

中文摘要 屏東縣政府環境保護局為加強稽查力道,以遏止環境污染發生推行「113年屏東縣智慧科技執法稽查管制計畫」,強化科技執法量能,積極偵辦環保犯罪案件,即時且迅速查緝,並從源頭著手管制,遏止環保犯罪,打造乾淨舒適之幸福宜居環境。本計畫期程自113年2月1日起至113年11月30日止,本案各工項執行已完成,執行成果如下: 空氣污染相關陳情案件,最多為農畜牧相關陳情案件數,其熱區為萬丹鄉(90件)、九如鄉(88件)及內埔鄉(74件),共通原因除畜牧場較多外,人口密度亦較高,導致民眾生活範圍與農畜牧場相鄰。露天燃燒以屏東市、內埔鄉及萬丹鄉有較多陳情案件數,其原因為人口密度較高,露天燃燒產生之粒狀污染物較易影響民眾生活品質。而其他地區如枋山、枋寮及林邊等,雖有農作產生樹枝葉等農業廢棄物之問題相對較多,亦為容易發生露天燃燒之地區,但因為人口密度較低,導致陳情案件數不高。針對畜牧異味監測之感測器高值位置及時間區間,指標異味污染物氨氣(NH3)及硫化氫(H2S),顯示畜牧場出現高值時間大多在凌晨4時至8時及中午12時至晚間20時。異味稽查檢測,已完成執行7場次,包含4家管道異味官能採樣檢測及3家周界異味官能能採樣檢測,其中2家管道異味採樣超標,總計裁罰金額為48萬元。 本計畫篩選易露天燃燒熱區及民眾陳情熱區,派員現場巡查,計畫執行期間總計巡查121點次,巡查路途中經常發現露天燃燒情形,即時前往現場稽查18件,現已開立裁處14件,總計裁處金額為167,160元。大多為農民於農地內露天燃燒廢樹枝葉等農業廢棄物,一案為附近民眾長期堆置廢棄物,習慣性棄置之髒亂點,後續架設遠端監控系統監看棄置行為,另有一案為某公司員工貪圖方便於廠內燃燒廢塑膠等廢棄物之情形。 計畫備有8台移動式遠端監控系統,架設以查核蒐證空氣污染情形,已完成執行達56件次,針對砂石車路線、營建工地,及民眾陳情或自主巡查之工程進出道路,架設監視器觀察揚塵產生情形,針對行為業者或道路管理機關,進行宣導加強維護管理。架設以查核蒐證易燃場址非法棄置廢棄物或露天燃燒之情形,計畫執行期間已完成架設達189件次,非法棄置廢棄物案件36件,已開立裁處27件共計裁處48,000元;另棄置廢棄物並露天燃燒案件10件,均為棄置農業廢棄物並露天燃燒,因其產生粒狀污染物散布於空氣中,違反空氣污染防制法第32條第1項第1款,已開立裁處7件共計裁處13,320元。 空氣污染感測器設備即時監測與架設監控,計畫執行期間已完成執行22次,自主巡查屢遭陳情畜牧場,透過架設空氣品質感測器量化現場異味數值(指標污染物氨氣及硫化氫),分析監測數值並提供夜鷹早鳥計畫安排巡查名單,前往稽查採樣,包含16家畜牧場及5家工廠,其中有8家已透過夜鷹早鳥計畫執行採樣作業,4家由本計畫執行採樣,另有8家安排於夜鷹早鳥計畫執行之巡查名單。 水質即時監測查緝作業,已完成執行10家次之水質儀器設備即時監測,透過輿情蒐集與公害陳情案件,篩選架設地點架設於放流口下,透過監測濁度變化分析畜牧場排水時間,於可能排放廢水時間前往稽查採樣,或將異常廠家之廢水排放時間提供夜鷹早鳥計畫,安排前往稽查採樣水質不佳之放流水,已採樣8家畜牧場放流水。 聘請專業/技術人員或專家學者進行諮詢,輔導協助環境污染案件查辦與評估污染狀況,並提供專業建議等工作,本計畫邀請陳威翔博士前往明O畜牧場,針對水處理設備進行輔導改善建議,邀請謝連德博士前往佳O冷凍食品有限公司,針對空氣污染防制設備進行輔導改善建議。另本計畫與水污科聯合稽查輔導村O畜牧場、陳O忠畜牧場及祐O產業股份有限公司,邀請黃O助博士及陳O翔博士,針對水處理設備進行輔導改善建議;與空污科聯合稽查輔導,邀請國立中山大學周明顯博士,至逐O燒烤餐廳針對空氣污染防制設備加強並調整操作參數。 建立專業稽查團隊,辦理專業訓練、研習、及執法交流活動等,提升人員相關專業能力,加強稽查量能,於113年11月2日辦理稽查科教育訓練,由環保局技正講授實務,現場稽查技巧及稽查紀錄撰寫之注意事項、水質採樣及空氣採樣之實務操作課程,與畜牧糞尿資源化處理措施及比率計算。 113年10月24於屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理「屏東縣畜牧場科技執法及加強稽查研習會」,本次研習會由環保局技正主持,與會業者達118家,邀請稽查科科長、空污科科長、水污科科長及廢管科科長,並跨機關邀請農業處一同參與綜合討論環節,全面性的搭建本次會議業者與局處間之交流溝通。本次踴躍討論議題在於廚餘蒸煮區異味防制設施及沼渣沼液再利用,業者提出執行困難處及建議作為,特別是在沼渣沼液再利用推行,農民許多既有觀念,導致畜牧業者無法順利找到願意澆灌之農地。 搭配現場稽查狀況,出動6點次無人飛行載具污染熱區巡查作業,2點次巡查易露天燃燒場址發現棄置廢棄物並露天燃燒之地點;2點次協助稽查畜牧場內設施配置及排水相對位置等;2點次於不易巡查蒐證區域俯視拍攝污染範圍,並評估判斷可能產生污染排放之上游廠家,增加案件執行效率,並積極實踐跨計畫與科室之合作與交流,其中砂石場於萬丹大排排放泥水,以無許可排放及排放水質超標告發處分,違反水污染防治法第7條及第14條,已開立裁處1,950,000元,另一件非法棄置廢棄物案件巡查使用空拍機,俯瞰廢棄物棄置污染範圍與蒐證,依違反廢棄物清理法第41條第1項行政罰及同法第46條第3款及第4款刑罰規定,移請臺灣屏東地方檢察署續予偵辦。
中文關鍵字 科技執法、遠端監視系統、異味稽查、露天燃燒、無人飛行載具、水污染即時監測、空氣品質感測器


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4965 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 凃耀珽
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪玉仙 執行單位 京拓環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年屏東縣智慧科技執法稽查管制計畫-期末報告(定稿)上傳版_compressed.pdf 59MB

"Pingtung County's 113th Year Strengthening of Inspection Expertise and Professional Cross-Disciplinary Support Capacity"

英文摘要 The Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau has initiated the "113 Pingtung County Smart Technology Law Enforcement and Inspection Control Program" to strengthen inspections and address environmental pollution. This program uses technology to improve enforcement capabilities, investigate environmental crimes, and control pollution at the source, aiming to create a cleaner, more livable environment. It runs from February 1 to November 30, 2024, with various tasks completed as follows: The majority of air pollution complaints were related to agriculture and livestock. The highest number of complaints were in Wan-Dan Township (90 cases), Jiu-Ru Township (88 cases), and Nei-Pu Township (74 cases). These areas have a high concentration of livestock farms and dense populations, leading to residents living near pollution sources. Open burning complaints were also common in Pingtung City, Nei-Pu, and Wan-Dan due to high population density, which made particulate pollution more impactful. Areas like Fang-Shan and Fang-Liao had more agricultural waste, but fewer complaints because of lower population density. Livestock odor monitoring identified ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) peaks between 4:00-8:00 AM and 12:00 PM-8:00 PM. Seven odor inspections were carried out, with two pipeline samples exceeding limits, resulting in NT$480,000 in fines. The program focused on areas prone to open burning and frequent complaints, inspecting 121 sites. Inspectors discovered 18 open burning incidents, leading to 14 penalties totaling NT$167,160. Most cases involved farmers burning agricultural waste, while one case involved habitual waste dumping by nearby residents, monitored by remote surveillance. Another case involved plastic waste being burned at a factory. Eight mobile remote monitoring systems were used for air pollution inspections, completing 56 investigations. Surveillance cameras were installed on sand and gravel truck routes, construction sites, and roads with complaints, with businesses and authorities advised to improve maintenance. Remote systems also tracked illegal waste dumping and open burning, resulting in 189 inspections. Thirty-six cases of illegal dumping led to 27 penalties totaling NT$48,000, and 10 open burning cases resulted in 7 penalties totaling NT$13,320, for violating air pollution laws. Real-time air pollution monitoring and sensor installations were performed 22 times. In livestock farm areas with frequent complaints, air quality sensors measured ammonia and hydrogen sulfide levels. The data was analyzed, and farms were added to the Night Owl Early Bird Program for further inspections. Sixteen livestock farms and five factories were sampled, with eight farms monitored by the program and additional inspections planned. The program also completed 10 water quality inspections using real-time monitoring. Monitoring points were chosen based on complaints and media reports, focusing on wastewater discharge areas. Changes in turbidity were analyzed to predict discharge times, and inspections were carried out accordingly. Abnormal discharge times were monitored by the Night Owl Early Bird Program, with water samples collected from eight farms. Professional consultations helped with pollution case evaluations. Dr. Wei-Xiang Chen visited MingOO Livestock Farm to advise on water treatment, and Dr. Lian-De Xie visited Jia-Yi Frozen Foods for air pollution control advice. The program also collaborated with the Water Pollution Section and Air Pollution Section for inspections and guidance on water treatment equipment at YiOO Livestock Farm, ChenOO Livestock Farm, and YouOO Industries. To improve inspection capacity, the program organized training sessions and seminars. On November 2, 2024, an educational session focused on field inspection techniques, record-keeping, water and air sampling, and livestock manure management. On October 24, 2024, the "Pingtung County Livestock Farm Technology Law Enforcement and Inspection Enhancement Seminar" was held, attended by 118 industry representatives. Discussions focused on odor control for kitchen waste processing and biogas slurry reuse, with challenges related to farmers' traditional views on biogas slurry reuse. Six drone flights were conducted in response to inspection needs, monitoring pollution hotspots. Two identified illegal waste dumping and open burning sites, two assisted with livestock farm assessments, and two provided aerial photography of pollution areas. These efforts improved case execution efficiency and fostered collaboration between departments. One sand and gravel site in Wan-Dan was fined NT$1,950,000 for unpermitted wastewater discharge, while an illegal waste dumping case was referred to the Pingtung District Prosecutors Office for further investigation under the Waste Disposal Act.
英文關鍵字 Technology-based law enforcement, Remote surveillance system, Odor inspection, Open burning, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), Real-time water pollution monitoring, Air quality sensor