

中文摘要 本團隊承接臺中市政府環境保護局委辦「113年度臺中市毒性及關注化學物質源頭管理計畫」,藉由執行「強化毒性及關注化學物質災害防救」、「推動毒性及關注化學物質管理」、「辦理化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查」及「辦理相關教育宣導行銷活動或訓練」等4項業務主軸,確保毒化物列管業者或化學物質相關運作業者平時能做好自主管理,使業者皆能符合現行法規;在遭遇毒化災事故當下,可藉由日常災防整備及災害防救演習經驗,提升突發狀況時緊急應變搶救能力。統計至期末進度為止,本計畫契約規定各項業務執行成果如下: 一、辦理毒性及關注化學物質災害防救:(1)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場所現場輔導(含無預警測試)12場次,藉由邀請專家學者臨場輔導,改善業者各式文件管理、作業環境條件,並透過無預警測試檢視業者災害搶救能力。(2)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場廠及相關災防機關通聯測試501件次,通聯對象包括列管業者及臺中市境內32處相關災防機關,業者通聯除了確認緊急聯繫窗口資訊,另著重於政令宣導,避免業者不慎觸法;災防機關通聯主要則是以更新聯繫資訊,並告知可能通報時機,提升災防機關橫向通報時效。(3)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質災害防救(含疏散避難)演練1場次,以化工廠發生複合型毒化災事故為演練主軸,結合消防救災、警政單位及廠商等12個單位共75人次進行操演,強化臺中市列管業者災害搶救能力。 二、推動毒性及關注化學物質管理:(1)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場所輔導訪查460場次,目前台中市總列管業者共計523家,訪查涵蓋率達86.81%,訪查結果業者查核當下皆符合法規,僅15家業者在安全資料表更新及標示管理不完善,檢查員於訪查當下皆已向業者提出改善建議。(2)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質專案查核或現勘70場次,專案類型包括環境部化學物質管理署(以下簡稱化學署)指定專案及配合市府其他業務主管單位聯合稽查,各項專案查核當下皆符合法規要求。(3)持續辦理毒性化學物質偵測設備即時監控預警機制,本年度依計畫契約新建置1家次業者納入即時監控預警機制,並持續監控既有裝設業者,監控迄今已接獲136件次異常通報,並即時聯繫業者查證皆非屬毒化物洩漏。 三、辦理化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查:(1)已辦理化工原料或相關業者輔導訪查300件次,訪查對象以臺中市工廠、化工原料行為主,訪查當下業者多數皆符合化學署推行的四要管理原則。(2)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質暨化工原料或相關業者系統建檔865件次,其中包括毒性及關注化學物質工作稽查單建置565件與化工原料相關業者訪查工作單建置300件,累計有8件次違規裁罰情形。 四、辦理相關教育宣導行銷活動或訓練:(1)已辦理毒性及關注化學物質宣導活動4場次,宣導對象以臺中市毒性及關注化學物質運作業者為主,共計383家業者429人出席。(2)已辦理食安宣導活動2場次,宣導對象為臺中市豐原區田心里居民及臺中市北區中正里居民,共計78人出席,活動邀請臺中食安青年軍-中山醫學團隊擔任講師,向民眾宣導正確化學物質使用觀念,落實食品安全管理。(3)已辦理毒災防救演練電子報宣導1件次、食安宣導電子報宣導1件次、毒性及關注化學物質管理圖卡宣導1件次及節慶食品安全宣導圖卡1件次,後續將配合環保局於新年節慶進行食品安全相關行銷宣導。 五、其他臨時交辦事項:包括每月提報工作成果報表、召開月工作會議、配合環境部交辦、考核事項辦理,並依機關指示提供簡報資料及相關資料等,包括「臺中市政府因應蘇丹紅辣椒粉事件跨局處食安會議」說明資料收集、「113年頭汴溪死魚事件」資料蒐集、「113年中部科學園區廠家稽查統計表」提報、「113年毒性及關注化學物質廠家稽查統計表」提報、「臺中市毒性及關注化學物質運作場所專業應變人員再訓練資料統計」、「113年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」資料蒐集、「113年度災害防救業務訪評」資料蒐集彙整、「臺中市戰綜會報113年第2次定期會議狀況推演想定」資料蒐集彙整、「113年科技動員訪評資料」資料蒐集彙整、提供預警機制規劃與成果說明等。 截至期末進度為止,本計畫總執行率已達100%,後續期程本團隊將依契約規定執行各項工作,藉由計畫執行落實毒性及關注化學物質運作管理安全、提升應變時之災害防救應變能力;並強化化學物質流向管理效能,適時協助環保局向廠家進行相關政令宣導,避免業者違反法令而觸法。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2680 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/27 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 温承翰
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃佩瑩 執行單位 鼎薪防災科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度臺中市毒性及關注化學物質源頭管理計畫-期末成果報告-ALL【定隱】.pdf 22MB

113 Taichung City Toxic and Chemical Substances of Concern Source Management Plan

英文摘要 The "113 Taichung City Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Source Management Plan" counts the results of the implementation of various businesses stipulated in the contract as of the end of the period as follows 1. Disaster prevention and rescue of toxic and concerned chemical substances: (1) 12 on-site counseling sessions (including non-early warning tests) have been conducted at the operation sites of toxic and concerned chemical substances, and experts and scholars have been invited to provide on-site counseling to improve the management of various documents and operating environment conditions of the industry, and to review the disaster rescue capabilities of the industry through non-early warning tests. (2) 501 tests have been carried out for toxic and concerned chemical substance operation sites and related disaster prevention agencies, including listed companies and 32 relevant disaster prevention agencies in Taichung City. The main purpose of communication is to update the contact information and inform the possible notification time, so as to improve the timeliness of horizontal notification by the disaster prevention agency. (3) One disaster prevention and rescue (including evacuation and evacuation) of toxic and concerned chemical substances has been conducted, with the compound poison disaster accident in the chemical plant as the main axis of the drill, combined with 12 units such as fire and disaster relief, police units and manufacturers, a total of 75 people have conducted the drill, and strengthened the disaster rescue ability of Taichung City's listed management industry. 2. Promote the management of toxic and concerned chemical substances: (1) 460 counseling visits have been carried out at the operation sites of toxic and concerned chemical substances, and at present, there are a total of 523 companies in Taichung City, with a coverage rate of 86.81%, and the inspection results are all in compliance with laws and regulations, and only 15 companies have imperfect management in the update of safety data sheets and labeling, and the inspectors have put forward suggestions for improvement to the industry at the time of the inspection. (2) 70 inspections or on-site surveys of toxic and concerned chemical substances have been carried out, including projects designated by the Chemical Substances Administration of the Ministry of Environment (hereinafter referred to as the Chemical Administration) and joint inspections by other business supervisory units of the municipal government, and all project audits are in line with the requirements of laws and regulations. (3) Continue to implement the real-time monitoring and early warning mechanism for toxic chemical substance detection equipment, and this year, according to the plan contract, one new sub-operator was included in the real-time monitoring and early warning mechanism, and continued to monitor the existing installation industry, and the monitoring has received 136 abnormal reports so far, and immediately contacted the industry to verify that none of them are toxic leaks. 3. Counseling visits to chemical raw materials or related industries: (1) 300 counseling visits have been handled for chemical raw materials or related industries, and the inspection objects are mainly factories and chemical raw materials in Taichung City, and most of the current operators are in line with the four management principles implemented by the Chemical Administration. (2) A total of 865 cases of toxic and concerned chemical substances and chemical raw materials or related industries have been systematically filed, including 565 inspection lists for toxic and concerned chemical substances and 300 inspection work sheets for chemical raw materials-related businesses, with a total of 8 violations and penalties. 4. Handle relevant education, publicity, marketing activities or training: (1) 4 publicity activities on toxic and concerned chemical substances have been handled, and the advocacy targets are mainly operators of toxic and concerned chemical substances in Taichung City, with a total of 429 people from 383 companies attending. (2) 2 food safety advocacy activities have been handled, the advocacy targets are the residents of Tianxin, Fengyuan District, Taichung City and the residents of Zhongzhengli, North District, Taichung City, a total of 78 people attended, and the Taichung Food Safety Youth Army-Zhongshan Medical Team was invited to serve as lecturers to advocate the correct use of chemical substances to the public and implement food safety management. (3) It has handled 1 e-newsletter for drug disaster prevention and rescue drills, 1 e-newsletter for food safety advocacy, 1 advocacy for the management of toxic and concerned chemical substances, and 1 festive food safety promotion card, and will cooperate with the Environmental Protection Bureau to carry out food safety-related marketing promotion in the New Year's Festival.
英文關鍵字 Toxicity and Chemical Substances of Concern