊也於「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」系統註記。 七、 石綿建材廢棄物暫存區巡查說明 本團隊於暫存區設置確定後每個月固定巡視1次,截至113年11月28日止,已至暫存區巡視共計9次,巡視結果暫存區結構狀況及石綿廢棄物包裝材料狀況皆無異常之情形,確保石綿建材暫存區安全無疑,不會造成從業人員或周圍民眾暴露於石綿風險之中。本計畫預計於年底前完成清除處理。 八、 石綿建材調查及風險性宣導作業 本團隊截至113年11月28日止,擴大石綿建材調查發現疑似石綿建材之案件共19處,經現場確認後,有18處為石綿建材,1處非為石綿建材。本團隊除現場確認外,也針對上述為石綿建材之家數進行石綿宣導相關資訊,包含石綿建材介紹、對人體危害、法規詮釋、補助申請流程、拆除應注意之事項等內容,使民眾得知相關資訊,了解石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助流程,本計畫113年度總清運量為1.95公噸。
中文關鍵字 石綿、石綿建材、石綿建材廢棄物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1943 千元
專案開始日期 2024/04/29 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 鄭亦均
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 周獻堂 執行單位 傑美工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度基隆市石綿建材廢棄物清除處理補助計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 13MB 期末報告

Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Plan In Keelung City (2024)

英文摘要 Our team has completed on-site inspections of 42 outdoor asbestos-containing building materials in the first and second half of the year from April to October in the "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System" of the Ministry of Environment within the jurisdiction, including the investigation of the current condition of on-site building materials. During the inspection At the same time, we will carry out the work of publicizing the risks and subsidy information of asbestos building materials, and provide the owners of outdoor asbestos building materials with what is asbestos, the uses of asbestos, the harm of asbestos to the human body, and relevant laws and regulations through mailbox delivery and telephone contact. and penalties and other publicity materials, and explained the latest subsidy policy and subsidy application process of the Ministry of Environment’s Resource Recycling Administration. The inspection results showed that the outdoor asbestos building materials under management in the jurisdiction were still asbestos, and the system number C0200001 was in October 2024. The demolition was completed on the 14th, and the demolished asbestos building materials have been sent to the temporary storage area for storage. The remaining 41 locations have not been demolished or reduced. Our team has also regularly logged the inspection results into the Ministry of Environment’s "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Spaces" Distributed management system" to facilitate subsequent management operations.Our team held 1 publicity and briefing session on June 29 and September 28 respectively for the asbestos building materials owners, district chiefs and other people in Xinyi District, Zhongzheng District, and Nuannuan District of this city. They were held in Dong'anli, Xinyi District, Keelung City. The Li Min Activity Center will handle the matter; on September 28, for the asbestos building materials objects listed in this city, the non-managed asbestos building materials objects, as well as the residents, residents and other residents, the Li Min Activity Center in Anping, Zhongzheng District, Keelung City A publicity and briefing session was held, and statistics showed that 90% of the participants spoke highly of the content and helpfulness of this publicity, and all the questions related to asbestos waste were answered correctly, which reflects the great significance of this publicity and briefing session. benefit.This project has conducted a total of 2 "Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal Personnel Education and Training" sessions on June 28 and September 27 for members of the cleaning team within the jurisdiction. It was held in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the Cleaning Building of the Keelung City Environmental Protection Bureau. Nearly 90% of the staff gave this education and training a very high evaluation. They received good feedback in terms of the value of this education and training and the help it will provide in assisting asbestos building materials waste transportation operations in the future.4. Survey on willingness to apply for subsidy for removal and disposal of asbestos building materials waste:In order to assist people in the area to apply for subsidies and facilitate subsequent data review operations, our team continued the 112-year Environmental Protection Bureau survey results and the 113-year inspection and publicity survey results to target people who are willing to apply for asbestos building materials waste removal and treatment subsidies. After the counseling and confirmation, a total of 13 people were willing to demolish. The reasons why people changed their willingness to demolish in 112 years include: In order to reduce the situation where people's application documents are returned for correction due to incomplete information and reduce the administrative procedures of official document exchange, our team assisted and guided people who were willing to fill out the subsidy application form, and The official document and template of the design submission application form are for public reference. A total of 11 applications for subsidy for asbestos removal treatment were submitted by the public. According to the 113-year survey, people who are willing to dismantle have not yet submitted the application because they are still in the process of contacting the dismantling operators and revising the documents. Our team reviewed the information for the above 11 application cases, including confirmation of whether they were on the "Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Spatial Distribution Management System" management list, building or land registration transcripts and other evidence. Theapplication documents were submitted and completed with on-site guidance. After the template is provided, there is no incomplete information or incorrect filling in.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos, asbestos building materials, asbestos building materials waste