

中文摘要 本年度工作主要包括四大項目:「辦理稽核認證團體監督、評鑑及各類查核作業」、「辦理稽核認證團體外部稽核作業」、「完善稽核認證團體計畫契約管理規範」,以及「檢討現行稽核認證作業程序,建立系統化智慧管理機制」。 環境部成立稽核認證團體監督會,其負責執行評鑑、查核作業及受理檢舉案件,以確保稽核認證團體遵守相關規範執行稽核認證工作。本計畫已完成36場次現場查核、9場次管制中心查核及9場次監督會議,並整理分析查核結果供資源循環署參考,以評選適合的稽核認證團體專案計畫。為強化稽核認證團體內部控管,本計畫完成18場次現場外部稽核和9場次管制中心外部稽核,並結合RRMS系統功能,有效追蹤外部稽核意見改善情形,以增進其稽核品質。本計畫另檢討112、113年執行情形,修訂114年及115年應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體專案工作計畫招標文件以提升執行成效,並協助招商事宜。本計畫綜整112年各項查核成果,並對113年評鑑查核進行分析,提出管理建議方案,另規劃導入系統化智慧管理機制,試辦數位化巡檢平台,並依據試辦成果研訂推動方案及配套措施,並研提稽核認證作業手冊共通性建議版條文,以提升稽核認證作業品質。
中文關鍵字 稽核認證團體、稽核認證團體監督會、資源回收管理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8680 千元
專案開始日期 2023/12/19 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 劉旭桓
主辦單位 循環署回收基金管理會 承辦人 徐伊亭 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告(部分公開).pdf 7MB

Project on Management of Audit and Certification and Supervision on Audit Practices (Year One)

英文摘要 The project tasks this year encompasses the following aspects: conducting supervision, evaluation, and various audits for audit and certification groups; conducting external audits for audit and certification groups; refining contract management regulations for the audit and certification group program; and reviewing existing procedures to establish a systematic intelligent management mechanism. The Environmental Protection Agency established the Audit and Certification Group Supervisory Committee, responsible for executing evaluations, audits, and handling prosecutions to ensure that audit and certification groups comply with relevant regulations. The project has completed 36 on-site audits, 9 control center audits, and 9 supervisory meetings, with findings compiled and analyzed for the Resource Circulation Administration to reference in selecting suitable project plans. To strengthen internal controls of audit and certification groups, this project also conducted 18 on-site external audits and 9 control center external audits. Through the integration of the RRMS system, it effectively tracked and monitored improvements, thereby enhancing audit quality. Additionally, the project reviewed the execution of the 2023 and 2024 plans, revised the tender documents for the audit and certification group program, and assisted with supplier solicitation efforts. It consolidated the results from 2023 and analyzed the 2024 evaluations, proposing management recommendations. The project also planned to introduce a systematic intelligent management mechanism, piloted a digital inspection platform, and based on the pilot results, developed implementation plans and support measures. Finally, it proposed standardized amendments to the audit procedures manual to further improve the quality of audit and certification operations.
英文關鍵字 Audit and Certification Group, Supervisory CommitteeGroup, Resources Recycling Information Management System