

中文摘要 為落實我國土壤與地下水相關技術發展與推廣之政策,實現技術發展與推廣策略藍圖,依循環境部之「污染場址管理相關技術發展短中期規劃書」擬定之技術發展目標與技術推廣路徑作法,以達成土壤與地下水相關技術之「技術發展與優化」以及「技術擴散與應用」的目標。本計畫著重於滿足環境永續、提高整治措施的成本效益,以及因應國內土壤及地下水整治技術應用缺口與需求,建立整治程序優化執行架構與作業流程,擬定整治程序優化參考指引,以評估強化污染改善效能與效率的可行性,據以建構實務導向之解決方案。同時,結合「土壤及地下水污染整治基金補助研究與模場試驗專案」的推動,透過產學媒合機制與實場化技術驗證制度設計,強化公私部門夥伴關係,以期推展與實現加速場址改善效率之政策目標。另為增加技術擴散之廣度,依循技術推廣路徑規劃,篩選歷年優良研發成果,採用靜態的訪談專欄與動態的影音宣傳等工具,舉辦技術發表說明會與媒合會議,強化媒合管道,提高優良技術能見度以及建立多元媒體化推廣工具與資料庫,並持續擴建技術資源平台,作為國內土水技術之專一性資料庫。本計畫善用以上多元化的推廣行動,實現「技術推廣」的目標。 在技術發展主題部分,本計畫完成國際整治程序優化作業資訊蒐集彙整,以及國內整治技術的應用趨勢與優化需求分析,歸納提出三大優化策略方向,包括場址概念模型完整性與優化、常用現地整治技術的優化作業,以及組合式整治系統優化等三大類型,並建議搭配行政面執行需求,整合了綠色整治、韌性整治等政策目標,建立國內場址整治程序優化執行作業流程與第三方輔導機制設計。後續藉由一處實際場址的標單示範填寫作業,完成檢核表單設計修訂,擬定國內整治程序優化概念指引,並整合補助專案成果,提供各類優化技術支援清單。 在國內基礎技術能量的推展上,完成112年補助專案的徵求、核定與推動執行暨例行管考作業作業,並透過研析國內長期土水技術發展需求與呼應國家環境發展政策、歸納國際土水技術發展趨勢等成果,完成113年度補助專案計畫徵求書修訂與計畫徵求宣傳等相關事宜。針對前項徵求事宜,完成擬定8大徵求主題與11項徵求子題設計,並以精進專案審理鑑別度、契合政策需求技術、提升審查速度與效率為目標,持續推動與辦理徵求與審理作業。此外,為降低未來管考審閱人力作業負擔,建構線上審查系統及全新功能入口。續搭配試驗專案執行需求,合計完成9場次審查與說明會議,以及15場次模場訪視工作辦理。 為能提升土水技術之應用,本計畫整合國內應加速改善場址需求作為技術實場化驗證示範,並研析擴大計畫規模驗證技術的可行性,提出模場應用型專案設計。規劃內容涵蓋申請資格與技術門檻設計、訂定配合款比例、提高計畫補助額度、以計畫成果之授權、技術轉移的優先權等條件為誘因,以期未來吸引更多業界投入,藉以帶動土水產業技術升級。 為增加技術擴散之廣度,採行主動式推廣的作法,已完成3項調查類技術文宣與影音推廣工具的製作工作。計畫期間合計完成3場次媒合交流活動與26攤次技術攤位展示,共吸引超過350人次參與交流,至少促成3件技術合作洽談,達成透過多元化組合宣傳工具增加技術的擴散與滲透度,實現技術推廣、擴散、實務化與市場化的目的。另完成三大系統土水技術入口網單一入口整合作業,重新建構系統後台管理介面,並擴建系統資料庫與多項專區功能優化,成為我國土水技術發展重要的技術交流與匯集平台。
中文關鍵字 技術發展、技術推廣、整治程序優化


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9033.9 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/25 專案結束日期 2024/12/16 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 林詩涵 執行單位 鑫訓工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 土水技術應用及整治程序輔導計畫.pdf 35MB

Soil and Groundwater Technology Application and Remediation Process Guidance Project

英文摘要 To realize the soil and groundwater protection and management related technologies development and promotion policy as well as the roadmap defined in the “Multi-Year Technology Development Plan for Contaminated Site”, the Ministry of Environment continued to advance the efforts to achieve the goals of “technology development and optimization” and “technology penetration and application”. This project has focused on making-up the gaps in sustainability and in the technical needs, improving cost efficiency of a remedy as well as leading the research and study in planning the framework of the Remediation Process Optimization (RPO) to elevate the feasibility on enhancing the remediation effectiveness and to offer a system for promoting RPO. By integrating the research and pilot testing program supported by the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund for the year of 2023, an extension of the program to full-scale technical demonstration was designed and proposed. The extension program proposed was to reenforce the partnership between the public and private sectors so that the acceleration of contaminated site delisting and remediation effectiveness can be improved. Also, the roadmap for technology promotion has been followed to select research outcomes of excellency and to promoted through passive and dynamic promotion protocols as well as research achievement conventions and matching works. A virtual exhibition platform was implemented along with the conventions to provide diverse technology promotion actions for achieving the goals. On the theme of the technology development, this study has completed the reviews on the international and domestic RPO related information, the consolidation of the RPO framework and the domestic technology application trend and optimization needs. On the theme of execution, the assessment of RPO procedures was carried out and a collaboration model for academia and industry was proposed for future implementation. To advocate the RPO in actual implementation, a guidance for Remediation Process Optimization was also drafted. For the management of the research and pilot testing program, the deliverables included the completion of requests for proposal, mid-term report review, final report review, and variety of auditing and conference meetings. Throughout the execution of the program, this study has proposed improvement solutions with respect to the procedure, performance assessment, and cost-benefit analysis to be considered in the future implementation of the program. Based on domestic development needs and responding to national environmental development policies as well as international soil and water technology development trends, this work has completed the revision of the 2024 plan solicitation and made recommendations on 8 major research themes and 11 sub-themes for the research program. An online review mechanism plan was also recommended to reduce the personnel demand for the future management examination reviews. By integrating the research and pilot testing programs supported by the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund for the year of 2023 and 2024, an extension of the program to full-scale technical demonstration was designed and proposed. The extension program proposed was to reenforce the partnership between the public and private sectors so that the acceleration of contaminated site delisting and remediation effectiveness can be improved. The information system for the management of the program has been properly maintained during the period of the project. Constructing an online review system and a new functional portal were completed and the outcome further reduced the labor requirement on future management examination reviews. To increase the degree of the technical penetration, this project also delivered three events of “soil and groundwater technologies matching for industry and academia” and display 26 technology exhibition booths. There were over 350 participants in the exchange and at least 3 technical cooperation agreements were facilitated. The future challenges in the contaminated site management can be better resolved with the collaborative work and technologies transfer. In addition, the integration of the three major soil and water technology resource portals into a single portal has accomplished. The system backstage management interface was restructured. The system database was also expanded and multiple functions were optimized,. The integrated system become an important technology exchange and gathering platform for the development of Taiwan soil and water technology.
英文關鍵字 Technology Development, Technology Promotion, Remediation Process Optimization