

中文摘要 為推動2050淨零排放目標,國家環境研究院推行淨零相關人才培育計畫,針對企業、大專院校及國小校園三個層級進行全面性淨零知識與技能的傳授,逐步奠定我國全社會對淨零轉型人才的堅實基礎。 本計畫辦理淨零人才培訓青年綠領專班,積極向企業與青年推廣招生,開設淨零排放基礎、碳足跡查證、自願減量專案、ESG報告書撰寫以及溫室氣體盤查五類增能班,邀請環境部第一線人員與業界資深專家擔任課程講師,全臺開辦26期課程,培訓超過1,312人,其中18至35歲在學青年約佔4成,以協助未來淨零轉型之人才需求。 同時,針對大專學生辦理淨零到校推廣課程,內容包括淨零排放基礎概念、碳查及碳減職人指路、未來就業展望等,邀請校內學者與企業專家合作開辦35期課程,培訓超過1,498人次,藉此培養潛在綠領青年人才。 本計畫為因應未來綠色淨零人才需求,蒐集研析析國內開課課程之內容與差異,蒐集共收錄48個單位,總共開設220門課程,並依據課程成果與彙整國內淨零相關發展趨勢,辦理8場次「淨零人才專家諮詢會議」,邀請產、官、學各界專家學者,探討我國淨零轉型未來推動之方向。 另外,推動國小校園淨零轉型課程,設計淨零排放主題教案與碳排放計算器,並舉辦半日試教觀課暨專家諮詢會活動,邀請3位專家學者現場指導,共計30位師生參與,以提升學生對淨零生活的意識。
中文關鍵字 淨零排放、淨零綠生活、碳盤查、ESG永續報告書、自願減量、淨零轉型


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9188.375 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 龔威誠
主辦單位 國環院環教認證中心 承辦人 林文彬 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


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期末報告 113年度淨零人才培育推廣計畫 成果報告.pdf 15MB

2024 Net-Zero Talent Development Promotion Plan

英文摘要 To advance the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, the National Institute of Environmental Research has implemented a talent cultivation program targeting net-zero competencies, focusing on comprehensive knowledge and skills across three levels: businesses, universities, and elementary schools. This initiative aims to lay a solid foundation for net-zero transformation talent in Taiwan. The program offers specialized Green Youth Training Courses, actively promoting enrollment among businesses and schools. Five training areas are available, including Net-Zero Emissions Basics, Carbon Footprint Verification, Voluntary Emissions Reduction, ESG Reporting, and Greenhouse Gas Inventory Management. These courses, led by front-line Environmental Protection Agency personnel and experienced industry experts, are conducted across Taiwan in 26 sessions, training over 1,312 participants, 40% of whom are youths aged 18 to 35, to support the net-zero transition needs of enterprises. Additionally, outreach programs are provided to university students, covering essential net-zero topics such as foundational concepts, career pathways in carbon reduction, and future employment prospects. Through collaboration with academic and industry experts, 35 sessions have been held, training over 1,498 participants to cultivate emerging green talent. This project aims to address the future demand for green net-zero talent by collecting and analyzing the content and differences of domestic courses. A total of 48 organizations were surveyed, with 220 courses recorded. Based on the course outcomes and the consolidation of domestic net-zero development trends, eight "Net-Zero Talent Expert Consultation Meetings" were held. Experts and scholars from industry, government, and academia were invited to discuss the future direction for promoting net-zero transition in Taiwan. Finally, at the elementary school level, net-zero curriculum transformation is promoted through specialized lessons on emissions reduction and a carbon footprint calculator. A half-day pilot class and expert consultation session was held, with three experts on-site guiding 30 teachers and students, aiming to enhance students’ awareness of sustainable, net-zero living.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Emissions, Net Zero Green Living, Carbon Footprint Verification, Corporate Sustainability Report, Voluntary Emission Reduction, Net-Zero Transformation