

中文摘要 宜蘭縣108~112年空氣品質指標(AQI)年平均值由43.0下降至38.2,整體空氣品質呈現改善。 分析近年本縣空氣品質指標污染物以PM2.5和O3-8hr為主,統計113年1~10月宜蘭縣PM2.5手動監測數據為9.1 μg/m3,較112年同期8.9 μg/m3些微提升2.2%,主要係因本年度降雨減少不利境外污染物沈降所致;O3-8hr的部分則由112年56.7 ppb微幅提升至113年58.6 ppb,然比較兩年度1~10月O3平均值差異不大,分別為113年27.7 ppb、112年28.0 ppb,顯示本年度O3呈改善情形。 為推動精進本縣空氣污染管制工作,協助環保局爭取環境部辦理之「113年度直轄市、縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」成績,由本計畫每月協助環保局依照環境部資料繳交時間完成各項指定資料提報,並整合執行計畫工作量能及跨局處單位工作,協助推動研訂「宜蘭縣空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)」,於113年4月由環境部召開會議完成計畫初審。 針對環境部考核相關執行工作,由本計畫協助推動空氣品質淨化區維護認養與道路揚塵洗掃作業,於6月份完成第1次查核輔導作業,並依環境部考核規範,將協助環保局辦理優良認養淨化區甄選活動,鼓勵各公所持續精進相關業務;另委託環檢所認證之檢測公司,已於工業區下風處完成大氣有害空氣污染物監測作業計4點次,協助環境部建置全國有害空氣污染物排放背景資料。 在水泥業汞污染管制上,本計畫已協助環保局於112年完成轄內4家水泥廠汞流布調查資料建置,參考文獻及本計畫112年調查結果,皆發現水泥製程累積的汞會在生料磨停磨後數小時內大量排放,故於113年協談轄內4家水泥廠配合執行相關調查,並持續追蹤各廠污染減量自主管理計畫執行情形,同時另由本計畫協助針對高汞物料執行源頭追蹤,並鎖定水泥廠周邊調查環境大氣汞濃度,預計於下半年辦理相關協商討論會,探討本年度相關調查結果及水泥廠自主管理計畫執行成果。 依據環境部第二期空氣污染防制方案,為推動臭氧改善,本計畫鎖定轄內3家VOCS排放大廠執行管道調查檢測,將針對調查結果以MIR及PEC檢視其臭氧生成潛勢(Ozone Formation Potentials, OFP),並協助針對污染防制可改善部分提供相關建議。 此外,由本計畫協助委託認證單位於雙鍵化工股份有限公司宜蘭廠執行設備元件稽查檢測200點次,查緝污染排放問題協助推動完成改善,並定期維護氣象站和設置於蘇花改東澳段之車牌辨識系統,透過系統查核行經大型柴油車,定期提報違反「宜蘭縣運送物料車輛污染防制設施管理自治條例」車輛清冊,協助環保局進行後續處分與管制,透過各項工作持續落實精進推動,以減少本縣空氣污染物排放,達到改善空氣品質的目的。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質指標、細懸浮微粒、空氣品質監測、有害空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 11500 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 呂旻倫
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 胡孟凱 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


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期末報告 000-113年宜蘭SIP期末報告-合併-屏蔽.pdf 28MB 113年宜蘭SIP期末報告

Air Quality Improvement, Maintenance, and Monitoring Survey for Harmful and Odorous Pollutants in Yilan County for the Year 113(2024)

英文摘要 The county's annual average air quality index (AQI) in Yilan County from 2019 to 2024 dropped from 43.0 to 38.7, and the overall air quality showed an improvement. Analysis of the air quality indicators in recent years shows that the main pollutants are PM2.5 and O3-8hr. According to the statistics of 2014 (the latest data is updated as of December 26), the manual monitoring data of PM2.5 in Yilan County is 8.7 μg/m3, which is lower than that in 2012. During the same period, the 8.6 μg/m3 slightly increased by 1.2%, mainly due to the decrease in rainfall in the first half of this year, which was not conducive to the deposition of pollutants from abroad; O3-8hr 95% slightly increased from 55.8 ppb in 2013 to 56.1 ppb in 2014. The average O3 values ​​for the two years were 28.1 ppb in 2014 and 28.3 ppb in 2012, respectively, indicating an improvement in O3 levels this year. In order to promote the improvement of air pollution control in the county and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in obtaining the results of the "114th Annual Municipality, County (City) Government Environmental Protection Performance Assessment Program" organized by the Ministry of Environment, this program will assist the Environmental Protection Bureau to submit the Ministry of Environment data every month. Complete the submission of all designated materials within the time limit, integrate the execution plan workload and cross-departmental work, and assist in promoting the development of the "Yilan County Air Pollution Prevention Plan (2014 to 2017)". In April, the Ministry of Environment held a meeting to complete the initial review of the plan. In response to the Ministry of Environment's assessment and related implementation work, this project will help promote the maintenance and adoption of air quality purification areas and road dust cleaning operations. The first audit guidance work was completed in June, and in accordance with the Ministry of Environment's assessment standards, it will assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in handling excellent The adoption of clean area selection activities encourages each office to continue to improve its related business; in addition, a testing company certified by the Environmental Inspection Institute has completed 4 points of atmospheric harmful air pollutant monitoring operations downwind of the industrial zone, assisting the Ministry of Environment in establishing a national harmful air pollutant monitoring system. Background information on air pollutant emissions. In terms of mercury pollution control in the cement industry, this project has assisted the Environmental Protection Agency in completing the establishment of mercury distribution survey data for four cement plants under its jurisdiction in 2013. Reference literature and the 2013 survey results of this project have both found that the cement process accumulates mercury. Large amounts of emissions will occur within a few hours after the raw material mill is shut down. Therefore, in 2014, we assisted the four cement plants in our jurisdiction to cooperate in the relevant investigation and continued to track the implementation of the pollution reduction self-management plan of each plant. At the same time, this plan The project will assist in tracing the source of high-mercury materials and investigate the concentration of mercury in the ambient air around cement plants. A relevant consultation meeting is expected to be held in the second half of the year to discuss the relevant survey results of this year and the implementation results of the cement plant's self-management plan. According to the second phase of the Ministry of Environment's air pollution control plan, in order to promote ozone improvement, this plan targets three major VOCS emission plants in the jurisdiction to conduct pipeline investigation and inspection. Based on the investigation results, MIR and PEC will be used to examine their ozone generation potential (Ozone Formation Potentials (OFP) and assist in providing recommendations on areas where pollution prevention can be improved. In addition, the project assisted the commissioned certification unit to perform 200 inspections of equipment components at the Yilan plant of Double Bond Chemical Co., Ltd., to detect pollution emission issues and help promote improvements, and to regularly maintain the weather station and the Dong'ao section of the Suhua Diversion Project. The license plate recognition system of the company checks large diesel vehicles passing by, regularly reports vehicles that violate the "Yilan County Material Transportation Vehicle Pollution Prevention Facilities Management Autonomous Regulations", and assists the Environmental Protection Bureau in subsequent penalties and controls. Implement and promote the reduction of air pollutant emissions in the county to achieve the goal of improving air quality.
英文關鍵字 Air quality indicators, fine particulate matter, air quality monitoring, hazardous air pollutants