

中文摘要 本計畫已完成主要工作內容及專案成果,在法制面部分,針對廢水處理能源化、新興關注物質減害化及促進資源循環申報簡化,提出「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」修正草案、盤點水污染防治許可文證(文件)申請表單欄位並提出簡化檢討研修規劃,並配合廢水處理資源化政策提出增列相關欄位建議,以及針對新增露營場管理與實務執行檢討裁罰規定,研修違反水污法罰鍰裁罰準則,並依修法推動進度協助辦理法制化作業,推動裁罰準則修正草案之法制化作業並順利完成修正發布。 除行政管制措施之研析外,在資訊系統與行政配合作業上,完成罰鍰額度線上系統功能優化並上線供主管機關使用;編製112年綠色國民所得帳;提出相關水污染管制統計報表;持續追蹤辧理完成113年度地方執行異常分析診斷查核專案作業及依協助依考核方式辦理進度追蹤與成果統計。同時,計畫執行期間均配合環境部針對計畫各項工作內容進行討論及協助相關行政事宜,包括3期水質保護電子報以及辦理水污法法規實體研習交流會議、定期維護和追蹤水污染防治法規及提供技術諮詢及首長信箱郵件回覆服務。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水、檢測申報、許可管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 6530 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/06 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 陳木麟
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 陳依旻 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年事業廢水檢測申報及許可管理計畫.pdf 10MB

Industrial Wastewater Monitoring Declaration and Permitting Management Project

英文摘要 The project has been completed and the results are provided. Regarding energy recovery from wastewater resources, the reduction of emerging contaminants, and the simplification of resource circulation reporting, we proposed an amendment to the "Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations". We have inventoried the Pollution Control Measures and permits (documents), and present a simplification review and training plan. In line with the wastewater treatment resource recovery policy, we propose the addition of relevant fields and review and refine the enforcement and penalty regulations for newly added campsite management. Review and revise the fine determination criteria of the Water Pollution Control Act. We have assisted in legal formalization efforts according to the progress of the amendment. We promoted the legal process for the fine determination criteria and successfully completed the amendment and publication. In addition to analyzing administrative control measures, we completed the optimization of the online fine amount system and made it available for use by the competent authority. We compiled the 2023 Green National Income Accounts, prepare related statistical reports on water pollution control; and continue tracking and completing the 2024 local execution anomaly analysis and diagnostic audit project, as well as assist in progress tracking and outcome statistics in accordance with assessment methods. During the project period, we coordinate with the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) to discuss various project and assist with related administrative matters. These include publishing three issues of the Water Quality Protection E-newsletter, organizing the meetings on water pollution control regulations, regularly maintaining and tracking water pollution prevention laws, providing consultation, and responding to emails addressed to the Host Mailbox.
英文關鍵字 Industry Wastewater, Monitoring Declaration, Permitting Management