中文摘要 | 本計畫彙整高雄市河川流域水質、雨量、人口、事業及畜牧業等流域背景資料,搭配工具地理資訊系統、空拍機及水質模式等,探討流域污染組成、河川水質之時空變化,並掌握關鍵污染源、關鍵水質指標及關鍵河段等重要資訊。高雄市流域污染組成原因,除二仁溪流域因畜牧事業密集,以畜牧污染為主,阿公店溪流域金屬表面處理及電鍍產業發達,以事業污染為主外,其餘流域多數因未完成接管作業以民生污染為主要水質污染項目。以RPI平均及嚴重污染站次比率來看,113年1~9月RPI平均為4.9、嚴重站次比率為13%,相較近5年均呈現改善趨勢。於各流域僅二仁溪、鹽水港溪及高屏溪有兩者惡化情形,主因113年1~9月受多次強降雨影響,部份流域濁度整體偏高,導致污染情形較為惡化,應持續關注水質變化。 此外,藉由流域污染源資料之分析,掌握重點事業,辦理查核輔導,選定事業辦理污染協談,達成關鍵水質氨氮削減,並於重點河段及民眾關注區域架設6處影像監視設備,掌握河川環境之變化。 依各流域污染組成分析流域水質整治策略,建議二仁溪以推動資源化措施為主;阿公店溪以下水道建設及推動資源化措施為主,事業方面可評估工業區廢水處理設施功能提升或事業密集工業區推動下水道建設;典寶溪可評估加速推動橋頭區之接管,並於接管前推動現地處理設施作為替代方案;後勁溪以下水道建設及推動資源化措施為主,事業方面可評估於事業密集工業區推動工業區聯合處理;愛河針對民生污染可持續進行用戶接管,並妥善操作既有水質淨化場;鳳山溪除持續推動下水道建設外,建議針對上游污染排水,採截流至既設或新設水淨場進行處理;鹽水港溪除持續推動下水道建設外,亦可新設現地處理設施作為下水道接管前之替代方案;高屏溪針對民生污染可加速上游未接管地區之用戶接管,並建議可評估推動聚落式污水處理設施,於畜牧污染方面可加速資源媒合輔導,減少畜牧污水排放。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 總量管制、河川污染整治、整治成效評估 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 113 | 計畫經費 | 8499.589 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2024/02/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2024/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 孫宏華 |
主辦單位 | 高雄市政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 林昇衡 | 執行單位 | 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 02.摘要.pdf | 0MB |
Key Pollutant Reduction and Total Quantity Control Plan for Major Rivers in Kaohsiung City, 2024.
英文摘要 | This project consolidates background data on water quality, rainfall, population, industry, and livestock in Kaohsiung’s river basins. Using GIS, drones, and water quality models, it explores pollution composition, tracks water quality changes over time, and identifies key pollutants, indicators, and critical segments in each river basin. In Kaohsiung, pollution sources vary across basins: Erren River faces heavy livestock-related pollution, while Agongdian River is impacted by industrial pollution from metal processing and electroplating. Most other basins primarily suffer from domestic pollution due to incomplete sewage connections. Between January and September 2023, the average River Pollution Index (RPI) was 4.9, with a high pollution rate of 13%, showing improvement over the past five years. However, Erren River, Yanshueigang River, and Gaoping River showed temporary declines due to heavy rainfall, which raised turbidity and increased pollution levels. Continuous monitoring is needed to track water quality changes. By analyzing pollution sources, we identified major industries for targeted inspections and consultations to reduce ammonia nitrogen levels. Six monitoring cameras were installed in key locations to track environmental changes in rivers. Pollution control strategies for each basin are as follows: • Erren River: Focus on resource recovery measures. • Agongdian River: Prioritize sewer infrastructure and resource recovery, with potential upgrades to industrial wastewater treatment facilities. • Dianbao River: Accelerate connection projects in Qiaotou District and establish on-site treatment facilities as interim solutions. • Houjing River: Continue sewer expansion and resource recovery; evaluate joint treatment facilities in industrial areas. • Love River: Expand household sewer connections and optimize existing purification facilities. • Fongshan River: Divert upstream wastewater to existing or new purification plants. • Yanshueigang River: Add on-site treatment as a short-term measure until full sewer connections are completed. • Gaoping River: Accelerate upstream household connections; consider community-based sewage treatment facilities and enhance livestock wastewater management to reduce agricultural pollution. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Total Volume Control, River Pollution Remediation, Remediation Effectiveness Evaluation |