

中文摘要 本計畫為持續打造氣候韌性城市及邁向永續低碳城鄉,藉由氣候變遷情境模擬分析,及輔導鄉鎮市區及村里社區參與低碳永續家園認證,並依循本身發展基礎及中央政策,同時強化本縣氣候變遷因應量能,及提升低碳永續認證評等成效;計畫執行期程為2024年2月7日至2024年12月6日,共計10個月,執行內容包含氣候變遷情境模擬分析、氣候變遷調適執行方案編撰、技術諮詢與輔導、擔任縣府各局處分工協調與資訊整合與交流,及評估與推廣綠能屋頂等,並以此為目標完成各項工作辦理,計畫執行成果摘要如下: 一、協調整合及推動因應氣候變遷事務 第1場次屏東氣候會於5月15日辦理,討論7個議題包含調適執行方案編撰說明、減量執行方案二期精進策略研商、2024年CDP填報說明、縣市環保永續施政表現評量、COP 30參訪等。第2場次會議於9月12日辦理,共4個議題,包含調適執行方案(草案)說明與確認、減量執行方案二期成果確認、CDP填報資料確認等,並請各局處會後依決議內容,以符合法規或考核規定提送之時程;減量執行方案管考惟部分未達預期目標,並於2024年4月及9月提供彙整資料,商請局處於2024年度兩場次氣候會前提出改善或精進策略,分別於會後請各局處針對落後項目提出成果敘述。後續彙整各局處具實質減量成效,撰擬屏東縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案成果報告,於9月27日提送環境部,10月18日公開於環境部「氣候資訊公開平台」,完成指定網站公開事宜。 二、因應氣候變遷調適工作 屏東縣氣候變遷情境模擬分析,已彙整氣候衝擊事件紀錄,包含淹水21鄉鎮133件、坡地災害5鄉鎮11件、停電33鄉鎮149,175件(戶)、物件掉落(樹木、招牌等)28鄉鎮180件、堤坊破損1鄉鎮1件等紀錄,顯示強降雨及颱風仍對本縣造成影響;另氣候變遷推估分析顯示,基期(1960-2014年)到世紀中(2056-2065年)之變化,高溫38℃以上日數增至1.4日、36℃以上日數增至29日,低溫6℃以下日數降至38日、低溫10℃以下日數降至108日,年雨量變化最大值增加到4,233mm,豪雨發生日數變化增至5.5日,不降雨日數變化降至301日。同時造成潛勢災害包含農作物產量減少、民眾身體健康影響、山區道路受損、坡害情形增加、生態環境破壞及用水情形受限等現象,可能受衝擊之調適領域,如維生基礎設施、水資源、土地利用、農業生產及生物多樣性,及健康等。 屏東縣氣候變遷調適執行方案(草案)共盤點本縣對應之調適行動計畫項目60項,依氣候法規範,已於8月29日召開公開座談會,並於7日前公開草案於環境部氣候資訊公開平台,後續於9月12日提送本縣氣候推動會審議後,共同設定土地利用、健康及農業生產及生物多樣性為三大優先領域,及10月30日提送至環境部審核。 輔導村里進行氣候變遷減緩及調適工作,已於6月26日及8月29日完成兩場次教育訓練,召開地點為車城鄉保力村及屏科大。氣候變遷減緩或調適建置,於10月底前完成所有建置,共計7村里17項。 三、執行低碳永續家園建構推動作業 2024年2月21日聘任屏東縣技術諮詢與評等審查小組委員共計5位委員;另於10月8日,以模擬銀級認證縣勘作業方式,邀請南區生活圈縣市及技審小組委員至本縣內埔鄉隘寮社區,辦理完成1場次技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議;本年度認證輔導目標,為協助屏東縣再次取得直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核特優佳績,著重於輔導村里取得銅級認證,共協助15村里取得銅級認證、1村里取得銀級認證及11村里報名成功註冊,另協助5處歷年已取得低碳永續家園銅級認證之單位完成現地查核作業。 四、社區低碳永續行動建置及太陽光電推廣 本年度需辦理現地查核單位共5村里,經初勘確認各項目維持良好,故本次低碳建置標的著重於未取得銅級單位,及具銀級升等潛力單位優先訪視,2024年3月至4月底間,本計畫共訪視16個村里,擇定4處村里6項目進行建置,包含節能設備、社區農場等,並於8月底前全數完成;太陽光電推廣,已於3月至9月間,協助12鄉鎮共計28個公有建築物,進行屋頂太陽光電設置評估,後於10月15日將成果及佐證資料彙整給局端,並由局端於10月23日屏函送至環境部氣候變遷署;另以具備申請銀級潛力之「屏東市崇蘭里」,作為本年度太陽光電實質建置單位,共設置3.48kW,每年可發電4,016度電,採自發自用,推估可少碳排放2公噸CO2e。 五、推動低碳永續家園之宣導工作 本計畫於5月12日及8月31日,分別藉家樂福藝術季大型活動,及屏東縣環保志(義)工群英會設攤推廣,共辦理2場屋頂太陽光電及節能減碳推廣活動,推廣內容包含節能減碳、再生能源、調適、低碳永續家園及SDGs;於5月29日及10月23日,共辦理完成2場次績優社區觀摩活動,第1場次地點為台南市鹽水區橋南社區(銀級)及虹泰水凝膠觀光工廠(節能減碳與環保),第2場次地點為高雄市旗山區糖廠社區(銀級);計畫執行期間,定期更新維護屏東縣低碳永續行動網頁,並於網站首頁新增台灣氣候變遷調適平台、氣候公民對話平臺、行政院國家永續發展委員會、台灣氣候變遷推估資訊與調適知識平台等平台連結,提供民眾多元化管道,學習如何應對氣候變遷,同時提高網站瀏覽率。統計至11月底已發布130篇低碳永續相關新聞、5場會議資訊及2場活動資訊;因應中央2050淨零排放12項指標中節能-知識傳遞帶起社會節能行動與氣候變遷調適之身體健康影響,本計畫以實用性與健康安全意義之條件篩選,分別為「迷你充電手電筒」及「電擊式滅蚊燈」各100份、「背包防雨罩」及「八骨抗UV遮陽傘」各50份,合計共300份。 六、 行政配合事項 本計畫協助執行113年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫執行中「推動因應氣候變遷行動考核」工作,包含協助彙整屏東縣太陽能屋頂權責分工資料、公有建築屋頂太陽能系統設置評估與進度追蹤、減量創新作為,及氣候變遷調適工作執行成果,於10月18日提供給局端,由局端於10月23日提送至環境部氣候變遷署。 另輔導銅/銀級單位參與環境部「113年低碳永續家園村里多元競賽」,本計畫協助撰擬參賽資料、簡報,由內埔鄉東片社區參與銀級組、內埔鄉隘寮社區參與銅級組,於12月正式公告皆榮獲特優佳績!
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園認證、社區實質改造、資源循環、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5736 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/07 專案結束日期 2024/12/06 專案主持人 蔡正一
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林容安 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年屏東縣氣候變遷減緩及調適工作暨推動低碳永續家園執行計畫期末(定稿).pdf 20MB 113年屏東縣氣候變遷減緩及調適工作暨推動低碳永續家園執行計畫期末(定稿)

2024 Pingtung County Promotes Low-carbon Sustainable Home Implementation Project

英文摘要 The project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon and sustainable county. The implementation outcomes are described as follows. 1. Coordinating and promoting climate change reponse affairs The first and second Pingtung County Low-carbon Sustainable Response and Climate Chagne Adaptation Initiative was hold on May 15th and September 12th. There were 7 issuses, including adaptation executive project, second-phase mitigation executive project, CDP, sustainability indicators, and COP30 participation was discuessed. Our team completed the second-phase mitigation executive project which was submitted to Ministry of Environment and publicized on the “Climatetalks platform” on October 18th. 2. Climate change adaptation response work Climate change impact events, including 133 casses of flooding, 11 cases of slope disasters, 149,175 cases of power outage, 180 cases of falling objects(trees and signboard), 1 case of embarkment damage, which indicated that heavy rain and typhoons still infulenced. Climete scenatio simulation analysis indicated that, from baseline (1960-2014) to midcentury (2056-2065), high temperature days over 36℃ will increase to 29 days; low temperature days below 10℃ will reduce to 108 days; maximum annual precipitation will increased to 4,223mm, days with torrential rain will increase to 5.5 days; days without rain will reduce to 301 days. Potential disasters include reduction of agricultural products, people health, damage to montain roads, increasing slope disaster, ecological damage and etc. Pingtung Climate Change Adaptation Executive Project (draft) collected 60 actions of responding adaptation project. The public forum was hold on August 29th. Finally, Land use, health, agriculture production and biodiversity were prioritized fields. The draft was submitted on October 30th.The project assisted villages in mitigation and adaptation in Baoli Village and NPUST on June 26th and August 29th. There were 17 cases of installation of climate response in 7 villages which were all completed before October. 3. Promoting low-carbon and sustainable homes We invited technical and review committee in Ailiao community to simulate the evaluation of silver certificate inspection. Evaluated as permium level in environment protection performance was our year target. Consequently, we assisted 15 villages in acquiring bronze level certificate, 1 village in acquiring silver level, 11 villages in registing. 4. Promoting low-carbon sustainable installation and PV energy There were 5 villages which should complete on sight auditing, and all object were well-conditioned. The project focused on villages without bronze level certificate and visited high-potential villages which may upgare to silver level priorly. We visited 16 villages and 6 installations in 4 villages were selected to complete low-carbon installation, including energ-saving devices, community farms, which have all completed in August. The project promoted PV project and assisted 28 building in 12 townships in assessing PV installation. The outcomes and supporting documents were provided on October 23th. Chonglan Village was select as PV site with 3.48 kW installation, which can generate 4,016 kWh electricity for self-consuption (reduce 2 tCO2e). 5. Promotion activities for low-carbon and sustainable home This project set up boothes in Carefour Arts Festival and Environmental Volunteer Festival on May 12th and August 31th. 2 events were held to pormote green energy, SDGs and so on. Two excellent community observation tour took place on May 29th and October 23rd. The first tour visted Chiaonan community(silver level) and second tour visited Tangchang community in Kaohsiung City. The project also regularly updated the low-carbon website connection to Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform, Conversation Platform for climate citizens, National Council for sustainable Development to provide diverse opitions. 130 news, 5 conferences and 2 envents information have been issued. The project purchased 300 promotion materials based on practicality and healthcare, including 100 charing flashlights. 6. Administrative cooperation This project assisted in responsibility division of green energy roofs, assessing green energy roofs installation on public buildings and progress tracking, and innovative actions of carbon reduction and executive outcomes of climate change adaptation. The data were provided for Environmental Protection Bureau on October 18th and submitted to Ministry of Environment by Environmental Protection Bureau on October 23rd. We assisted units with silver and bronze level certificates in participating “2024 Low-carbon and Sustainable Villages Contest,” including related data and slides preparation. Dongpian community participated in silver level group and Ailiao community participated in bronze level group. Both of them were evaluated as excellent villages.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon and Sustainable Homeland,substantial transformation of community ,resource recycling ,climate change