

中文摘要 碳定價已成為各國政府為達成低碳經濟的重要政策工具之一,可預期碳市場在未來亦將快速發展,運作良好的排放交易機制,可達到環境與經濟雙贏的目的。我國2015年通過《溫室氣體減量及管理法》設定明確的減量目標,並授權環保署推動溫室氣體總量管制、抵換、拍賣、配售、交易制度。溫管法已完成修法,名稱修正為《氣候變遷因應法》,納入我國2050年淨零排放目標,並增加徵收碳費作為溫室氣體管理之政策工具與經濟誘因。 本計畫的目的為協助氣候署:(一)推動臺德碳市場雙邊合作,促進溫室氣體管理減量技術及制度交流;(二)蒐研國際碳定價機制發展情形,提出政策建議並進行國際交流;(三)研析歐盟減量政策之內涵及進程,並就我國相應政策提出建議;(四)研析歐盟減量政策之內涵及進程,並就我國相應政策提出建議;研析國際碳邊境調整機制、國際航空業碳抵換及減量計畫之內涵及進程並提出政策建議:(五)協助國際溫室氣體管理減量制度交流合作之相關行政配合事項。。 2018年6月,臺德雙邊正式簽訂「臺德合作協議」,針對排放交易機制展開長期的合作,後續氣候署與德國排放交易管理局持續交流碳市場機制以及相關政策之建議。2024年9月,我方協助氣候署赴德國排放交易管理局(Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle, DEHSt)拜會並辦理為期兩天的碳市場研習課程,就歐盟最新氣候政策發展、我國碳費及碳定價規劃、非電業自由化的碳市場建構之可行方案、查驗機構的管理與認定、國際航空業碳抵換及減量計畫最新發展,以及德國實施國家排放交易制度的經驗等議題做討論與交流,並規劃後續雙邊合作。 歐盟五五套案(Fit for 55)核心目標為在2030年,歐盟應達成減少55%的1990年的溫室氣體排放,也為達成2050年歐盟碳中和的中繼目標;五五套案的改革的軸心為EU ETS和能源轉型,藉由更新成員國的減量責任分配目標,給予成員國在減少溫室氣體和能源轉型一定比例的責任;不論是國家層面,抑或是歐盟整體,皆促使歐盟成為領導全球減緩氣候變遷的角色。計畫執行期間持續蒐集國際碳邊境調整機制(CBAM)、國際航空業碳抵換及減量計畫(CORSIA)之內涵及進程並提出政策建議,同時掌握國際間實施溫室氣體總量管制與交易之碳洩漏情形及對國家競爭力造成之影響之評估方式與評估結果相關資料。 本計畫順利協助政府機關參與如:國際排放交易協會(International Emissions Trading Association, IETA)、國際碳行動夥伴組織(International Carbon Action Partnership, ICAP)等之工作小組會議、亞洲協會政策研究院(Asia Society Policy Institute, ASPI)、聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)和亞洲氣候峰會相關周邊會議和展覽活動,除了傳達台灣對減緩氣候行動和溫室氣體減量之企圖心,同時促進與國際組織互動、維持國際交流管道、尋求國際合作之機會;亦可借鏡他國在相關政策的治理模式和架構,以提供國內政府相關部會政策建議。
中文關鍵字 碳市場,碳定價,碳洩漏


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7900 千元
專案開始日期 2024/05/06 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 石信智
主辦單位 氣候署排放管理組 承辦人 張盈嘉 執行單位 永智顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年溫室氣體減量機制國際交流合作_成果報告定稿版.pdf 12MB

International Exchange and Cooperation on Greenhouse Gas Management and Reduction Schemes

英文摘要 Carbon pricing has become one of the key policy tools for governments worldwide to achieve a low-carbon economy. It is expected that the carbon market will rapidly develop in the future. A well-functioning emission trading system can achieve a win-win situation for both the environment and the economy. In 2015, Taiwan passed the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act”, setting clear reduction goals and authorizing the Environmental Protection Administration to promote total greenhouse gas control, offsetting, auctions, allocation, and trading systems. This Act has been amended to become the “Climate Change Response Act”, incorporating Taiwan's 2050 net-zero emission target, and introducing the collection of carbon fees as a policy tool and economic incentive for managing greenhouse gases. The purpose of this project is to assist the Climate Change Administration (CCA) in (1) promoting Taiwan-Germany bilateral cooperation in the carbon market, facilitating the exchange of technologies and systems for managing greenhouse gas reductions; (2) researching the development of international carbon pricing mechanisms, offering policy suggestions, and engaging in international exchanges; (3) analyzing the content and progress of EU reduction policies and providing suggestions for corresponding policies in Taiwan; (4) analyzing international carbon border adjustment mechanisms, and international aviation carbon offset and reduction plans, and proposing policy recommendations. In June 2018, Taiwan and Germany formally signed the “Taiwan-Germany Cooperation Agreement” to embark on long-term collaboration on emission trading systems. Subsequently, the CCA continued to exchange information on carbon market mechanisms and related policy recommendations with Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle (DEHSt). In September 2024, this project assisted the CCA in organizing a two-day study course on climate and carbon pricing policies with the German Emissions Trading Authority, held in Berlin, Germany. As global cross-border cooperation becomes increasingly close, it is only through participation in relevant international organizations and strengthening our experience in greenhouse gas control policies to align with international standards, that we can effectively enhance our visibility on the international stage, develop strategic partnerships with international organizations, and promote our participation in global greenhouse gas reduction governance, thus facilitating the low-carbon transition of industries. The main goal of the EU's Fit for 55 is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030, serving as a milestone towards achieving EU carbon neutrality by 2050. Fit for 55 focuses on the EU ETS and energy transition, updating the emission reduction responsibility targets for member states, and assigning them a certain proportion of responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases and transitioning to renewable energy. This initiative propels the EU to lead globally in mitigating climate change. During the project implementation period, we gathered information on the content and progress of international Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and recommend policies, while also assessing the impact of cap and trade on carbon leakage and national competitiveness. This project effectively assisted the CCA in participating in working group meetings and activities, such as the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI), and side events and exhibitions related to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Asia Climate Summit. In addition to conveying Taiwan's commitment to climate action and greenhouse gas reduction, this also promotes interaction with international organizations, maintain international exchange channels, and seek opportunities for international cooperation. Taiwan can also learn from other countries governance models and frameworks in related policies, in order to provide the government with policy recommendations
英文關鍵字 carbon market, carbon pricing, carbon leakage