

中文摘要 本計畫經費共計新台幣11,220,000元整,計畫期程自113年1月1日起至113年12月31日止,截至113年12月16日止,本計畫已完成進度100%,實際執行進度為99.12%,計畫部分作業項目因實際規劃執行後無需支用部分作業項目等原因,將於期末以實作數量進行驗收,詳細說明請參第1.4節。 茲摘錄計畫工作成果簡述如下: 列管場址管理情況:至12月16日止持續列管中場址共9處,包含3處整治場址(華淵電機公司、關西鎮大旱坑段大東坑小段1-1地號、新豐鄉新豐段797等3筆地號)、5處控制場址(全興避震器公司、旭德公司、三陽新豐廠、南港輪胎新豐廠、中國製釉公司)、1處七條五場址(碩禾公司中華廠)。場址驗證作業,4月、6月完成精鈺金屬公司、台燿公司驗證作業,驗證結果符合改善目標,已完成解除列管。場址地下水監測作業,10月完成旭德公司及台燿公司周邊地下水監測作業,監測結果均無異常。離場土壤抽測,9月至10月針對大旱場址辦理4批次離場土壤抽測,監督污染改善成效,確認離場土壤是否符合處理機構許可收受項目。綠色永續型整治推廣作業,本年度召集列管場址辦理綠色永續整治施政推廣說明會,前往大旱場址辦理綠色永續型整治最佳管理措施檢核審查會,針對列管場址辦理巡查監督,積極輔導場址如期如質完成改善。詳細管理狀況請參第3章。 工業區申報備查資料:申報備查管理作業,共計有10處工業區,其中1處北埔工業區屬低污染免監測工業區,其餘9處需於每年2、7月辦理申報作業,已協助檢視資料完整性、正確性及有無異常情形,並妥善彙整資料提供即時查詢。本年度針對新竹科學園區地下水監測井J00172辦理地下水監測工作,監測結果無異常。詳細工作內容請參第4章。 列管事業管理情況︰貯存系統事業,協助申報資料審查工作(90處),並辦理16處地下儲槽系統事業書面資料勾稽與測漏管查核工作、14處地上儲槽系統事業法規符合度追蹤複查及輔導工作。土污法第八、九條列管事業,執行土壤污染評估調查資料申報審查工作,針對申報內容、監測結果等有疑慮者(以光電材料及元件製造業優先),辦理2場環境場址勘查評估作業及查證作業,4月完成碩禾公司中華廠查證作業,土壤鎘超過土壤污染管制標準,已列管;9月完成華信公司湖口廠查證作業,土壤砷超過土壤污染管制標準,建議列管。事業土壤及地下水污染預防管理工作,A群(加強管理群)已辦理1場次現勘與預防管理行前說明會,38場次現勘與預防管理工作,及辦理5場採樣前會勘作業及進場查證作業,土壤污染查證結果:(1)合昌公司及台灣櫻宮公司,檢測結果均低於土壤污染管制標準。(2)貝克休斯公司及復盛公司竹科一廠土壤重金屬超過土壤污染監測標準,建議函文要求事業自主監測土壤重金屬品質。(3)高美可公司土壤重金屬超過土壤污染監測標準、地下水氨氮超過地下水污染監測標準,建議函文要求事業自主監測土壤及地下水品質;B群(自主管理群)已辦理2場次自主預防管理說明會,並依自主預防管理計畫填報情形,抽選13處進場檢視查核自主預防執行成果;C群(檢視管理群)已完成20家事業現場勘查運作情形,詳細工作內容請參第5章。 應變調查、查證與其他調查工作:應變調查、查證工作,統計至113年12月16日,共計執行5案,實支經費共394,500元。農地同步採樣作業,配合農糧署作物採樣期程辦理,完成第一、二期作農地同步採樣作業,監測結果均無異常。農地污染預防重點作業,已辦理22場次環境勘查評估作業、34組土壤採樣及XRF篩測作業,土壤SA03(新豐鄉新庄子段722地號)經XRF篩測與實驗室全量分析,確認重金屬銅濃度高於食用作物農地管制標準,故接續辦理農作物剷除銷燬及應變改善,已於10月完成污染應變及自主驗證作業,並由環保局於11月25日辦理改善後之驗證作業,驗證結果符合改善目標;辦理23組灌溉水水質基本分析初驗及4組重金屬分析複驗、50組污染防治區之圳路樹脂包調查,調查結果無明顯異常情形;底泥灌溉渠道採樣作業,辦理12點次底泥採樣、4點次水質採樣、24組樹脂包調查,翁厝南幹線(LA0201)之重金屬鋅、樹杞林圳幹線(LA0301)之重金屬銅有超過底泥品質指標上限值,建議通報目的事業主管機關加強監測,詳細工作內容請參第6章。 其他協助事項︰監測井管理,完成上半年度123口、下半年度120口巡查工作,並執行外觀維護12口、設施修復5口、內部功能檢查18口(增做4口微水試驗)、再次完井10口、異物排除5口、標準監測井廢井5口等作業。行政協助與宣導作業,辦理2場土壤及地下水污染整治法法規說明會(共138人)、1場施政推廣宣導會(共44人)、8節課校園宣導活動(共249人)、2場次民眾宣導活動(共385人)及2場次創新作為-桌遊宣導。每月提供工作月報,維護更新土水系統資料,積極達成環保署績效考評統計業務內容,全力協助環保局取得滿分之佳績。詳細工作內容請參第7章。
中文關鍵字 113年度新竹縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 11220 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 簡庭駿
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇美娜 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫_期末報告(定稿本)_合併.pdf 60MB 113年新竹縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫期末報告

Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Hsinchu County in 2024.

英文摘要 The total cost of this project is NT $ 11,220,000 with the overall project period between 2024/01/01 and 2024/12/31. Until 2024/12/16, the project has been accomplished with 100% of progress, and the actual implementation progress is 99.12%. For the details, please refer to Chapter 1.4 in the report. The following is a summary of the current result status in this project: The management statuses of the classified sites: As of 2024/12/16, there were 9 sites still under control or regulatory listing, including 3 remediation sites, 5 control sites and 1“Article 7-V” site. Site Verification Operations: In April and June, verification operations were completed for Jing Yuh Metal Industrial Co., LTD. and Taiwan Union Technology Co., LTD. The results met the improvement targets, and the sites have been officially delisted from regulatory control. Groundwater Off-Site Soil Sampling: From September to October, four batches of off-site soil sampling were conducted at the Dahankeng Section site to monitor pollution remediation effectiveness and confirm whether the off-site soil complied with the permitted acceptance criteria of processing facilities.For detailed management information, please refer to Chapter 3. Industrial park data application: 10 industrial areas are subject to inspection and management for future reference, 1 of them, Beipu Industrial Zone, could be prevented from monitoring, other 9 should conduct data application every February and July. The assistance of review of the completeness, correctness, and abnormality of the documents, and integration of them to provide a reference for the competent authorities when pollution occurs. For the details, please refer to Chapter 4. The management statuses of the classified business: The declaration reports of 90 enterprises with underground storage tank systems are reviewed, and the articulation of documents and leakage checks in 16 businesses with underground storage tanks have been completed, and follow-up review and guidance on compliance with regulations for 14 above-ground storage tank systems. For the classified business under articles 8 and 9 of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation act, regulatory compliance enterprises underwent soil pollution assessment and investigation report reviews. For cases with questionable declarations or monitoring results, a total of 2 environmental surveys and assessment operations. In April, verification at the Giga Solar Materials Co., LTD. (China factory) was completed, revealed cadmium levels in the soil exceeding soil pollution control standards, and has listed site under management. And, in September, verification at the Arima Lasers Co., LTD. (Hukou factory) was completed, revealed arsenic levels in the soil exceeding soil pollution control standards, and suggestion management this site. The following are regarding the enterprise's prevention and management of soil and groundwater pollution. For Group A (Strengthened Management Group), 1 Pre-trip briefing session on on-site survey and preventive management, 38 on-site survey and preventive management field trips, and 5 pre-sampling survey and inspection operations were completed. For group B (Self-management Group), 2 self-prevention management briefing session was held, and based on self-declarations reported under self-prevention management plans, 13 sites were selected to inspect and verify the implementation results of independent prevention. For Group C (inspection management group), the on-site inspection and operation status of 20 enterprises has been completed. For the details, please refer to Chapter 5. Investigation and verification for emergency response: As of 2024/12/16, 5 cases have been conducted and the total cost of the above tasks is NT$ 394,500. Regarding agricultural land pollution prevention tasks, 22 environmental surveys and assessment operations, 34 sets of soil samplings and XRF screenings have been completed. The XRF screening and full laboratory analysis results showed the concentration of heavy metal copper of SA03(Land No. 722, Xinzhuangzi Section, Xinfeng Township) is slightly higher than the standard value of Foodcrop Farmland Control Standards, subsequent actions included the removal and destruction of crops, along with response and remediation measures. The pollution response and self-verification processes were completed in October, and the EPB conducted post-remediation verification on 2024/11/25. For the details, please refer to Chapter 6. Miscellaneous: soil and groundwater pollution remediation law and regulations briefings, policy promotion and publicity meeting, campus education activities, public communication campaigns were conducted, and innovative action-board game promotion. For the details, please refer to Chapter 7.
英文關鍵字 Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Hsinchu County in 2024.