113 年度環境教育認證系統功能優化及整合維護計畫
中文摘要 | 自民國99年6月5日我國通過「環境教育法」以來,國家環境研究院(以下簡稱國環院)陸續推動環境教育認證相關業務,以落實法規規範申請、審查及追蹤管理等內容;為此,「環境教育認證系統」之建置目的為以系統化之方式,配合環境教育認證管理相關辦法,目的除強化民眾申請流程機制、減少國環院承辦審查時間外,系統亦配合國環院推動之業務,如:人才庫講師媒合平臺、環境教育人員(學歷、訓練管道)認證申請電子化導入等,以促進環境教育業務推廣。 本年度更精進國環院端及民眾端功能並進行優化,國環院端包含新增環境教育機構及設施場所每季活動人數成果統計報表,設施場所滿意度問卷功能建置更提供國環院得以即時掌握民眾到訪設施場所之狀況,以利國環院評鑑及施政之參考;民眾端除優化其於申請案件附件檔案抽換便利性、強化環境教育人員展延資訊連結性等外,電子簽名及證書電子化套印功能導入更可達成無紙化環境教育認證申請,以落實環境永續之目標;此外,本年度新增之人才庫講師預約媒合平臺服務,更讓環境教育專業人才、開課單位、國環院三方得以運用淨零綠生活人才資源。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環境教育人員、環境教育機構、環境教育設施場所 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 113 | 計畫經費 | 3421.26 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2024/02/05 | 專案結束日期 | 2024/12/15 | 專案主持人 | 戴士恩 |
主辦單位 | 國環院環教認證中心 | 承辦人 | 張儷瓊 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 113 年度環境教育認證系統功能優化及整合維護計畫-成果報告.pdf | 80MB |
2024 Project on Environmental Education Certification System Optimization and Integration
英文摘要 | Since the enactment of the Environmental Education Act on June 5, 2010, the National Environmental Research Academy (NERA) has steadily promoted activities related to environmental education certification, fulfilling regulatory requirements for application, review, and tracking management. The Environmental Education Certification System (EECS) was established to systematically support these management measures. The system aims to streamline the public application process, reduce NERA’s review time, and assist in various NERA-led initiatives, such as the Talent Pool Instructor Matching Platform and the digitalization of certification applications (academic qualifications and training pathways), to advance environmental education efforts. This year, further functional enhancements and optimizations were introduced for both the NERA and public interfaces. On the NERA side, new features include quarterly statistical reports on participation in activities at certified environmental education institutions and facilities, as well as a facility satisfaction survey tool that allows NERA to monitor visitor engagement in real time, supporting evaluation and policy-making. On the public side, improvements include greater convenience for replacing attachments in application cases, enhanced information linkage for extending environmental education personnel qualifications, and the implementation of electronic signatures and e-stamped certificates to enable paperless certification applications, all in support of environmental sustainability goals. Additionally, a new Talent Pool Instructor Matching Platform was introduced, allowing environmental education professionals, course providers, and NERA to effectively utilize talent resources for a net-zero, green lifestyle. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Environmental education personnel, Environmental education institution, Environmental education venue |