

中文摘要 根據2022年環境部的數據顯示,國內事業單位每年產生約24萬公噸塑膠廢棄物,其中僅約28%進行資源化處理,超過七成仍採用焚化處理,在塑膠回收上,遇到塑膠材質種類繁多使回收業者不易處理等問題,其中,部分種類的包裝材多為複合材質且常含有背膠,除紙類與部分聚乙烯材料外,大多數材質難以回收。導致包材的回收率難以突破。 若要提升國內塑膠包材的回收率,增加現階段難以回收材料的回收率,對於種類繁多的塑膠緩衝包材,若能依照其種類的不同搭配上適合的減容方法,讓原本必須被焚燒或掩埋的廢棄物產生出新的再製方案,這將能有效提升國內對廢棄包材的回收率及相關技術能量,並讓以往難以回收的項目可重新進入循環再生產業,達成材料永續使用的目的。 本計畫以解決塑膠緩衝包材在回收上的問題,有效提升國內對廢棄包材的回收率,讓以往難以回收的項目可重新進入循環再生產業,達成材料永續使用目標為主軸。故113年度將(一)透過產業鏈研析塑膠種類與材質關聯,掌握本土材料特性資料,作為未來化學回收業者尋找料源參考依據;(二)透過物理回收之化學/物理材料改質技術平台,建立物流業包裝緩衝材技術應用,並對再生塑膠測試循環成效,建立塑膠循環再生新產業鏈。
中文關鍵字 化學回收,物理回收,聚烯烴廢棄物,熱裂解,塑膠包材處理,仿木


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 13200 千元
專案開始日期 2024/05/24 專案結束日期 2024/12/16 專案主持人 李晨宇
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 吳郁煌 執行單位 財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年「建構塑膠化學回收及材料改質技術計畫(第二年)」成果報告( 上傳系統及寄送國家圖書館).pdf 18MB

Technology Development of Chemical Recycling for Plastics and Material Modification Project (Year 2)

英文摘要 According to 2022 data from the Ministry of Environment, domestic industries generate approximately 240,000 tons of plastic waste annually. Of this amount, only about 28% is recycled, while more than 70% is incinerated. A major challenge in plastic recycling is the wide variety of plastic materials, making it difficult for recyclers to process them efficiently. Many packaging materials are composites, often containing adhesives, which further complicates the recycling process. Aside from paper and certain polyethylene materials, most materials are not easily recyclable, limiting efforts to improve packaging recycling rates. To enhance the domestic recycling rate of plastic packaging materials and improve the recyclability of currently challenging materials, it is imperative to adopt appropriate volume reduction methods tailored to the various types of plastic cushioning materials. By developing novel recycling solutions for waste that would typically be incinerated or sent to landfills, we can significantly boost both the recycling rate and the technological capabilities associated with discarded packaging. This strategy will also facilitate the reintegration of previously difficult-to-recycle items into the circular economy, ultimately achieving the objective of sustainable material utilization. This project aims to address the recycling challenges associated with plastic cushioning materials and significantly increase the domestic recycling rate of discarded packaging. By doing so, previously hard-to-recycle materials will re-enter the circular economy, supporting the broader goal of sustainable material use. The primary objectives for 2024 are as follows: (1) to analyze plastic types and material relationships across the industrial chain, compiling comprehensive data on the properties of local materials. This data will serve as a reference for chemical recyclers in sourcing raw materials in the future; and (2) to establish a platform for the chemical and physical modification of materials through mechanical recycling, focusing specifically on applying these technologies to cushioning materials used in the logistics industry. This will include testing the effectiveness of recycled plastics in circular applications and developing a new industrial framework for plastic recycling and regeneration.
英文關鍵字 Chemical recycling, physical recycling, polyolefin waste ,pyrolysis recycling,plastic packaging disposal,Imitation wood plastic