

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自113年4月10日至113年12月15日止,截至113年12月15日已完成交通(環境)噪音陳情案件背景音量監測-軌道7點次、交通(環境)噪音陳情案件背景音量監測-快速道路、高速公路、一般道路等8點次、執行公私場所周界噪音查核或量測4點次,機動車輛噪音通知到檢量測完成112輛次,其中合格110輛次,不合格2輛次,不合格率1.8%、機動車輛排氣通知到檢截至113年12月15日累計執行103輛次,包括檢測合格82輛次,不合格21輛次,總不合格率為20.3%,機動車輛原地噪音路邊攔檢完成40場次,共攔車298輛次,包括檢測合格179輛次,不合格119輛次,機動車輛原地排氣路邊攔檢完成40場次,共攔車檢測399輛次,包括檢測合格270輛次,不合格129輛次、清泉崗及新社機場噪音管制中心及監測站查核完成2場次、執行噪音檢舉網查證作業3,028件、執行噪音檢舉網通知到檢作業完成788件、於9月4日辦理1場次臺中市噪音管制圖修正說明研商會議,累計完成1場次、執行公私場所周界噪音量測4點次、陳情管制案件查核完成173件、非游離輻射電磁波監測(校園、基地台或電臺、變電設施)完成50點次,各項執行進度均依工作規範期程進行。
中文關鍵字 噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5650 千元
專案開始日期 2024/04/10 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 高瑞宏
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧姻彣 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年臺中市車輛污染改善整合計畫期末報告定稿本v3.pdf 11MB 113年臺中市車輛污染改善整合計畫期末報告定稿本

2024 Taichung City Vehicle Pollution Improvement and Integration Plan

英文摘要 The implementation period of this project is from April 10, 2024 to December 15, 2024. As of October 31, 2024, the background volume monitoring of traffic (environmental) noise complaints cases has been completed - track 7 points, traffic ( Environment) Noise complaint case background volume monitoring - 9 times on expressways, highways, general roads, etc., 4 times of noise inspection or measurement at the perimeter of public and private places, motor vehicle noise notification and measurement completed 112 times, Among them, 110 vehicles were qualified, 2 were unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 1.8%. As of December 15, 2024, a total of 103 vehicles had been inspected, including 82 vehicles that had passed the test and 21 vehicles that had failed. The pass rate was 20.3%.40 in-situ roadside inspections of motor vehicle noise were completed, with a total of 298 vehicles stopped, including 179 vehicles that passed the inspection and 119 vehicles that failed. In-situ roadside inspection of motor vehicle exhaust was completed. In 40 sessions, a total of 399 vehicles were stopped for inspection, including 270 vehicles that passed the test and 129 vehicles that failed. The Qingquangang and Xinshe Airport Noise Control Center and Monitoring Station inspections were completed for 2 sessions, and 3,028 noise reporting network verification operations were performed. 788 inspections were completed according to notifications from the Noise Reporting Network, 1 Taichung City Noise Control Map Amendment Explanation Meeting was held on September 4, and a total of 1 meeting was completed, 4 noise measurements at the perimeter of public and private places were carried out, and complaints were filed 173 control cases have been checked, and 50 points of non-ionizing radiation electromagnetic wave monitoring (campus, base stations or radio stations, and substation facilities) have been completed. All implementation progress is carried out in accordance with the work specifications.
英文關鍵字 noise