

中文摘要 臺東縣以東海岸為最主要之觀光景點,過去因人文、遊客及地理環境因素,在公廁環境衛生維護上顯得較為髒亂,雖然在臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)及各單位歷年努力規劃管理下已有顯著之改善,為使臺東縣轄內公廁在有效之規劃管理及整頓下保持觀光環境的整潔,環保局希望藉由臺東縣113年度優質公廁及美質環境推動計畫之推動,達到環境清潔工作加強執行、公廁管理單位權管落實維護以及遏阻空地空屋未善盡管理…等目的,來加強管理單位、民眾及遊客對於環境衛生之重視,本(113)年度累計執行率100%,執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、執行轄內所有建檔列管公廁資料正確性盤點及更新、公廁評鑑及巡檢等暨轄內中央部會空屋空地抽複查作業 (一) 本(113)年度巡檢人力共720人日、公廁巡檢共完成4,216座次(一般巡檢計2,564座次,重點公廁計1,652座次),空屋空地巡查126處次。 (二) 本計畫於第一季已建檔列管公廁資料正確性盤點應完成758座,截至3月31日止共計巡檢930座。 (三) 本計畫建檔列管公廁評鑑及巡檢列管公廁831座,本(113)年度共巡檢4,216座次,與112年同期2,817座次相較增加1,399座次,於巡檢同時進行評鑑,評鑑共計900座次公廁,在九大類中,各級機關學校佔比最高,達23.44%。次之為觀光地區及風景區,佔13.89%。第三高為加油站11.89%。 (四) 本(113)年度重點公廁巡檢共1,652座次,相較112年同期531座次增加1,121座次。 (五) 本(113)年度歷年補助公廁維護情形及資料盤點共計巡檢86座次,協助環保局112年補助計畫及112-113年補助計畫申請進度控管共計72件。 (六) 本(113)年度轄內中央部會空屋空地抽複查共計140件。 二、辦理環境衛生宣導會活動至少6場次 共計辦理7場次優質公廁宣導活動,活動辦理包含美化公廁添新意1場次、公廁清掃學習2場次、環境衛生(狗便、菸蒂等)宣導活動1場次、辦理登革熱孳生源清除培訓說明會1場次、登革熱兵推或實地演練1場次及辦理戒檳班1場次,共計281人參與。 三、公廁分級標籤及公廁QRcode告示牌 本(113)年度完成公廁分級設置告示牌張貼700座。 四、辦理臺東縣列管公廁評鑑評比活動 本計畫於5月2日完成辦理專家學者列管公廁評鑑評比,另設置海報及網站提供民眾知悉問卷填報,共計1,184位參加。7月22日進行線上直播抽獎,抽出150位獲獎民眾。另於10月24日辦理清潔隊員暨績優公廁表揚會並完成辦理。 五、機關交辦之環境衛生工作 (一) 宣導品完成提送共計400份。 (二) 本(113)年度已提供優質公廁相關新聞稿11則。 六、觀摩縣外績優公廁,提升本縣優質公廁文化1場次 本計畫已於113年5月23日至5月24日辦理「異界合作 樹立公廁典範」縣外兩天一夜公廁業務參訪活動1場次,邀請臺東縣政府行政處、交通及觀光發展處、交通部觀光署東部海岸國家風景區管理處、蘭嶼鄉公所、延平鄉公所、達仁鄉公所、臺灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部東區營運處等單位代表,共計14人參與,活動安排前往參訪112年新北市、臺北市公廁得獎單位及公廁,觀摩其在對公廁維護熟悉度暨強化各單位間應變協調與默契等,並參訪預鑄式公廁及低碳環保公廁車,評估對於臺東縣實用性,皆可以作為提供環保局施政方針的參考依據,以有效吸收相關經驗與心得分享。
中文關鍵字 公廁巡檢、空地空屋、環境衛生宣導


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5547 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/30 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 黃旭玲
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 歐妙驊 執行單位 信安工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年優質公廁計畫 (期末報告-定稿).pdf 0MB

Taitung County’s 113th Annual “Quality Public Toilet and Beautiful Environment Promotion Plan” regular subsidy program

英文摘要 The east coast of Taitung County is the main tourist attraction. In the past, due to cultural, tourist and geographical environmental factors, the sanitation and maintenance of public toilets were relatively messy. Although the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) and various The unit has made significant improvements through hard planning and management over the years. In order to keep the public toilets in Taitung County clean and tidy under the effective planning, management and rectification, the Environmental Protection Bureau hopes to use Taitung County’s 113th annual high-quality public toilets and beautiful environment. Promote the promotion of the plan to achieve the purpose of strengthening the implementation of environmental cleaning work, the implementation and maintenance of public toilet management units, and curbing the improper management of empty houses... to strengthen the attention of management units, people and tourists to environmental sanitation. This ( 113) The annual cumulative implementation rate is 100%, and the summary of implementation results is as follows: 1. Carry out the inventory and update of the accuracy of the archived and managed public toilet data within the jurisdiction, public toilet evaluation and inspection, etc., as well as the review of empty houses and spaces by the central department within the jurisdiction. (1) This year (113), the inspection manpower totaled 720 man-days, a total of 4,216 public toilet inspections were completed (2,564 general inspections, 1,652 key public toilets), and 126 inspections of empty houses and spaces were completed. (2) In the first quarter of this project, 758 public toilets have been inspected for accuracy. As of March 31, a total of 930 public toilets have been inspected. (3) This plan has documented 831 public toilets under management, evaluation and inspection, with a total of 4,216 inspections in this (113) year. (4) A total of 1,652 key public toilet inspections were conducted this year (113) (5) In this (113) year, the maintenance situation and data inventory of subsidized public toilets over the years totaled 86 inspections. (6) In this (113) year, a total of 140 cases of vacant houses and vacant lots were inspected by the central government within its jurisdiction. 2. Conduct at least 6 environmental sanitation promotion meetings A total of 7 quality public toilet publicity activities were conducted, including 1 public toilet beautification and new ideas, 2 public toilet cleaning lessons, 1 environmental sanitation (dog poop, cigarette butts, etc.) publicity activities, and 1 dengue fever breeding source removal training briefing. A total of 281 people participated in the event, including 1 dengue fever training or field exercise and 1 cessation class. 3. Public toilet classification labels and public toilet QR code signs This year (113), 700 graded public toilet notice boards have been posted. 4. Handle the evaluation and evaluation activities of Taitung County’s listed public toilets We conducted an evaluation and evaluation of public toilets managed by experts and scholars, and set up posters and a website to provide the public with information and questionnaires to fill in. A total of 1,184 people participated. An online live draw will be held on July 22, and 150 winners will be selected. In addition, a commendation meeting for cleaning team members and outstanding public toilets was held and completed on October 24. 5. Environmental sanitation work assigned by the agency (1) A total of 400 copies of promotional materials have been submitted. (2) This year (113), 11 press releases related to high-quality public toilets have been provided. 6. Observe high-quality public toilets outside the county and enhance the quality public toilet culture in the county 1 session This project has conducted 1 two-day and one-night public toilet business visit activity outside the county from May 23rd to May 24th, 2020.
英文關鍵字 Inspection of public toilets, vacant houses, and environmental sanitation promotion